New member/new life!

Hi! I've been using MFP for about a week now, I've already lost 2 pounds and started training for my first 5K run today! Would love to meet some like minded folks. :bigsmile:
I've always done WW in the past and the whole counting thing has gotten old. So here I am! Looking to drop almost 30 lbs by January for our baby girl's Disney birthday trip. :heart:


  • welcome!!! And congrats on your loss already!! This site is a great place to stay motivated!
  • Welcome. I used to do the WW thing and agree with you, it does get old. Two years ago I ran my first 5k and loved the feeling of being able to finish it. Now I'm on my journey to do it again. Good luck and if you need anything, just reach out. People on here are great.