I am really really struggling to get my emotional eating under control. The min something happens that stresses me out I head for the nearest thing I can eat! The min my hormones change because it’s nearly that time of the month I get down and just want to eat! Then it brings up all throughts of worthlessness etc and how I done so well last year I lost 4stone and due to ill health & a lot of stress with my kids I’ve piled it all back on and it makes me feel sick but it’s not enough for me to not want to emotional eat!
It’s crazy I’ve never been this bad.
What do you all do?


  • jennrissa
    jennrissa Posts: 42 Member
    You need to find something else to reach to when you're stressed. Journaling, listening to music, talking to a trusted friend about what is going on or even venting to yourself a bit, deep breathing and/or meditating. I also stop myself and think about what is it I really want. The excess food over my calorie intake, which results in a longer wait time for me to reach my goal, or being able to reach my goal and being a healthier weight. I know your username says busy mom, but if you can try an exercise class that you enjoy. Something hat makes you happy to be there. A lot of my pent up anger and stress gets worked out in my muay thai kickboxing class. If you can even try an overeaters anonymous group. There's no shame in joining one and being able to talk to people who are struggling with the same thing (using food as a way to self-medicate). The one I went to had supportive people who are all struggling with eating too much for different reasons. The person who officiated was even teaching people different ways to deal with stress.
  • QueenBee2018
    QueenBee2018 Posts: 196 Member
    I agree with the poster above. Also, I have found it really helpful just to keep logging even when I am eating things that are going to push my calories too high. Yesterday was an emotional day, I went over but logged each bite, somewhere along the way the reason I log resurfaces and I quit eating. Ended the day eating at maintenance. If I had not logged it all I suspect I would have gone over by quite a bit more.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Log absolutely everything. No judgement. Then after a while of counting the real cost of these emotional snacks, see if you are motivated to find another way to deal with your emotions.

    Sometimes you just need to feel the emotions. Give them a moment, say "I'm sad", "I'm angry" or whatever. The feeling will ease by itself given a little time. You don't actually have to "fix" it, with food or anything else, unless there's something deeper that's troubling you, in which case, find someone you can talk it through with.
  • weightlossbusymum
    Thank you all so much, all above is very good device thank you! I definitely will log everything from now on because I thought no your right eating all that I want to doesn’t feel as good as I felt at my best last year and that should be my focus. I plan to take up swimming once my kids go back after there halfterm break we have coming up, have an issue with my foot so can only do so much at the moment.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I find a regular exercise program to be very helpful - not only do I get to enjoy the exercise calories, but I feel better, sleep better, and am less prone to seeking comfort from food.

    I feel better mentally and physically when I exercise regularly, and I also sleep better. I rarely emotionally eat now that I get the happy hormones from exercise - it's a much better stress management tool for me.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I know I, personally, am happier AND enjoy my food more when I'm not overeating to stifle emotions. It basically doesn't work.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    You're treating the symptom. Emotional eating is a sign of an underlying emotional condition. You need to work on that. It's not a lack of willpower; you're not weak or a failure. You have something going on that's not getting the attention it needs so it's not getting resolved.

    Obviously, I have no idea what it is, but until you address that I fear you're going to continue to struggle.

    Hugs and best wishes.
  • PrincessVamp666
    PrincessVamp666 Posts: 1,176 Member
    I have the exact same problem - tend to be fine when I am away from home, but once I walk through the doors, I just have no motivation. I don't prep my meals, eat convenience food and in cases like yesterday, because I am upset I eat comfort food, chocolate, crisps, just *kitten* really.

    I need to break the connection and realise food is sustenance and not a comfort blanket, there is nothing wrong with enjoying what I eat, but I shouldn't eat for enjoyment... Its like I am trying to sabotage my own progress.
  • weightlossbusymum
    So last night didn’t get much better but I think & feel I have made positive steps I have got myself I touch with a eating disorder group that supports people that binge & emotionally eat.
    I ageee there is a deeper issue but I do have a lot on, I’m not seeking sympathy or anything like that & I know it’s no more then what others probably have going on to.
    I’m really hard on myself & I don’t no why tbh that’s what a lot of it is, I don’t feel I deserve it to be happy which is totally stupid I know!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    That's great progress, and you're positive attitude is inspiring. Well done.