
I just joined, and am morbidly obese, any suggestions on how to get the excersise going? At this point it is really hard to do much...any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    Can you slowly start walking or I"ve seen on TV where they had the one guy doing the seated boxing type of moves.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Do what you can and push yourself to do a little more each day. They have some walk at home DVD's that you can use if you're too self conscious to walk outside or if weather is bad.
  • brarew
    brarew Posts: 25 Member
    Walk if you can as long as you can, do sit ups start with just one or two, use little 1 pound weight or cans of green beans as weights and do's the kicker, if you are serious about getting it off then uness you puke or pass out....keep going.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member

    First welcome and congratulations on making the choice to make a change.
    From what I can see on your profile you want to loose a huge amount of weight. First step really has to be getting with your doctor and making a plan to follow. Most hospitals have a nutritionist that can make meal plans for you as well as give you a bit of an education on food.

    Aside from that the big secret is "eat less and move more" that and my personal mantra "if it's not good for you don't stick it in your face." Will power and determination is the key. Friends both in real life and here on the site can help with that if you let them.

    Good luck and again congratulations!
    It's a huge undertaking but well worth it when you're through. That and the bragging rights are unalienable.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    remember that if you have not been doing anything, then any movement is beneficial. Park farther away at the store, walk to the end of the block and back, stand up and sit down a few times during commercials when watching tv, raise and lower your arms a few times when you are sitting around. As these things become easier and easier then you can move up to more rigorous exercising :)
  • Honey, I started at 450+ lbs almost 4 years ago now. I got down to 255 then got pregnant, got up to 299 and now am working to lose again. I'm now 292 and have a long way to go, but when I first started, i bought the resistance bands at walmart. They were $10 for 3 bands. I sat in my chair and worked my muscles as I watched tv. I took small walks. At first, half a mile I thought I was gonna die but now I can do so much more. I was walking 7 miles a day before I got pregnant. It takes time but at first, any movement is great!
  • crysmas
    crysmas Posts: 7
    Thanks everybody, that does help a lot, I have made it to WalMart the last couple of days and walked around there, my knees hurt like a ****ens, but I know it will get easier..