im so tired of being me i need some help

Hi. I weigh 260 pounds and im so discusted with myself. I had my son almost three years ago and at thst time i weighed 205 pounds. Every night before i go to bed i pray to god to give me the strength to exercise and watch what i eat. But the morning comes and the depreesion sets in. And the realization that im a cow. I reLly need to lose weight to be here for my son. I just need some inspiration and some friends to help me try to get started AGAIN!!!!


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. I would be glad to be a support. You may also want to think about talking to a doctor or counselor for some help on your depression. Sometimes you just need some medical intervention for that, but of course that is totally up to you.

    As far as losing weight, I would suggest to start small. Set small goals. And take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you mess up from time to time, but overall consistency is key. You will get there with consistency and persistence. Don't give up. You may want to read some of the success stories here on MFP for some more inspiration. Some of them are truly amazing.

    Don't try to do anything too restrictive or super intensive that won't last long term. Weight is meant to come off slowly so it will stay off. For me, I don't make any foods off limits so I won't crave things and then binge. Find some type of exercise that you love and try to do it often. Don't do something you hate because that won't last. Better yet, find someone that you enjoy being around and who also loves the same exercise you love and do it together so you get social needs met at the same time.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Try to find the time to take walks everyday. Start with just a block or 2 and gradually increase them.
    It will help with the depression, make you feel better about yourself, get you some fresh air AND burn some calories!
    Eating better will help cut down on the treats, etc. but don't create a drastic change in your diet. Just try to add fresh veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins and eat less/move more.

    As the weight gradually comes off, you will gain confidence and pride and the knowledge that you CAN do this and you will feel much better as your clothes start to loosen up.

    Just remember, it is not neccessary to starve yourself.
    Enter 1 pound loss a week and purchase a food scale and measure and weigh everything you eat and your caloric drinks.
    All you need is a deficit.
    Log everyday.
    You can do it! You'll be surprised at how simple it is.
  • kimikat91
    kimikat91 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks girls for the advice and support. I know god will help me, i just hope sooner than later.
  • 1dayatatime
    1dayatatime Posts: 4 Member can do this!!! We are all here for you. Take it one day at a time. I find that walking early in the day helps so much. It makes me feel better and helps keep me on track the rest of day because I've already accomplished something. Be nice to yourself and focus on your good features. Smile at yourself in mirror, drink lots of water and know you can do it.

  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    As is often said, God helps those who help themselves.

    First of all, accept yourself as you are, a human being with dignity, and don't beat up on yourself for not being perfect. None of us is.

    Second, recognize that you've made some bad choices that seemed reasonable at the time but didn't work out in the long run. All of us who got overweight or obese did that; none of us wanted that to happen!

    Third, commit yourself to making better choices in the future. If you want specific advice, there's a really good book by Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, The Diet Fix, which your public library should have or be able to order. This post on MFP is also worth reading:

    Learn from the past, but don't beat yourself up about it, because it can't be changed. Instead, focus on doing better in the future, because you can change that.

    Good luck!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough sleep.
  • kimikat91
    kimikat91 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks you all for your support!
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    You are not a cow. My wife, too, felt the same about herself, and she went to a doctor and NMD, and we found out her thyroid was low. Some of her other hormones were a little out of wack. For a while, it was really sad, I was scared I was going to lose her. She was depressed and angry and sleeping a lot and just didn't care about anything. Once her medication kicked in - it took a little while - the days got better. She goes to the gym six days a week, now. Gosh, she is losing fat and keeping her muscle, too. She is really happy, and we are out doing things, again.

    There could be hormones and/or other things happening. It really could be something out of your control. Exercise can help balance some of the hormone, but it may just be too hard to get started. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by getting in to see a doctor and an NMD. I wish you were near us; we could help support you more. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want. I have just a few, because I am new, and I usually irritate people.

    I sure hope you find that way out. You can have the life you want and feel good, again. I am 100% sure of it.
  • kimikat91
    kimikat91 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks so much. ☺
  • wangshan
    wangshan Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Kimi. I see a lot of people in my office with your issues (I'm a doctor) and I know what you're going thru. I'll give you the advice I usually give them. First , get a little $1 notebook from Taget. Keep a food journal. Write down how you felt as well as what you eat. Whenever you go on a journey you need to know your starting point. Then look at your journal, see what emotional triggers you have . Try to think of ways to circumvent them. Then try to pick ONE thing that you can really COMMIT to sticking to. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to give up everything at once ,,,that is just too overwhelming . Don't beat yourself up ! You didnt gain all the weight overnite, you wont lose it over nite.
    Another thing to be aware of is the fact that, from an evolutionary standpoint, for 100,000s
    years, humans who did not store calories in the form of body fat died off when there was a bad winter or hunting season. If the amount of time humans have lived on earth was a string 50 feet long, the amount of time we have had refrigeration and mass agriculture is maybe .1 inch. So you are up against Darwinian forces, don't take it personally!! :-)
  • corncob31
    corncob31 Posts: 4 Member
    One thing that helps me defeat the negative self talk is thinking about the example that I'm showing my son. He just turned one and is soaking in everything. I would be crushed if he ever started talking about himself the way I sometimes feel. Besides, you would be setting such a good example in showing him that there's always hope and you can turn any situation around. Hang in there
  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    You can start by walking with your son around your neighborhood. No need to start at the drop of a hat, once you start that routine everyday you'll end up wanting to do it more and more. The walks will get longer and you'll go home feeling a lot better. Also, when it comes to food, start small. For example, don't consume any soda or chocolate, since you're a beginner there's no need to stop all sweets completely. The less sweets you allow yourself every week the easier it'll be to completely remove them from your diet. Buy a lot of vegetables and fruits, that way when u get the urge to eat something the only thing you'll have to munch on is something healthy. At the moment im also starting AGAIN! What helps me is thinking about what i want for myself in the future, i use that as my motivation. Like you, you just had a son so think of him as motivation. He is only 3, wouldn't you want to live to see him do all sorts of great things in life? Think of what you want your life with him to be like. Ask yourself, do i want to continue on this downward spiral and possibly end up having all sorts of health issues which my son will see me go through and suffer? Or do i want to do something about my problem and live to be able to enjoy the journey of life with him?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    It's probably because you aren't being the 'me' you are supposed to be. Maybe the real you is in great shape and super strong and confident and she is tired of waiting for you to throw your hands up in the air and let her be in charge of getting you there.

    Maybe the current 'me' and the future 'me' need to join forces and shake you up and wake you up and smack you on the butt and get you finally taking this seriously?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If your son got sick, would you wait for god to heal him or would you do something about it? Take care of yourself the same way you would take care of your child.
  • katebigue
    katebigue Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. Try adding water. And plug in what your eating into your food section. And go back and look at every day and see what you change up. Or what you can delete from your diet. And like people suggest take a walk around the block. Or even try doing lunges in your hall.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    True. Our bodies are a gift from God. The fact that this life is a gift should be enough motivation to take care of it, and anything else you were given out of Love.
  • jboice2094
    jboice2094 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Im up for being lets do this and stick to it buddies .I am 245 and my youngest is 14. I do same thing I am all ready set my schedule for day ahead it comes and I either do good day or 2 or just keep saying tom. I have decided I need to decide commit and follow thru. So I d love to have some people to go through this journey with.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,089 Member
    jboice2094 wrote: »
    Hello Im up for being lets do this and stick to it buddies .I am 245 and my youngest is 14. I do same thing I am all ready set my schedule for day ahead it comes and I either do good day or 2 or just keep saying tom. I have decided I need to decide commit and follow thru. So I d love to have some people to go through this journey with.

    Hi, the post you replied to is from 2014, and it looks the original poster hasn't been around since August 2015. Lots of people are looking for friends on here though. Welcome!