
Just wondering who else is doing a keto diet?! I'm coupling it with IF (No food between 8p to 12p next day).
Please keep positive, if you don't agree with keto that's ok however please keep those comments to your self.


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I did keto for a year but ultimately found it unsustainable and regained the weight, so unfortunately it didn't work for me. I did enjoy the lack of hunger it gave me. Good luck!

    There is a Low-Carbers group on here you could check out for like-minded folks:
  • ramie2018
    ramie2018 Posts: 2 Member
    hi I'm just starting my keto plan - :)
  • mwillder1
    mwillder1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey--I've been doing this for about 5 months now and am down 26lbs or so. No real hunger cravings and I love what I eat. It's been a revelation for me, fwiw.
  • liftnketo
    liftnketo Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve been keto for 6 months and have lost 53 lbs. I have another 90 to go, but I will eat this way the rest of my life. No more T2 diabetes or fatty liver! Keto on!
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    edited February 2018
    I started keto on the first of the year, and I’m surprised by how much I like it. I always thought sugar was the one thing I could never give up (and soft, squishy refined carbs were a close second), but I got to my first planned “cheat” period last week, and...meh.

    Eating this way seems to make foods I never thought much about before taste really good. It’s inconvenient at times, but it’s also pretty cool to be someone who gets more excited about raspberries and avocados than, say, croissants. I’ve never had this kind of stability and control in my eating before, plus I’m down ten pounds I hadn’t been able to shake for over a year before.

    You have to enjoy it, though. If you hate it, it’s just too much work, too much cooking, too much math, too much mindfulness. Once I’m at my goal weight (or a few pounds under, to account for water weight lost), I plan to try transition to just very low-carb, and hopefully I can hold onto these new patterns while introducing some grains, fruits, and maybe even the occasional dessert. I really don’t want to go back to feeling so overpowered by food. This makes me much happier.
  • adeste
    adeste Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2018
    liftnketo wrote: »
    I’ve been keto for 6 months and have lost 53 lbs. I have another 90 to go, but I will eat this way the rest of my life. No more T2 diabetes or fatty liver! Keto on!

    I started IF almost two weeks ago and Keto for one week. In these two weeks I dropped 18 pounds! I don’t crave sugar or bread. I’m only drinking water. I also am on phentermine. Add me on myfitnesspal!

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