1200 calorie successes?



  • brianna3152
    brianna3152 Posts: 10 Member
    jigglybits wrote: »
    I'm struggling with 1200

    My advice if you are struggling: Check in on your protein to see if you are getting enough. Or, try allowing yourself to eat whatever you want (as long as it is within the 1200 calories), instead of worrying so much about "clean" eating or your macros. Or, just try maintaining your weight for a bit without losing to get used to the tracking and restriction. Then lower your daily calories a little each week.

    My own experience: I started eating vegan in July and allowed myself to eat whatever, as long as it was vegan (Oreos included). Then in October I started tracking at only one-calorie loss per week. Then, when I felt comfortable with that, I lowered it to a two-calorie loss per week (I was then at 1200 calories/day). As I mentioned above, I always allow myself a non-tracking day on Saturday after I weigh in to give myself a break and satisfy any cravings I may have had during the week (this week it was vegan brownies). I believe I will have to change this eventually, but I am working up to it :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    jigglybits wrote: »
    I'm struggling with 1200

    What are your stats? Height, weight, age? How much weight do you want to lose in total?

    Unless you have more than 75 pounds to lose, a 2 pound a week goal is too aggressive.

    Sometimes 1200 is appropriate (petite, older, sedentary). Sometimes 1200 is based on your stats. But if you pick an aggressive goal, the stats become meaningless because 1200 is just as low as the program will allow.

    Also keep in mind 1200 is before exercise in MFP. If you plan on exercise you earn more calories.
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    sometimes your body will hold onto your fat more if it thinks you are starving the body is smart.

    well, no, not exactly that. If you are eating at deficit you will lose fat (although you may not be healthy depending on how big a deficit and the nutrition content of the food)

    what will happen if you diet long term and suddenly stop and return to normal the body will start to store more fat in case you go into another "famine" (your body doesn't know you cut your calories on purpose). So its regain that is the problem. You can avoid this by not going back to "normal" quickly, but easing into a regime that is eventually "normal". This will probably include slowly increasing calories and exercise, and concentrating on maintenance.

    no your body will not hold onto fat in a deficit of calories in case of the next famine. thats an old myth. if you are on a deficit too long your body goes into adaptive thermogenesis. if your body held onto fat people who are starving or anorexic and so on would not continue to lose weight. most people who think they are eating 1200 and not losing often times are eating more than they think and they are eating maintenance calories(if its not a health issue). the only way to tell is by using a food scale. if someone is not losing eating 1200 calories either they arent logging/weighing properly, using wrong entries,been eating too little for too long(which eating more can help with hormones and the adaptive thermogenesis) ,theres a health issue or they dont have a lot left to lose so it has slowed way down. which happens with everyone.

    I can’t tell if you are agreeing with me, or if you misread what I meant and are disagreeing lol
  • readytoleave6393
    Any vegans? Add me!
  • LucyLondon333
    LucyLondon333 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I am on 1200 calories most days and lost 32 pounds in 5 months.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I do not believe that it is always "too aggressive" to try to lose 2 lbs per week if you have less than 75 lbs to lose.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    London423 wrote: »
    Liposuction causes long-term cell hypertrophy and lots of long-term health problems. It isn't magic. http://roguehealthandfitness.com/dangers-of-liposuction/ You can check this out and https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/01/weekinreview/01kolata.html, and there is so much more. Liposuction is a dangerous and harmful scam. Short term results do equal the long-term.

    Why are you posting this unrelated information on multiple threads?
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