Dreading my birthday



  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    You can make it work if you're willing to have smaller portions, and I'd also consider increasing your physical activity. If I know I'm going to indulge more at an upcoming event I'll wake up 15-20 minutes earlier to extend my workouts and burn more calories for the bank. 15 minutes less sleep a day doesn't really make much of a difference. If you aren't active at all currently even a brisk walk added to your schedule could help earn more calories.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    So you have a smaller deficit for a couple of weeks or no deficit at all. Just log as best you can and aim for maintenance. If you're under, woohoo.

    I ate all the food on my birthday a couple of weeks age. I eat out regularly. I have take away regularly. I have lost, maintained and continue to lose. 63lbs of loss and maintenance. You have to figure out life and spiralling into a panic and then binge isn't going to help you.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited February 2018
    angelsja wrote: »
    My partner would be cooking it I would have 0 control over what/how much he puts on my plate

    Even if you can't control what he cooks (my partner allows me to make suggestions when he prepares a meal for us and he will consider them especially when the meal is a celebration of a special day) or what he puts on your plate, you control how much of it you eat. You don't have to eat something just because your partner puts it on your plate.

    If you feel like you *must* eat everything your partner prepares and serves you regardless of your appetite, preferences, or weight loss goals, that's a whole different conversation.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    angelsja wrote: »
    I've already gone over my Cal's one day this week then there is pancake Day, valentine's Day then my birthday all in the same week it's a slippery slope for me to ease up for a few days it can cause a binge :(

    I could be wrong but I kind of sense a theme..... perhaps you need to find another way other than food to celebrate?

  • idabest777
    idabest777 Posts: 97 Member
    I was also brought up to always clear my plate, and it's a habit that really sticks because I still do it no matter how much is on there. When my boyfriend is dishing out our meals I always tell him to just give me half of what he gives himself (He's tall with a very active job). Just ask him in advance to give you half of what he normally gives you or else you won't be able to enjoy your takeout later.

    If he doesn't listen and just gives you a giant plate of food anyways you have 3 options:
    1. Only eat half of it and enjoy your takeout later without going too far over calories
    2. Eat the whole thing but don't get takeout for dinner and just have something light and small instead so you can stay within your calories
    3. Eat the whole thing and get takeout; go over your calories but get back on track the very next day.

    I personally don't find it enjoyable to get a big restaurant dinner or something when I know i only have 100-200 calories left for the day, especially cus most restaurant food ends up being over 1000 calories for a meal.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    In my family we have one or two birthdays every month of the year. I pick and choose which part of the food celebration I'm willing to spend calories on. Tomorrow I am not interesting in the pasta dish my sister is making for my mom's birthday, but I will have a slice of cake. They know I'm cutting for a bodybuilding competition and don't pressure me to join for the whole thing. I will eat before I go and my kids will enjoy the meal with everyone else while I entertain the baby.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    angelsja wrote: »
    I have the same realationship with food as a alcoholic does with alcohol I prepare all other meals so I know I can safely clean my plate and not go over came for support and to rant a little over my anxiety and only one person understood where I was coming from I wish there was a delete post button now :'(

    Click the flag button and report your own post asking the mods to delete it. You may have been just seeking to rant, but there are tons of options out there to make it so you don't have to deal with the food anxiety.