Using Fitbit to Determine Calories

Hi everyone, I am by far thinking too much about this, but I recently got a Fitbit and would like to use it to determine the accurate amount of calories to be eating. I am generally sedentary, and although my goal is to work out 3-4 times a week, I don't necessarily want to set my calorie goal to assume that because 1. I don't enjoy working out and fall off the wagon easily and 2. I am a CPA and at the start of tax season.

That being said, sedentary in MFP comes to 1200 calories, however my BMR when calculated is 1350, so I'm wary of eating that little, but would still like to lose a few pounds of fat/recomp.

Also - does the Fitbit calorie adjustment include steps only, or is all activity including workouts included? I don't want to double dip. Does anyone have any advice on what has worked for them?



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You can use Fitbit of course, if you want to lose weight you would eat at say 15%-20% less than the daily total calories burned it gives you. So if it tells you close to midnight that you've burned 2000 cals that day for example, you would eat 1600 gross calories to lose 1lb a week.

    Fitbit wont double dip on your workouts.but if its synced with MFP sometimes double dipping can happen depending on how you log it. Rule of thumb is log your exercise on Fitbit and your food on MFP.
  • kelseycannici
    kelseycannici Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! I will take a look and see how close I have been to that numbers wise and hopefully I am doing something like that and will just continue doing what I have been. :smile:
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I recommend connecting Fitbit to MFP and letting it do the calorie adjustments for you especially if it's not consistent day-to-day. You can also check your dashboard in Fitbit and it will tell you lots of data about your activity. I found it really helpful that it gave both the 7 and 28 day average for calories, steps, etc.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    I have Fitbit synced with MFP, and occasionally Fitbit will pick up the wrong values. It's usually close, but the other day it was off by like 600. Just a heads up if you are syncing! :)