Suggest me an exercise DVD that is not designed for daily ba

So far i did a tons of biking, walking, hiking and some jogging, but I am ready to to some weight training.
I neither have the desire or the time to go to the gym, so i want to do some workout at home.

I am a wife, a mother of a toddler with development delay, and I am doing my phd , so my life is rather hectic, unpredictable, and some day I have more time, other days i have none. Plus I love my bike, and if the weather is nice, I rather go to a long bike ride then workout at home.

I noticed that people around here prefer those DVDs that is designed for daily routines: 30 day shred, 30 day ripped, P90X etc.
Based on the so many raves out here, I actually bought the 30 day shred DVD, and I did it 4-5 times in the last week or so. It was good , I really like the structure,the pace and everything, but there is no way I can do it every single day. Plus it doesn't focus enough on the upper body. For example, there was no triceps exercise in level 1, which is one of my problem areas. My lower body strength is acceptable due to biking and such, but I have a seriously weak upper body, and I want to work on that. My upper body is so weak that I can not even do a proper push up :(

Instead of working out every day for 20-30 minutes, I like to get on a workout that designed to do maybe 3 times a week. I do not mind if the workout is longer, maybe up to 1.5 hr.

I have quite a few weights at home: a pair of 3lb, 7lb, 10 lb, 15 lb dumbbell, + a bench with a long bar with adjustable weights upto 50lb. I also have a stability ball, and a mat, and a chin up bar( however, I am way to weak to use it yet) .

Any suggestion for an exercise DVD that fits my expectations?


  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. It's close to 40 minutes, but it's some serious upper body workouts and with strength training, you don't need to do it every day to see results.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    you don't have to do the DVD's every day even though that's the design of them. You can go at your own pace and do them every other day quite a few people do that and on the days they don't do the videos they cardio workouts. That way you don't get bored of the video so quickly.
  • deanmarino
    deanmarino Posts: 41 Member
    Look into Power 90 from beachbody. it's a 90 day program but works everything. It is what P90X was born from. Tony Horton is a great motivator and it till get you in shape.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I have the 30 day shred and only do it 3-5 times a week. I alternate it with walking, BL boot camp dvd and BL last chance workout dvd. Those are longer workouts because you can add levels making it from 30-60 min. I think you will get results and feel it in your triceps if you keep at it, even doing it 3 days a week. The pushups in 30 d.s. definitely work your triceps too. Move up to level 2 if it wasn't enough for you.
    I also really like Jillian Michaels Shred It with weights. I use a 10lb dumbell since I don't have kettlebells. It is about a 25min workout.
    Good luck!!
  • magpie87
    magpie87 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started doing Tae Bo Amped. There is a set of four DVDs with five workouts. I got mine at Pawn 1 so I don't know how much it costs normally. I really enjoy the workouts...they really get your heart pumping! Really any Tae Bo DVD would be a good choice in my opinion! Good luck!
  • stephmn
    stephmn Posts: 18
    I've just started supplementing my cardio with the Workout: One-On-One Training with Jackie (Warner) DVD. I like that you can customize your workout. Each of the three segments are 20 minutes - upper body, lower body and abs and has it's own warm-up and cool-down. So you can do a quick upper body workout or a longer total body workout depending on how much time you have.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    I will be cliche and continue to recommend Jillian Michaels. I like the "Ripped in 30 days" and I only do it several times per week because 1) it is that intense and 2) I just don't want to do it everyday. I still see results. I like levels 1 and 3 and they really work on upper body strength.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I recommend doing P90X and cutting out the 3 cardio days if you really want to work on your upper body every other day. :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I recommend doing P90X and cutting out the 3 cardio days if you really want to work on your upper body every other day. :)
    Could you elaborate more on this? I went to the website and I can see there are 12 DVDs, but the website doesn't say which one are cardio, or how to schedule them. It is a quite pricey set of DVDs, I do not want to invest into it, if I am not sure it will work for me.

    Actually I noticed all the Beachbody DVDs are very pricey; like P90X, insanity, turbo fire etc. I understand they are very complex system with a whole range of DVDs, but still I do not want to spend money on it unless I know it will work for me.
    It would be nice to borrow from the library and try it out, but unfortunately our library do not have any of these, plus canadian Netflix has practically no workout videos.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    If you think you are taking care of the cardio part and require only upper body workout strenght or toning then I would strongly suggest you to try Callanetics. Its based on isometric contractions and will tone your body in no time, No jumping around, no huffing and puffing no equipments required however you still feel it in your muscles. All you have to do is devote 10 hrs to it, either 1 hour a day or break down into 30 minutes each and do it 3-5 times a week, you will get fab results.

    Ps. I am just like you strong lower body but weak upper body.Callanetics did wonders to my upper body.
  • cnldance
    cnldance Posts: 47 Member
    zumba tone and sculpt. it comes in a pack of three cds: cardio party (45 mintutes), tone and sculpt (45 minutes), flat abs (20 mintues). it is a GREAT investment. AND its tons of fun because its dancing! :) i highly recommend it.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I started weight training Easter Sunday of this year. I highly recommend that your Buy the EBOX 360 with the kinect and the VIDEO game Your Shape. Beside going outside and running this is the only thing i use for both cardio and weight training, The new version of the Your Shape CD will be out on Nov. But i tell you that it is like your in the gym. It scanS your body, height and you will have a personal trainier. No gym here all XBOX 360, kinect and Your Shape. I SWEAR BY IT!!
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I recommend doing P90X and cutting out the 3 cardio days if you really want to work on your upper body every other day. :)
    Could you elaborate more on this? I went to the website and I can see there are 12 DVDs, but the website doesn't say which one are cardio, or how to schedule them. It is a quite pricey set of DVDs, I do not want to invest into it, if I am not sure it will work for me.

    Actually I noticed all the Beachbody DVDs are very pricey; like P90X, insanity, turbo fire etc. I understand they are very complex system with a whole range of DVDs, but still I do not want to spend money on it unless I know it will work for me.
    It would be nice to borrow from the library and try it out, but unfortunately our library do not have any of these, plus canadian Netflix has practically no workout videos.

    You can find the schedules online by typing in P90X classic (or lean or doubles) schedule online.

    Well the 12 DVDs are (going from knowledge) :
    Chest and Back
    Shoulders and Arms
    Legs and Back
    Stretch X
    Back and Biceps
    Chest Shoulders and Triceps
    Ab Ripper X
    Cardio X

    Cardio X, Yoga, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X are the cardio DVDs.

    I'm sure you can find the videos online (my friend mentioned a page called
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    If you think you are taking care of the cardio part and require only upper body workout strenght or toning then I would strongly suggest you to try Callanetics. Its based on isometric contractions and will tone your body in no time, No jumping around, no huffing and puffing no equipments required however you still feel it in your muscles. All you have to do is devote 10 hrs to it, either 1 hour a day or break down into 30 minutes each and do it 3-5 times a week, you will get fab results.

    Ps. I am just like you strong lower body but weak upper body.Callanetics did wonders to my upper body.
    I actually used to do callanetics zillion years ago, but it was a gym class. I really liked it, and it made me super flexible that my hubby really appreciated ;) I also bought the book like 10 yrs ago, but doing alone at home from book wasn't enough motivation for me, so I stopped doing it. Is there a callanetics DVD out now?
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    yes, there are many callanetics DVD out now, to name a few there is the oldest one 10 years younger in 10 hours, then new and improved Callanetics evolution, then there is Cardio callanetics and also AM and PM callanetics . Depends on your requirement choose any one of them.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    You can find the schedules online by typing in P90X classic (or lean or doubles) schedule online.

    Well the 12 DVDs are (going from knowledge) :
    Chest and Back
    Shoulders and Arms
    Legs and Back
    Stretch X
    Back and Biceps
    Chest Shoulders and Triceps
    Ab Ripper X
    Cardio X

    Cardio X, Yoga, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X are the cardio DVDs.

    I'm sure you can find the videos online (my friend mentioned a page called
    Thanks! usually anybody i talked to and tried P90X loved it, but I always thought it is way over my time limit to do 6 days a week 90 min exercise beside my cardio.
    I also heard that most of the workouts only uses our body own weight. Are the routines offer any modifications of beginners? Being a bit over 200lb and relatively new to weight training, I won't able to do even a single pull up on the chin up bar.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks! usually anybody i talked to and tried P90X loved it, but I always thought it is way over my time limit to do 6 days a week 90 min exercise beside my cardio.
    I also heard that most of the workouts only uses our body own weight. Are the routines offer any modifications of beginners? Being a bit over 200lb and relatively new to weight training, I won't able to do even a single pull up on the chin up bar.

    Only a couple DVDs use more bodyweight than dumbbells and those are Chest & Back and Chest Shoulders and Triceps.

    If you can't do a pullup, do them assisted like I do them. Put a chair under the bar and place one foot on there (make sure you balance yourself). Then you just do a regular pullup but using your leg to help you up a bit.

    Here's a vid I just looked up :

    They have modifications for EVERY move.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    You can find the schedules online by typing in P90X classic (or lean or doubles) schedule online.

    Well the 12 DVDs are (going from knowledge) :
    Chest and Back
    Shoulders and Arms
    Legs and Back
    Stretch X
    Back and Biceps
    Chest Shoulders and Triceps
    Ab Ripper X
    Cardio X

    Cardio X, Yoga, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X are the cardio DVDs.

    I'm sure you can find the videos online (my friend mentioned a page called
    Thanks! usually anybody i talked to and tried P90X loved it, but I always thought it is way over my time limit to do 6 days a week 90 min exercise beside my cardio.
    I also heard that most of the workouts only uses our body own weight. Are the routines offer any modifications of beginners? Being a bit over 200lb and relatively new to weight training, I won't able to do even a single pull up on the chin up bar.

    You might also look into ChaLEAN Extreme, also from BeachBody. This program has three lifting days and cardio on the opposite days. The workouts last about 35 minutes and they always have one person lifting at a lower weight and one person using resistance bands instead of free weights. I am on my fourth time through this program and love it, although I sub out different things for the cardio. The program costs the same as P90X, which may seem like a lot, but it is a LOT cheaper than a gym membership and a trainer! Also, when you add up the cost of the DVDs (there are 6 in this set and each DVD has three workouts on it), the cost is very reasonable. There is an active group on MFP doing ChaLEAN, if you'd like to join us or ask questions:

    All of the women on this forum are at different stages in the program, so no worries that you didn't start on 5-23 when the group formed. I love this program! I am much stronger and will continue to use it for my main strength training!! Chalene Johnson is a great motivator and instructor!
  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    I like Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training, I get great results with it. It's easy to follow but it's tough, you can barely sit down for days afterward. It tones like nothing else. I have 30 day shred also but don't find it as challenging, nor do I get the results I want from it. I have noticeable muscle tone in my legs, butt, and arms from using it 3x per week.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I really liked Bob Harper's Strength DVD. It's an hour long gives you a great work out and is $10 at Target.