It’s only been 3 weeks but...

I’ve been logging faithfully for 20 days. I scan foods as often as possible. I am trying to make better recipes so I subscribed to some sites and enter the recipes into here to make sure the calories are correct. Most days are at goal or a little over. I’ve had 2-3 cheat days, which still weren’t too far over. I’ve added movement to my days.
I’m absolutely starving. My family says my mood is different. I lost two pounds the first two weeks, then this week, where I ate under goal a few days and was perfect, I gained a pound! I’m so ready to give up! Any advice?


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I went through this recently. I got off track the last week or so and just got back at it again this week. :neutral: I try so hard not to focus on the number on the scales but it's hard when in the past I always lose at least 1-2 lbs a week. The last few times I've tried cutting back on calories, weighing my food, being more active I only gained or I didn't lose at all. It's very frustrating. Makes me want to give up because in my mind it's like why cut back and not enjoy what I want like before if I'm just going to remain the same instead of enjoying what I like. Then I've heard others say that it can take a while to see a change and sometimes you have to measure your body instead of weighing. I guess to each his own but the closer I get to 50 years old the harder it is for me to lose a pound.
  • hellobarb
    hellobarb Posts: 15 Member
    Keep up what you're doing! Maybe try to increase your water intake if you're not drinking enough. Also take measurements. My scale didn't move at all for 3 weeks, then all of a sudden, I am down 6 pounds. Weight loss isn't linear, so don't give up.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    We will need more information. How many calories are you eating a day? The cheat days, how many calories over? Starting weight, height, and goal?

    You've lost 2 pounds in 20 days? this maybe okay but it all depends.

    Do you use a food scale to weigh everything? Do you pick the right foods from the database?
  • cnferrara
    cnferrara Posts: 6 Member
    I eat 1290 per day and try not to use exercise calories. Sometimes I’m 2-20 over. The cheat days, one weekend day, I’ve been over about 250. Starting weight 146, goal 130, I’m 5’3”. I use measuring cups when I’m serving myself at supper. My breakfasts and lunches are either recipes I made and have already divided into servings or are from the database. I try to scan foods to make sure my foods are accurate
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    You have so little to lose, those last little bits will take longer. Nose to the grind stone! You've got this.

    It took me 6 months to lose 20 pounds and it took accurate calorie counting.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    cnferrara wrote: »
    I eat 1290 per day and try not to use exercise calories. Sometimes I’m 2-20 over. The cheat days, one weekend day, I’ve been over about 250. Starting weight 146, goal 130, I’m 5’3”. I use measuring cups when I’m serving myself at supper. My breakfasts and lunches are either recipes I made and have already divided into servings or are from the database. I try to scan foods to make sure my foods are accurate

    Unless you weigh solids, even ones you scan, and measure liquids your intake will be off. eyeballing can be 20-50+% off, measuring vs. weighing can be 10-30% off
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    cnferrara wrote: »
    I eat 1290 per day and try not to use exercise calories. Sometimes I’m 2-20 over. The cheat days, one weekend day, I’ve been over about 250. Starting weight 146, goal 130, I’m 5’3”. I use measuring cups when I’m serving myself at supper. My breakfasts and lunches are either recipes I made and have already divided into servings or are from the database. I try to scan foods to make sure my foods are accurate

    Unless you weigh solids, even ones you scan, and measure liquids your intake will be off. eyeballing can be 20-50+% off, measuring vs. weighing can be 10-30% off

    this. Depending on the food item, the bulk density when you scoop/pour it can be WAY off from what the package estimates. Also, the entries for the scanned items are often wrong (about 50/50 for me. either the wrong item or an older version of it with different calorie count). Otherwise, give it more time..especially as a female, water weight will fluctuate A LOT during the month.
  • CourtneyUT
    CourtneyUT Posts: 48 Member
    I was starving and stressed out so I changed my macros up a bit. I eat less carbs and more fat, and now I feel full and happy. For you, it may be that protein is the magic macro that helps you feel fuller. Try switching those around. If it worked for me, it may work for you. And as far as weight loss goes, give it time. It's a marathon.
  • kellyholder9229
    kellyholder9229 Posts: 7 Member
    Your story is relatable. I had a baby almost two years ago. I'm still fighting to get to my prebaby weight. It's really hard. But I changed my eating habits and I'm working out daily so I am seeing good results now. That scale can be very hurtful so I'm more focused on how my clothes fit. I hope that you can feel good about yourself and find other ways to get the results that you want. I support you 100%.