Anyone else in the 260s-280s? I'd love to be friends :)



  • Maryanne_V wrote: »
    I started this round of weight loss at 285lbs at the New Year and I'm currently at 268lbs. I'm 5'5", female, and live in Oklahoma. My current goal is 200lbs, I wouldn't mind making it to 160, and I would love making it to 140!

    I would love to have friends that are similar in size to me or have similar goals as me!

    I'm 5'11 and was like 260 , this was in October and I'm not 210. Want to lose a minimum of another 28 pounds but would love to be friends
  • feleciabowman08
    feleciabowman08 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started last Saturday - Feb 3rd. I didn't have a scale when I started then, but in December at my last doctors appt. I was 283.3. I'm 281.1 on the scale I bought today. I have a two year old and work full time, so getting in workouts has been hard. I want to get down to 180 (I'm 6ft tall), but I am more worried health wise. I have Diabetes on both side of my family. It may not help, but I would like to be in a position that when it does come I know how to eat correctly. My biggest inspiration is my son. I want to be able to run and play outside with him and not be miserable. I want to be able to play sport and go hiking, and do things outdoors without worrying I am over the weight limit!
  • brookalulu
    brookalulu Posts: 1 Member
    Just getting started on MFP. It's awesome to see such a supportive community!

    Looks like our stats and goals are very similar. I started keto on Jan 1, at 285 pounds. Still trying to wrap my head around proper meal planning and I'm not really seeing a difference in the mirror, but am down to 259 and feeling great about the progress I've made so far. I'm 5'4'' and my ultimate goal is to get to 155... baby steps... right now my big goal is to get to 200 (pre-baby/postpartum weight).

  • any one feel free to add me, I need all the motivation i can get. I am starting in the high 200s and my goal weight is 120
  • chellegoesketo
    chellegoesketo Posts: 1 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am just starting out (as of this past Monday) and am 5'3"/265. My goal weight is 135 but I'm focusing on getting under 250 by my birthday in about 8 weeks. We can motivate each other!
  • jordandills
    jordandills Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm not in that range anymore but I started at 275. Currently around 135 and working on the last couple pounds. You can do it!
  • time4changexx
    time4changexx Posts: 103 Member
    Add me. Started 280 goal 160. I was on mfp a few years ago and got down to 205 but then lost focus and gained it back.