Breast implants after weight loss...anyone?? :(



  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Despite some of the rather ***** comments on here...

    Do what's best for you. You are the only person that can make the decision. Advice is simply that and can't make it for you. Have a consultation and go from there.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    After nursing 2 kids and yo-yo'ing 100 lbs twice, by the time I got in a good place, my mid section was pitiful!!! I hated the way I looked after the 110 lbs loss and that is bad! Yes, I looked fine in clothes, but so embarrassed in a bathing suit and just looking at myself naked!! I couldn't wear cute strapless clothes b/c my boobs like dropped to my belly button!! YES!! I got boobs and a tummy tuck and it was the BEST thing I ever did!! I have kept my 100 lbs loss now for over 3 yrs.....I still have loose skin on my legs, but I think that is the way I am going to have to deal with it!!

    Do what is best for you and screw what other people say!! Yes, I do get negative statements from what I did, but I feel so much better about myself and my body. Most people are just jealous when the say mean things!! :wink:

    Good luck and DIG DEEPER!!! :happy:
  • ladysandy
    I've had surgery 10 years ago and if I had to do it again I would anytime... so if you have the money and you really want to do it well I say DO IT..... Just want to mention that I had a A cup and now have a C cup.
    If you don't have money, I guess my daughters take after me and have a A cup, they are 19 and we ordered this, don't know if this really works, but we did make a couple of reaches and well it's worth a try for the price. So maybe you can try this before having surgery and it's less expensive!
    P.S.: I agree with lauristewart, you will get negative statements and most of all JEALOUS PEOPLE, but like she said, SCREW them hahahahahaa, what is most important is for YOU to feel good about yourself.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm surprised (well not really) to see such negative comments about this. Just because one wants to enhance one body part does NOT mean they hate their body or that they will become addicted to surgery and become Heidi Montag.:huh: Judgemental much?
    Look into it, talk to a few surgeons, and make the decision that feels good to you. Don't give a soda about what other people thing :wink: I know a lot of women ( I belong to another website of moms) who have had their breast done (and nothing else BTW) and they are SO happy they did. Not one person I *know* regrets getting their breast done. But again, you need to make the right decision for you! :flowerforyou:
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    I'm surprised (well not really) to see such negative comments about this. Just because one wants to enhance one body part does NOT mean they hate their body or that they will become addicted to surgery and become Heidi Montag.:huh: Judgemental much?
    Look into it, talk to a few surgeons, and make the decision that feels good to you. Don't give a soda about what other people thing :wink: I know a lot of women ( I belong to another website of moms) who have had their breast done (and nothing else BTW) and they are SO happy they did. Not one person I *know* regrets getting their breast done. But again, you need to make the right decision for you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree with Dizzieferg, my mother and sister both had their breast enhanced well my sister did but my mom got a lift. If it makes you more comfortable with yourself than do it.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I am neither for or against implants - do what you think is right for you.

    But PLEASE consider first whether you plan on breastfeeding babies in the future - and if you do, wait til you're done with the babies.

    A lot of women successfully BF with implants - but what if you're not one of them? It would be a real shame not to be able to feed your babies as nature intended. So if you think you might - I would caution you to wait.

    Trust me - it's worth it! (And you'll have big cans while you're pregnant and nursing any way!) :bigsmile:
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    I am neither for or against implants - do what you think is right for you.

    But PLEASE consider first whether you plan on breastfeeding babies in the future - and if you do, wait til you're done with the babies.

    A lot of women successfully BF with implants - but what if you're not one of them? It would be a real shame not to be able to feed your babies as nature intended. So if you think you might - I would caution you to wait.

    Trust me - it's worth it! (And you'll have big cans while you're pregnant and nursing any way!) :bigsmile:

    so that explains why i have big man cans... wait.. im not nursing.. or pregnant.. :(
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i have known many women who have had breast implants (and reductions) and most if not all of them were/are very happy with their decisions. if you feel if will help your self-esteem, then go for it. just research your surgeon faithfully and go for a size you think you can be happy with for many years. it's not a bad thing... ignore all the negativity.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I just have to point out the humor in the quote on your page- "loving myself for once"
    It's pretty obvious that you don't or you wouldn't want to change what you've been given.
    Happiness in life is about more than two sacks of fat on your chest.

    Wow....closed-minded and judgemental much?
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Luckily mine have not gotten smaller since losing 38lbs. BUT I did have a more than a WHOLE cup size difference I didnt know about and it that bothers me (left is big C right DD). After I lose what I feel comfortable losing and I will get my breasts fixed so they are the same size. When I lift I focus alot on upper body to TRY and help the sagging problem. I don't know if that will work but I'm doing it

    Do what you are comfortable with. After accomplishing your goal weight I don't see anything wrong with rewarding yourself a little. Good Luck!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    This topic will forever be a touchy subject....but in the end, it's YOUR body and it's YOUR decision.

    That said, I will definitely look into getting my boobs lifted and maybe increase them a size (nothing big...just back up where they used to be). I will also want to see about getting a tummy tuck. I have had 3 children, and as much as I love them....they ruined my body.

    Do as you please!! :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am neither for or against implants - do what you think is right for you.

    But PLEASE consider first whether you plan on breastfeeding babies in the future - and if you do, wait til you're done with the babies.

    A lot of women successfully BF with implants - but what if you're not one of them? It would be a real shame not to be able to feed your babies as nature intended. So if you think you might - I would caution you to wait.

    Trust me - it's worth it! (And you'll have big cans while you're pregnant and nursing any way!) :bigsmile:

    But it's not only the breastfeeding issue, it's the fact that having babies will alter your breasts AGAIN. I'd highly suggest that you wait until you either have all of the kids you plan to, or make the final decision that you never will before going forward with surgery. Do you really want to go through that kind of surgery twice? Remember, people have died from simple plastic surgery procedures due to the anesthetic. Let alone living with the results of surgery "gone wrong". It's not risk-free.

    I'm making some generalizations here, but bear with me. You were overweight and your boobs were large, artificially, as a result. If you'd always been the weight you are now, they never would have been larger than they are now. Do you believe you would have wanted them enlarged at this point in your life if this wasn't the case? It's an important point to consider.

    There are a lot of good things about having smaller breasts. You don't need to buy special bras. A regular sports bra keeps the girls from bouncing around while doing cardio. Push up bras make what you do have look bigger when you feel the need. No back problems from compensating for 30 pounds of excess breast mass.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    My opinion is a combination of what everyone is saying... It's your body, so do what you want to feel good about your body. But I do also recommend therapy - I honestly think a certain amount of therapy should be required before any cosmetic surgery. Not because I think people should be discouraged out of their choice, only because it is a surgery that changes you. You just want to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and talking to someone can help you be sure of that. As long as you want to do this for you - not because a significant other is pressuring you, or you think someone will love you more if you do it - then I say go for it.

    I don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with getting cosmetic surgery. In fact, I've considered the possibility of getting a nose job in the future (I got hit in the face with a basketball when I was a teenager - I have a deviated septum and a bump on one side of my nose as a result). I get the whole "love what God gave" you thing, but at the same time, you can love yourself and see your body for the amazing thing it is but still want something to change. We are all on this website because we wanted our bodies to change - losing weight, gaining muscles, etc.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    your body, your life. If you want them fixed, and can afford it, then go for it. I had mine done and uplifted and dont regret it, and havent become addicted to plastic surgery or anything.
  • dancingphoenix
    I think that I would go for it if I had the funds... I love my boobies the way they are now (size DD), but I know that they will shrink and be the shadow of their former selves. I lost alot of weight before and I was at one time a size B about 6 years ago and I missed them so much... When I lose the weight I have now, and if I can come up with the funds, I would totally do it! :) Make sure you look at pics of the work that the doc has performed. They might have some kind of porfolio or something. Not all doctors are the same. It is a bit of an art and cheaper is not always better (just like tattoos). They are going to be out there for people to see and you want to be proud of your investment :) It is ultimately up to you :) There are many people that will support your decision either way you go :) Just make sure your decision is your's alone and no one made it for you. Only then will you be truly happy :)
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I wanted to read all the posts, but I can't get past the back and forth stuff, so I skipped to the end.

    I am now 5 weeks post -op (breast reconstruction with implants). I spent 7 years with a 100 pound loss that ravaged my body and left me with boobs that were fine in a bra, but naked, they made me cry. I spent a lot of time trying to make this decision. I was getting a breast reconstruction one way or the other, but did I want implants or not? Well that was a whole other discusion.

    There is a lot to consider about having this done. However, In the short 5 weeks ( ok 3 because the first 2 weeks don't count since I was in total After-Shock) I have realized that they make me feel whole again.

    Yes people look down on plastic surgery. A lot of women look down on it simply because they can't afford it and it makes them feel better to take a stand against it rather than pine away for it. Others can live with their bodies the way they are. I could not.

    I am happy I did it. Still getting used to it, but I can honestly say, that I don't have to worry about that part of me anymore. Now I can concentrate on working out and toning areas that I do have some control over.

    Good luck in your decision!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Is the risk of losing breast sensation worth it? Consider that point. Small breasts are a gift if you're an athlete.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Is the risk of losing breast sensation worth it? Consider that point. Small breasts are a gift if you're an athlete.

    a lot of us moms lose a bit of breast sensation from nursing so that's not too much of a factor. plus, that only happens if you go through the nipple. i for one would go through the belly button since i'll be getting a tummy tuck at the same time.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member

    I'm making some generalizations here, but bear with me. You were overweight and your boobs were large, artificially, as a result. If you'd always been the weight you are now, they never would have been larger than they are now. Do you believe you would have wanted them enlarged at this point in your life if this wasn't the case? It's an important point to consider

    i agree with this to a point. however, after you lose a lot of weight they look REALLY bad. mine look absolutely horrible! i would be 100% okay with just getting a lift and settling on just a B cup as long as they were back up high like they used to be and not at my belly button!