I feel like I'm starving!!!

The smallest things have so many calories and fat in them. I'm trying my best to eat 1400 calories a day, but it's getting harder. What are some things that I can eat that are filling but do not have many calories or fat?


  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    What's wrong with fat?

    Chicken and fish are filling and don't have a whole lot of fat.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Many vegetables allow you to eat a high volume for low calories -- cabbage, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and greens are some of my favorites.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Are you sure 1400 calories is the right amount for you? Was that what MFP gave you? Do you exercise, do you eat back those calories?

    Look at your intake over the whole day, and several days, and "spend" all your calories, but do it wisely. A healthy diet is balanced and varied, but exactly what that means, is a little individual: Some people need "filling" meals, low calorie foods with lots of volume, other people find a diet more rich in fat to be satiating. Figure out where you are on thos scale, then look for more of what works for you. A general guideline is that a diet that contains plenty of fruit and vegetables, protein and fiber, is good for satiety.
  • asuka_langley
    asuka_langley Posts: 2 Member
    Don't restrict yourself too much that's why it gets worse. You probably should do a refeed one day. Seriously. One day just loads up on carbs. It will help get your hunger hormones back to normal. Also, don't go so low (I am assuming that is low for you). Have a deficit of about 300-500 and create some of that deficit with working out.
  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    The food database is excellent at finding low calorie foods. Fresh fruit and vegetables are filling and low in calories. Also look for lists of foods with "high satiety index " or some such title, i.e. food that are more filling. Stick with it. It takes time to figure it out.
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Not food but I find on days I don't drink a lot of water I am hungry all the time...........days that I stick to above 70oz I stay on plan.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 330 Member
    I agree with the poster who said exercise more if you can then you can eat back some of the extra calories.
  • YogiJear
    YogiJear Posts: 118 Member
    I find fatty foods to be filling. If you haven't experimented yet, I would try some fatty foods to see how they do for you.

    Otherwise, foods higher in protein content can also be pretty filling.

    If you're drinking any liquid calories, try going off of them as some people pack in calories a lot faster with them and don't get nearly as much satiety out of them compared to eating those calories.
  • Lunacy111
    Lunacy111 Posts: 3 Member
    Have you looked at your tracker to see what are the highest calorie items that you could possibly replace with something healthier? Don't be afraid of fats. Fat and protein keep you feeling full. I have a 1400 goal too. I try to get 30-35g of protein per meal. It helps me stay full. Fiber does too. I've been working at getting that number up. Breakfast is often a flavored greek yogurt with a tablespoon of ground chia seeds and sometimes a chicken sausage. I like the flat out brand wraps for sandwiches. They have quite a bit of fiber. I eat alot of chicken, cheese, apples, pears, berries. I do a protein shake in the evening that has spinach and chia seeds in it, along with some fruit. Vegetables are low fat and calorie, and leave room to add some butter or olive oil for taste. Spices are great too. Beans have fiber and can be good for helping you feel full. Nuts are good, just watch your portion size.
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    If your weight loss per week is 2 or 1.5, i'd maybe try a smaller deficit, and see how you do with that for a while. 1400 feels to me like a very low amount of calories if you have 80ish lbs to lose, but perhaps you're extremely short.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    The problem is that low calorie/low fat foods won't keep you from feeling like you're starving. You need a good amount of protein and fat to keep you going. Also, I agree that 1400 calories may not be enough for you. It doesn't matter what you eat if it's not enough fuel for your body. You'll end up hungry and then it'll be too hard to stick to your plan. If you're trying for 2lbs per week try 1.5 and see how you feel.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 330 Member
    beans, pasta, and protein drinks are filling
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    Protein helps with the cravings big time! Also if you fill up on high fiber veggies like broccoli you can feel pretty full pretty quick. Beware though, this will also cause gas, lol. I fill up on veggies because they are filling and SUPER low calorie.
  • combsshan
    combsshan Posts: 47 Member
    Someone gave me this advice when I started. I was also trying to cut my calories to 1400 a day, but I figured I HAD been eating about 1800-2000 a day before starting my eating plan. Then someone suggested that instead of cutting to 1400 I try just going down to 1600 for a month or so until my body adjusted and then cut another 200 when 1600 became easier and I no longer felt like I was starving. So-- I've actually been at 1600 for about 4 months and am just now getting ready to cut down to 1400. Will it slow down your weight loss? Yes. I've only lost 6 lbs in 4 months (but some of this is that I'm bad to cheat on the weekends :p ), but I also don't feel like I'm starving anymore at 1600 and cutting down to 1400 seems much more doable than before.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    Eat as much non-starchy vegetable to add bulk. To feel more satiated, eat more protein and fat, cut down on sugar and refined carb. Do not go with the low-fat option just because they are lower in calorie, just eat less but eat the full fat option without added sugar.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Eat plenty of lean meat like chicken and veggies. That seems to be the best way to keep me full. (Lots of veggies) also it may just take a while to get used to the lower amount of calories... it is expected that you be a little hungry since you’re not giving your body the amount of calories it needs to maintain.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    I hate to say it, but so called clean foods ( no food is dirty or clean ), tend to fill a person up quickly. I guess that is why most gym dudes eat 85/15. 85 % whole filling foods, and 15 % what they want. I know some people don't follow that rule and just IIFYM, but most people follow that rule. What I am learning, is that is ok to be hungry sometimes. We as Americans forget that IMHO. Heck I eat about every 3 hours and still get hungry sometimes! LOL Best of luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    The smallest things have so many calories and fat in them. I'm trying my best to eat 1400 calories a day, but it's getting harder. What are some things that I can eat that are filling but do not have many calories or fat?

    Eat a lot of whole foods...veg, some fruit, lean proteins from things like chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef and pork, eggs, etc...whole starches and grains...beans, lentils, etc...healthy fat from things like nuts, avocados, good cooking oils, etc...

    Get your nutrition on and then treat yourself from time to time...

    Also, dietary fat is a very essential macro nutrient...I wouldn't recommend a low fat diet personally...