Team UK & Ireland- August 2011

Hi Guys!
I'm trying to get back on track and the first group I looked for was team UK, but I couldn't find any more recent threads than June. A couple of regulars agreed they couldn't find one, so here I am starting it.
I've not had a great time recently and have just had the holiday from hell with the in-laws, and as a result have put back on nearly all the weight I lost since I started on here in January....wahhh! Just haven't had the headspace for me. But I have to start putting my health further up the list of priorities, so here I am again. (Damnation. How many times have I said that?)

It's great to see so many old mates still active-
How's it going for everyone?

:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:


  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi I used to be part of Team UK about 5 months ago! but as it quietened down i left it.

    I'm Hannah :) and my goal weight was 140 which i hit about a week ago, I'm now trying to lose a few more lbs and tone up before I go on holiday to Dubai in Less than 4 weeks!
    I'm going for 2 weeks and a weight increase is pretty much guaranteed while I'm out there so if i can go a few below my GW then hopefully i can afford to put a few on!

    This month I'm going to try and burn around 5000 calories a week and eat my 1200 calories a day, until the last week in August where I'm going to do a 4 day detox to get rid of the last lbs!
    Good luck with your weight loss :) xxx
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Hi all,

    Been off track for a few weeks, although haven't gained but need to get back on track before I do!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well with their weight loss etc


  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all

    Great to see the return of the UK & Ireland group - I too looked for it recently and couldn't find any for July. I have decided to stop doing things half-heartedly and get some determination to meet this long term goal. I completely understand where you're coming from Rosy, I've said soooooooo many times "right, i'm back on it" and then fallen off the wagon within a week or so.

    This time however I feel different. I have stopped giving in to my late night snacking urges. I've resisted biscuits and cakes in the office (almost unheard of) as I am fed up of my "fat" wardrobe!! I have lost 6lbs in the last two weeks so that is giving me a boost to carry on. Having said that, going out to the pub for tea tonight with my friend for her birthday, and this pub does absolutely gorgeous home made desserts, so I am going to treat myself. If I start denying myself all the time I know I will fail. So a small carvery (no potatoes) and a yummy dessert tonight :-D

    Anyway, nice to have UK support on here....let's do this :-)

    Fran x
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Hannah- I dream of 140lbs *swoon swoon*. Haven't been that since I was 17.... Good work- I reckon you deserve Dubai :smile:

    Em- good to see you on here again. What do you need us to do to help you anchor yourself again?

    Fran- glad I'm not the only one! I know what you mean about the failure if you deny yourself...I find this evil gremlin arises in my mind that says 'to hell with it, why shouldn't I have that? I need something nice because I am tired/ feel low/ am annoyed/ have had a crap day at work/ feel unsupported' blah blah blah. In fact it goes on ad inifinitum to include everything under the sun, good and bad. eg I need something nice because i am alive. :frown: No surprises how I ended up at nearly 16 stone then- I've been alive an awful long time!

    I'm trying to do something different to stop me dropping contact with MFP when I stop losing weight every day (yes really- instantgratificationsRus). I need the goal to be something I can actually do something about (like exercise), rather than weight loss, which is a consequence of what I do. So I've joined the Jabba the Hutt challenge- 300 exercise cals minimum to earn every two days, or you lose a life. As I've turned so static I could be mistaken for a vegetable at a distance, I'm hoping this gives me a kick start. And I've certainly been feeling a bit of mojo creeping back since I signed up, so here's hoping. Got to go and walk the dog now- that'll be my 300 for Mon/Tues.

    Ros x
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    That's a really good plan - having a positive focus that you can do something about every day and not rely on your body responding as expected which as we all know, it doesn't always do!

    I recently did a 60 mile bike ride (the profile pic is me crossing the finish line at Blackpool) and that gave me a focus, but I ate more as I was hungrier and ended up eating more than I was burning. Therefore, I now try to exercise every other day at least, and bike to work at least once a week (6 miles, so 12 miles round trip). I now also don't eat all my exercise calories, I allow myself to go a little into it but that's it!

    Hi Em - it's good you haven't put on. I always think even when I'm only doing it half-heartedly it's still better than not at all. I figure that if I've stayed the same or even put on a little when I've been sort of doing it - the damage would have been double that had I abandoned it completely. It will click in, and we can all help each other when the going gets tough :-)

    Hi Hannah - big congrats on getting to your goal :-) Mine is the same goal 140lbs, so it's great to see that someone else has achieved it - makes me believe it is possible as it seems so far away at the moment.

  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Cheers Rosy - good to have you back on the UK forum, hope you get back on track - the exercise challenge is a good idea!! I'm good at working out regularly but its the food that gets me, so I'm trying to have the things I fancy on my exercise days!!

    Hannah - It must feel so good to be at goal, i'm planning on going a pound or to under goal for a buffer!!

    Fran - Well done on the bike ride, I tend to eat 70% of my exercise calories and that seems to have worked for me :smile: I agree with the doing it half hearted comment, i was on hols recently and made some good food choices and managed a few runs with I'm hoping has saved me from any weight gain:frown:

    Have a good week everyone:smile:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Feeling freaked out by the riots. No trouble in Sheffield so far, thank God. Hope everyone on here is safe x
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Feeling freaked out by the riots. No trouble in Sheffield so far, thank God. Hope everyone on here is safe x

    Hi Rosy,

    Yes it was disturbing to see. My mum was in Salford yesterday late afternoon shopping and the shop she was in pulled the shutters down at about 3.15pm and asked the few customers in there to stay where they were. After half an hour or so they let them out and my mum got out safely. I live about 9 or 10 miles out of Salford and a bit further from Manchester city centre so was okay.

    I'm glad it's not hit Sheffield. I went to Uni there and it's a lovely city, would hate to see that get smashed up in the way Manchester has been. Mindless hooliganism and theft, very sad.

    Fran :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Hello! not sure how many groups it's wise to be in, but I'm in an august already.. but I can't NOT join you all and it won't be August forever :)

    my SW is 181.5 (today)
    CW same
    GW 176

    I'm off to Uni (Swansea) in Sept so want to get into the 160's by then - if I haven't left it too late.. have had a bad summer of losing , regaining, losing regaining the same 4 or 5 lbs. :(

    BUT I'm trying to change that. lol
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Completely agree about the riots,
    so upsetting and so unnecessary!
    people are saying they're rioting because of the government, but they're just using an excuse to be cruel and disgusting targeting innocent people and shop owners!

    Hope you are all okay and unaffected by it! xx
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Welcome porffor! Well done you on going to uni as a full time mature student with kids (I checked your profile ;) ) (!!! smilies aren't working!!!)- you're braver than me! Keep on doing the do, and you will become one of those sylph-like young things :)

    Glad to have you on here.

    I've impulsively downloaded couch to 5k on my iphone this morning and dragged my dog out for the first day. She was NOT impressed. Might have to put her on a lead next time so she doesn't keep hanging back trying to get me to go home! We walk on a lovely path next to one of the reservoirs outside Sheffield- I'm so lucky to have this counrtyside on my doorstep- so I don't usually have to put her on a lead. She'll be really disgusted with that...

    I started running about 8 years ago and got to the point where I was running 5k regularly a few times a week. Then I started to increase my distance to train for the Sheffield half marathon, and developed awful plantar fasciitis. Had to see a podiatrist and get specialist orthotics (I'm an over-pronator- which I already knew and had the right shoes but they weren't enough when I was overweight and starting to run uphill, all of which are risk factors for PF). The orthotics have enabled me to walk without pain, but on every occasion I've tried running again, the PF has started to come back. If my heel feels OK when I get out of bed tomorrow (ie no lancing pain when I put my foot on the floor), I'll keep doing the C25K, but I might halve the speed- ie do each week twice to give my soft tissues time to strengthen. Fingers- and toes- crossed.

    Hope everyone is having a good day

    Ros x
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good afternoon all, and happy August!!!

    Well, after my bridesmaids dress fitting last Wednesday night I decided that enough was enough and I had to get back on the wagon properly! My dress was quite tight around the waist!

    I came straight home from the fitting and washed a lettuce :laugh:

    So far so good... I've been having my usual porridge breakfast, some fish and salad for lunch and some meat and plenty of veggies for tea (although I did get a chinese on Friday night, but I only ate half and ate the other half on Saturday night... and I deserved it after the day I had on friday, which you will find out about if you read on). I've been weighing myself every morning just to keep tabs and I'm watchin the weight melt off :smile:

    Anyways, as stated above, I'd a really bad day on friday....

    I woke up in bed to find that my OH wasn't there, so I figured he must've fell asleep on the couch again, went downstairs and got him wakened. As there's a glass door between the kitchen and living room the pup could clearly see that I was up, and to save her from wrecking the kitchen I brought her up the stairs with me (where she usually lies on the floor and plays with one of her many toys). I lay back in bed as I do every morning, and opened my eyes just briefly to see where the pup was and ****SMACK****

    The pain in my eye was unbearable and I ran to the bathroom to disturb my OH's shower, ran in and ran cold water over my eye. I couldn't open my peeper at all! So off to A&E I went.

    As it turns out, the smack was from a puppy paw/claw and I had a lovely abrasion across the middle of the lens! So drops and ointment we being applied every two hours on Friday!

    I can finally almost see properly again, but it frightened the bejaysus out of me!
  • nikkionamission
    Hi all,
    I used to come on the team UK group regularly but I seem to have been so busy recently! I definitely think summer months are the hardest for weight loss...BBQs, festivals and holidays are hard!

    I'm off to a festival this weekend so am trying to be extra good this week and am really beasting myself at the gym, hopefully I'll be able to walk by the time I get there!

    I'm 1lb away from 3 stones lost which I'm hoping I'll meet at my weigh in on Thursday, I've been nearly there for weeks now it's driving me mad! I still have a long way to go until I hit the 140lb target but I'll get there :smile:

    Hope you all enjoy August and feel free to add me if you're looking for an extra UK friend :flowerforyou:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    God, Lesley, that does NOT sound fun! Hope you're eye is back to normal soon.
    Nikki- fingers crossed for you for Thursday! 1 itty bitty lb off 3 stone...

    Right. I am going out to do week 1 day 3 of C25K. I've been waiting for the rain to stop, but it hasn't, and I've been sitting in the kitchen at my laptop all day which is not good for my weight...cinnamon and raisin bagels in the bread bin are very audibly calling my name, and I've already succumbed once.

    Going to get the dog....and the ventolin. My husband came with me on Sunday and knew I was having an asthma attack as I stopped saying hello to every stranger we met., Apparently he couldn't think of anything apart from asthma that would stop me talking...
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Oooo Lesley that sounds nasty - you definitely deserved a Chinese after that ordeal - things with the eys make me squeamish! I'd have reached straight for a glass of wine I think! Hope it's much better now

    Hi Nikki - I know what you mean about summer festivals and BBQs. In many ways I find summer better for healthy eating as I can have salads for my lunch and you feel like you have more energy with the longer daylight hours to do exercise. BUT BBQs are a nightmare - and festivals too I guess, and holidays!! I've got a BBQ on Fri night and I don't want to blow all my hard work in one night. My problem is I'm either really really good or really really bad - I'm trying to teach myself moderation - that would be a massive NSV if I could do that regularly and not just once in a while. I hope you have fun at the festival - is it V Fest you're going to? Good luck with the 1lb, 3 stones is a massive achievement - well done :-)

    Hi Rosy - good for you doing the C25k. I see a lot of people on here talking about it - but I really don't enjoy running. I trained and trained a few years ago (when I was 2 stones lighter) for the Great Manchester 10k Run and just never got any better or faster. In fact my friend fast-walked it round quicker than I "jogged" it. However, I am loving cycling and the gym at the moment so I guess you have to do what you enjoy the most. It's a great challenge though, good luck and keep us updated. Do you have asthma all the time? I have exercise-induced asthma which seems to come on most when I'm cycling,but if I take my inhaler before I go out I'm usually ok.

    Hope everyone in Team UK & Ireland is having a good day - well a good day for a Tuesday anyway!!

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wow! ive missed loads! i seem to have lost the link to the thread! i did the northern numpties and southern softies challange for a bit and it was great motivation! but the thread went all queit so wasnt sure if it still existed

    Im still here, maintaining 8st 10lbs which im quite happy with been 4 months now! the aim is to stay under 9stone and i range between 8st8lbs-8st10lbs atm . Concentrating more on strength training now as well to get stronger! plus my goals are now more fitness focussed as well! so nice to have support from forums still!

    have my first 5k in september in hyde park. anyone else running? i started c25k in june and completed it! i can now run quite happily for 40mins! need to take my reliever inhaler beforehand though otherwise my asthma plays up!

    would love some more uk friends so please feel free to add me for a bit of chat/ motivation etc
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    It has been a quiet few months on the forums...think everyone is enjoying their summer hols (minus the sun!!!)

    Think my excessive eating on holiday caught up with me, put on trying to keep focussed, there is so much more temptation in the summer months!!! Looking forward to darker nights and less temptation.

    Hope everyone is keeping on track :bigsmile:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    It's been very quiet in here!

    Well, the final dress fitting was last night and the dress FITS! Thank goodness! I'm sticking with the healthy eating, and adding a little more exercise so that it fits a bit more comfortably (or allow room for expansion after the wedding feast and cupcakes), but I exepct I'll probably lose a bit more weight before then given the amount of running around I have to do... And I thought being a bridesmaid just involved turning up!

    And more news, my little niece, who is flowergirl for my sister, is now walking (she just turned 13 months), well actually she's trying to run! She was trying on her little flowergirls dress last night and she looks absolutely adorable :smile:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    It's been very quiet in here!

    Well, the final dress fitting was last night and the dress FITS! Thank goodness! I'm sticking with the healthy eating, and adding a little more exercise so that it fits a bit more comfortably (or allow room for expansion after the wedding feast and cupcakes), but I exepct I'll probably lose a bit more weight before then given the amount of running around I have to do... And I thought being a bridesmaid just involved turning up!

    And more news, my little niece, who is flowergirl for my sister, is now walking (she just turned 13 months), well actually she's trying to run! She was trying on her little flowergirls dress last night and she looks absolutely adorable :smile:

    Wow - fantastic about the bridesmaids dress !!!!! You'll have to change your profile pic to one in the dress . Well done you. Less than half a stone to go. You've lost the amount I'm aiming for - so it's inspiring to see it is achievable.

    How is everyone else doing? The thread has gone quiet.

    I had a blip last week. a large one at a BBQ where I ate everything in sight and drank a bottle of rose wine (over a whole night, not in an hour or anything!!) - so I put 1lb on, but I'm on a mission this week to be good. Hope the bank holiday weekend doesn't involve too much food.

    Although I've got a 40th party to go to on Saturday, am going to drink Gin & Slimline, much less calories than the old vino, and takes longer to drink. It's just party food, I love it and don't; know how to program my brain not to eat everything there....will have to come up with a strategy. Any ideas?
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Frannybobs, it's most definitely achievable, but the last stone takes aaaaaaaaaaaaages! I went way off track for a couple of months and suffered greatly because of it, but once I got back on track I managed to lose almost 10lbs in 9 days!!! I guess I was kidding myself that I could start eating "normally" again!

    As for the birthday party, try not to worry too much about it! Exercise your *kitten* off before you go, have a good breakfast and a healthy but filling lunch.... I used to practically starve myself before going out for meals, etc. but now I try to eat more!

    I'm actually starting to panic because the visitors are going to start calling with wedding presents, and I know there's going to be loads of sandwiches, goujons, sausage rolls... The good thing is, my mums outfit is really snug on her at the minute, and she's really trying to lose a few lbs so that its more confortable, so she's going to be making healthy snacks for herself... I'll just follow suit!