What the flip up with my SCALE!!



  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    I was going crazy online trying to figure out the physics of why it is super normal to weigh less first thing in the morning. The consensus seemed to be that is actually how much moisture you can breathe out at night and are not replenishing because you are asleep.Kind of crazy, but cool at the same time. So it is literally just water weight, not fat and can be safely ignored.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. It's normal to plateau for a while. You may have gotten used to losing at a nice, steady pace, but that's only rarely how someone's weight loss journey works. When I was losing, I'd go weeks without losing an ounce -- and then, suddenly, 5 lbs would come off over a couple of days. This will happen more often the more weight you lose and the closer you get to your target weight.

    So just keep up with what you're doing, be patient, and don't worry. You're FINE.
  • TeachergirlCeleste
    No peanut cookies today!
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    Hello everyone so I logged into today and noticed that I am eating 70% Carbs this week! LIKE OMG PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME THAT THIS IS THE REASON FOR THE SCALE TO BE AT A STAND STILL!

    If you are worried about why you're not losing weight you should consult with your PCP. They have the answers you need and can get extra help if needed. Good Luck
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    You did not gain all of this weight at the same rate that you want to lose it, it will take time. a week is NOT a plateau nor the end of the world.

    Not eating for a day will do nothing but set you up for failure.

    The issue here is your expectations and perhaps an unhealthy relationship with food. I'd talk to your primary care physician about your feelings on this and what your expectations are. Bowing before the scale as if it were a deity is going to seriously mess you up both physically and psychologically.
  • zydeco69
    zydeco69 Posts: 64 Member
    @malibu927 That was a good discussion! Thank you for posting the link. It is so hard to stay Patient. UGH!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    So this Sunday I had a major weight loss victory. I have lost 25 pounds since I started in December. I was 340 pounds which is the largest I have ever been in my life. Today I am 315. Although I am happy with my weight loss, the scale refuses to move! I weigh myself every day after work so that I can see how much water weight that accumulated throughout the day. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK MY WEIGHT FLUCTUATES TO 318! And then when I work out and go to sleep and weigh myself again in the morning it goes back down to 315 or 316! What is the problem!? I assume that it is the scale I was using is that each time I get on it, the numbers jump or it changes to different metric units.
    I purchased a new scale from Amazon, and it will be here by Saturday. I will then compare the scales to see which one is most accurate.
    I burn over 3,000 calories a day, work out five times a WEEK for 30 mins, and eat below or right at my calorie intake.

    Today for lunch I had a
    Turkey Sandwich on wheat bread, slice cheese, and mustard
    and half of banana

    half of banana

    Peanut butter and banana
    ( I do not be hungry when I leave work)

    I am a teacher, and my students eat snack before they leave, and I also ate some of those peanut butter snack cookies(only 3)

    So what is the big deal with the scale! I am going to give up RIGHT THIS INSTANCE. I was literally CURSING MY SCALE OUT AND BEATING IT.

    Try to lay off the scales (I know it's hard, it is for me too) and only weigh in the mornings, same time, same clothes or no clothes less times per week. Your weight will fluctuate and usually it's higher as the day goes on vs first thing in the morning. Also, are you measuring each thing you eat and logging it correctly? Are you getting any dairy or oils in your diet each day? If so, be sure to include those. What are you drinking? If you have coffee or tea do you put anything in them (sugar, cream, etc)?
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    It's normal for this to start happening when you've been dieting a while. The reason has to do with the way your body handles fat cells. When a fat cell gets used up, the fat is temporarily replaced with water, causing a stall on the scale. Then eventually the body flushes the water, causing what is called a "whoosh," where you may drop a pound or more in one day.

    If you know your calorie intake is accurate, be patient and wait. Trust the process. You are using up fat, you just don't see it on the scale yet.

    Great explanation.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    It's normal for this to start happening when you've been dieting a while. The reason has to do with the way your body handles fat cells. When a fat cell gets used up, the fat is temporarily replaced with water, causing a stall on the scale. Then eventually the body flushes the water, causing what is called a "whoosh," where you may drop a pound or more in one day.

    If you know your calorie intake is accurate, be patient and wait. Trust the process. You are using up fat, you just don't see it on the scale yet.

    I'm re-quoting this (even though a PP just did) in hopes that the OP will read it. @tinaalisa15 did you see this?

    Also, are you tracking your measurements? It's very important to do so. The scale is just ONE tool to track your progress. Taking measurements, photos, how your clothes feel, etc. are just valuable if not more so than the number on the scale.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Also, are you tracking your measurements? It's very important to do so. The scale is just ONE tool to track your progress. Taking measurements, photos, how your clothes feel, etc. are just valuable if not more so than the number on the scale.

    Good advice but keep in mind that progress on measurements will be slow and occasionally stall, too. If she's reacting like this to a brief plateau (5 days? Come on. Chill.) imagine how frustrated she'll be if she doesn't lose an inch every week!