Simplifying my Diet HELP!!!

Calorie counting with homemade meals has always been cumbersome for me. First of all, I love cooking homemade meals, but I hate measuring out ingredients in my recipes. Then having to log each individual ingredient just takes up too much time, or maybe I'm just lazy. So I end up guessing at portions, or finding meals someone else has logged that is close to mine and long story short, my calories become imaginary points that never equal what I am actually ingesting.

This diet time around, I am going to try and simplify my meals.

What does that mean? Well to start I am going to try to eat meals with fewer ingredients and less steps to prepare.

Does anyone have any suggestions for simple meals that are easy to calorie count?

I seem to do fine with breakfast, but lunch and dinner are tricky. Today I had a Lean Cuisine for lunch but not sure if this is a good idea long term.


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Have you used the recipes builder at all? I use it for my basic recipes and just tweak ingredient amounts and serving size as needed. Cuts down on a lot of the work, and much better than trying to add individual ingredients to my diary every time!

    That said, a lot of my meals are relatively simple. A protein (cooked simply - grilled, braised, or baked typically), vegetables (steamed or roasted, again limited ingredients) and/or a simple spinach salad, and a starch of some sort (rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.) Just be sure to account for any added oils or butter in the preparation.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Calorie counting with homemade meals has always been cumbersome for me. First of all, I love cooking homemade meals, but I hate measuring out ingredients in my recipes. Then having to log each individual ingredient just takes up too much time, or maybe I'm just lazy. So I end up guessing at portions, or finding meals someone else has logged that is close to mine and long story short, my calories become imaginary points that never equal what I am actually ingesting.

    This diet time around, I am going to try and simplify my meals.

    What does that mean? Well to start I am going to try to eat meals with fewer ingredients and less steps to prepare.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for simple meals that are easy to calorie count?

    I seem to do fine with breakfast, but lunch and dinner are tricky. Today I had a Lean Cuisine for lunch but not sure if this is a good idea long term.

    Use the recipe builder...then you only have to measure out and input your ingredients one time and can just select that meal whenever you have it.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Calorie counting with homemade meals has always been cumbersome for me. First of all, I love cooking homemade meals, but I hate measuring out ingredients in my recipes. Then having to log each individual ingredient just takes up too much time, or maybe I'm just lazy. So I end up guessing at portions, or finding meals someone else has logged that is close to mine and long story short, my calories become imaginary points that never equal what I am actually ingesting.

    This diet time around, I am going to try and simplify my meals.

    What does that mean? Well to start I am going to try to eat meals with fewer ingredients and less steps to prepare.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for simple meals that are easy to calorie count?

    I seem to do fine with breakfast, but lunch and dinner are tricky. Today I had a Lean Cuisine for lunch but not sure if this is a good idea long term.

    Use the recipe builder...then you only have to measure out and input your ingredients one time and can just select that meal whenever you have it.

    ^This. Recipe builder is your friend. The time you spend asking for an easy fix, you could have a recipe already input into MFP. Seriously, it's that easy :)
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I agree about using the recipe builder. To that end, I love to cook with Cooking Light cookbooks. They have some that have short ingredient lists, usually their meals that are meant to be prepared fast (Fresh Foods Fast). I know that they are not the most incredibly tasting meals I have prepared, but honestly, they're well balanced, healthy, fresh, easy... the list goes on. Because there aren't loads of ingredients, it's not hard to weigh things out and record them in the recipe builder. I have 14 pages of recipes on mfp. Eventually, it isn't as cumbersome. Good for you for realizing where your mistake was and looking for a solution!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I agree about the recipe builder.

    Also remember that when you find the right entries and use ingredients that they stay in your recent or frequent foods.

    That said, I enjoy cooking, but most of my cooking (because of time) is pretty simple, and logging intensified that tendency. For example, a typical dinner when I was logging would be a protein, cooked pretty plainly, either a starchy side or perhaps some fruit (sometimes both), and vegetables. I'd log those ingredients and whatever oil I used in cooking (I usually don't log garlic, often don't log vinegar, if I am feeling lazy).

    So a couple of examples:

    pork chops with roasted acorn squash and roasted brussels sprouts on the side, cooked with apples, onions, and cabbage. That's 7 ingredients to log (including oil), but they'd likely all be in my diary, so it was just a matter of noting the ingredients -- far less work for me than trying to find some comparable entry which would be wrong anyway.

    pasta with a homemade sauce with shrimp, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach, plus some pine nuts. 9 ingredients this time, again likely in my foods already, so just note down amounts.

    If I am cooking multiple servings (usually), I note down the total amount and then log the whole and take a fifth (or whatever) and log a fifth of each of the amounts. To determine a fifth I might weigh the whole but more often I divide up the amounts when cooking is finished (including amounts for leftovers) and eyeball it -- when you have two servings to compare it's not hard to be pretty accurate.
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    I also have this problem where I hardly ever follow the recipe, or the same recipe the same way. I just don't think the recipe builder would work for me because I hardly ever make the same thing twice. Simpler meals (fewer ingredients) I think is the only way I will be able to log correctly.

    Any simple, few ingredient recipes to share?
  • ceolyn
    ceolyn Posts: 31 Member
    For simplicity check out The Stone Soup. All of the recipes are built around the idea of not having more than five ingredients. Some of the recipes are higher calorie than others, but some easy substitutions should help. The writer even includes some basic substitutions for things like paleo, gf, etc.

    When I'm looking for something easy to make, that won't take a ton of time or break the bank it's one of my go-to resources.

    Does making a larger batch of something (e.g. meaty pasta sauce) and freezing it in pre-made portions something that makes sense to you? If so that's also a way to help simplify and add consistency.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I just cook either a chicken breast, pork chop, steak, piece of fish, etc, then a side of vegetables seasoned how I want. If I need more than that and have more calories to use, I might add some rice or pasta with the veggies. Simple to track. When I eat out, I have an 8 oz steak and a baked potato with butter. Really easy to track and usually the lowest calorie item on the menu.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I also have this problem where I hardly ever follow the recipe, or the same recipe the same way. I just don't think the recipe builder would work for me because I hardly ever make the same thing twice. Simpler meals (fewer ingredients) I think is the only way I will be able to log correctly.

    Any simple, few ingredient recipes to share?

    I don't follow recipes ever (well, except for baking), but I still find the recipe builder useful, because you can put in what you used and set the serving size as you like (100 g is good, or 10). And when you make it again you can change quantities and delete and add ingredients.

    As for simpler meals, do you want something different than what I gave immediately above? I guess I'm not understanding.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Here's what I do:

    1. Focus on accurately logging the ingredients that count. Fats, meats, carbs.
    2. Don't worry too much about logging the low-calorie ingredients. Salt, seasonings, small amounts of low-cal veggies like celery, onions, garlic, carrot, etc.

    I understand how logging recipes can be cumbersome but I just do it anyway. I bring a notepad into the kitchen with me and write down the gram values of my ingredients as I prepare them.

    Then I go into the MFP Recipe Builder and select the "bulk import option" so I can just type in each ingredient I wrote down. For example, for a batch of chicken noodle soup, I might type:

    800g boneless skinless chicken breast usda
    20g butter
    200g carrot usda
    200g onion usda
    2 cup lifesmart low sodium chicken broth

    I don't bother adding in things like salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    ceolyn wrote: »
    For simplicity check out The Stone Soup. All of the recipes are built around the idea of not having more than five ingredients. Some of the recipes are higher calorie than others, but some easy substitutions should help. The writer even includes some basic substitutions for things like paleo, gf, etc.

    When I'm looking for something easy to make, that won't take a ton of time or break the bank it's one of my go-to resources.

    Great site, thanks for posting link!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't use recipes- and if I do- I repeat them if they were good.

    Otherwise- it is just- chicken and a vegetable. and that's it. baked chiken- grilled chicken- poached chicken. whatever. all the same thing. Just chicken.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I weigh meat. I put it in a pan without oil. I cook it and put hot sauce on it. Then put it on top of a crap ton of vegetables.

    I can't be bothered with more than 3 ingredients.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You guys talked me into the meal and recipe tool and I used it the first time this week. It actually worked out really easily... thanks to you all!

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I weigh meat. I put it in a pan without oil. I cook it and put hot sauce on it. Then put it on top of a crap ton of vegetables.

    I can't be bothered with more than 3 ingredients.

    That's pretty much dinner 5 nights a week, the meat changes, the sauce changes, the veggies change but the theme remains.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I weigh meat. I put it in a pan without oil. I cook it and put hot sauce on it. Then put it on top of a crap ton of vegetables.

    I can't be bothered with more than 3 ingredients.

    That's pretty much dinner 5 nights a week, the meat changes, the sauce changes, the veggies change but the theme remains.

    Yeah I'm not a chef. Tonight I literally ate ground turkey and two chicken hot dogs on lettuce with onions, ketchup and mustard.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I weigh meat. I put it in a pan without oil. I cook it and put hot sauce on it. Then put it on top of a crap ton of vegetables.

    I can't be bothered with more than 3 ingredients.

    That's pretty much dinner 5 nights a week, the meat changes, the sauce changes, the veggies change but the theme remains.

    Yeah I'm not a chef. Tonight I literally ate ground turkey and two chicken hot dogs on lettuce with onions, ketchup and mustard.

    I adore cooking, but when I make something a little more fancy, I either recipe build it or just don't log it lol. I work long hours and need to fit in other stuff, so the simple meat and veg combo is the easiest way out more weeknights. Oh, except for Taco Tuesday. But I have a meal for those, they're always exactly the same.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I weigh meat. I put it in a pan without oil. I cook it and put hot sauce on it. Then put it on top of a crap ton of vegetables.

    I can't be bothered with more than 3 ingredients.

    That's pretty much dinner 5 nights a week, the meat changes, the sauce changes, the veggies change but the theme remains.

    Yeah I'm not a chef. Tonight I literally ate ground turkey and two chicken hot dogs on lettuce with onions, ketchup and mustard.

    I adore cooking, but when I make something a little more fancy, I either recipe build it or just don't log it lol. I work long hours and need to fit in other stuff, so the simple meat and veg combo is the easiest way out more weeknights. Oh, except for Taco Tuesday. But I have a meal for those, they're always exactly the same.

    Perfect. I should start making it a Taco salad Tuesday.
  • getalife9353
    getalife9353 Posts: 100 Member

    This diet time around, I am going to try and simplify my meals.

    What does that mean? Well to start I am going to try to eat meals with fewer ingredients and less steps to prepare.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for simple meals that are easy to calorie count?

    I seem to do fine with breakfast, but lunch and dinner are tricky. Today I had a Lean Cuisine for lunch but not sure if this is a good idea long term.

    For lunch and dinner I eat pretty simple whole food meals, along these lines:
    1 meat (chicken, pork loin, tuna steak, occasionally beef) about 4 - 6 oz
    1 starch (baked potato, baked sweet potato, 1 cup whole grain rice) depending on size of potato, will may only do 1/2 per meal.
    2 vegetables (steamed broccoli, carrots, corn, green beans, peas, etc) 3 - 4 oz. each.

    You can adjust the serving size of the meet and/or starch to fit your calorie goal for the meal.