Stress Eating and combating it

Stress. I hate stress. Everyone hates stress.

Unfortunately, stress makes me eat. I did really well early on in the summer and dropped to my goal weight of 125, had my fit body, and was excited. I ended up losing my job right after I moved into my first apartment, so money was tight and quit my gym membership. Health problems arose, along with family problems, and soon the general day was spent with friends, eating food and drinking beer daily.

Here I am two months later, back up to 132, which isn't a horrible weight, but I have a gut. It's an obvious beer gut. I want to catch it now before I gain all the weight back, but the stress hasn't eased up. Add on top of sleepless nights that I end up finding more to eat.

So I'm curious how others here deal with stress eating. I know I need to get back to the gym, and should make that my first priority, but I can't afford the 10 dollars a month, and the summer heat here as been to unbearable to run in. It's more keeping myself out of the kitchen.


  • I hope you're doing better from the job point of view.

    I have read but not have followed strictly, a book called Good Mood Diet. Search it on Amazon. ISBN 9780821280041 The authors recommend snacking on pure carbohydrate to reduce stress eating. Sounds contradictory? Well, you will have to read the whole book, 'cause it is difficult to explain here.

    Let us know if that helps.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    use gum instead, and get out of the house haha. whenever i feel something like that happen, its good to just clear your mind and go outside, rather than stare at the bottom of a finished carton of ben and jerrys instead.
  • I'm a big stress eater too. I'm Italian so food is our comfort. I'm learning to deal with it. Whenever I feel stressed or upset and think about eating I ask myself will eating wings or pizza or whatever actually solve my problems. Nope! Will I feel better after eating that stuff. Nope! Am I throwing money away when money maybe part of my stress...Yes! Instead of wasting money on something that won't solve my problems, I find other things to do. And I don't keep junk in my house any more. If I want to cheat I have to get into my car and go buy it and I really don't want to do that most of the time. Just remember, the junk food won't solve the issue and you will feel worse after eating it. You just have to train your mind to think a different way. It can be done and I know you can do it!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I find that coming online and this and other forums are a great help. Apart from getting support from others I try to help and encourage other people and that keeps from running to the kitchen.
  • Jinji
    Jinji Posts: 20 Member
    I have the same problem, so I know it's a tough one.

    I've found a few things that help me. My first step is to fill my cupboards exclusively with healthy foods. For me, this means no junk food, no peanut butter (my weakness), no chips nor crackers, and when I really need to control myself, no beer or wine.

    I've found getting involved in projects helps. Do you draw? Write? Make furniture in your garage? Need to clean the attic?

    Have a list of friends you can call for support, AA style (it really helps!).

    There's a useful page on the Mayo Clinic website that has good ideas, too:

    Finally, drink a huge glass of water then get out of the house.

    Good luck to you!
  • Compass04
    Compass04 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a stress eater too! I have found that I have 2 options when I'm getting overwhelmed and all I want to do is eat. Option 1: give in (bad choice!). Option 2: work out, even if it is for 10 minutes (good choice!!!!). Usually if I sweat it out I won't be in the mood to eat, unnecessarily, when I'm done. Runs work the best for me. It sucks running in the heat but unless you live in a desert you should try to force yourself....but do whatever works for you!

    Good luck with everything!
  • From a summer heat point of reference, I feel your pain. I live in Texas where it's been triple digits for over 40 days now. I've been working out to a dvd in the comfort of my a/c. Maybe you can find something like that or a workout program on tv. Maybe get your friends on board to work out with you rather than eat and drink....