where have all the motivated people gone?

Hi everyone! I'm not new to this site, I joined over a month ago and have since been on here daily. I've seen some great results and "met" some wonderfully motivating people, but I've also noticed that many of my MFP friends have since fallen off the healthy-lifestyle bandwagon. I know that for most people, myself included, something inside just has to click to really create change, get healthy, and lose the extra weight. You have to get to that point where putting your health and wellbeing becomes a priority above many, many other things, and most just aren't ready for that commitment.

If you are like me and have decided that enough is enough and you are really motivated, please feel free to add me! Whether you have a lot to lose or a little, I'm looking for friends who are in this for the long haul! Looking forward to keeping each other motivated and accountable, and as always, happy losing! :flowerforyou:


  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    I'm just as motivated as you are, don't worry! Feel free to message me if you need some motivation!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    jltoffer - I always love reading your posts, it's obvious that you are very motivated!
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I am on this site daily! Although I will miss a stray day and my ticker gets reset! :huh:

    It's tough sometimes to post and comment on everyones achievements due to work, but I am always here if you need to send a PM.

    I've been stuck at around 130 +/- 2lbs for around 4 months. Obviously its mostly self sabotage! Summer is a tough time to be cutting back on calories!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Aaahhhh, a newbie. ;-)

    What you need to understand is that while you have that feeling NOW, you just started. Most of us go through the "enough is enough" phase for the first few weeks, or even months. But losing weight, eating right, exercising regularly, doing it through parties and holidays and weeks where you're just TIRED, is HARD.

    And sometimes we fall off the wagon, but usually we get back on eventually.

    I hate to say it, but you will probably understand this sooner or later.

    What's important, though, is not staying on, but getting back on when you've fallen off.
  • bevhols
    bevhols Posts: 43 Member
    I am new to MFP (1 week) and my motivational partner is my spouse who joined MFP at the same time. I am totally enjoying the "Community" although I am not good about responding to friends on FB and not sure I would be good on MFP either ... so hoping that my stray comments will be helpful/useful!

    I have been up and down over the years weight wise ... MFP is one of the easiest tracking plans I have ever used and I am hoping that having that daily picture in front of both of us, we will do what we need to do. We both lost about 42-45 lbs about three years ago using South Beach, but then slowly put back on about half of what we lost. The good thing is we are starting over 22-24 lbs less than last time; the bad thing is that we didn't maintain a healthy eating plan. At this point, my husband is has numbers on blood tests that are troublesome ... healthy eating and about 20-25 lbs off will put him in a really good position. I have no known health issues, but also don't want them. BTW looking at the pics, we are LOTS older than you folks but VERY YOUNG at heart! ;-D

    Original SW: 224
    MFP SW: 202
    CW: 197
    Height: 5'4"
    Goal Weight: 140
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    While I've only been on MFP a month, I've dealt with weight issues, dieting, and exercise my entire life, so trust me when I say that I know it's difficult. It's even more difficult when you essentially have NO real-life supporters, which is my situation. All I was saying is that I'd like some more MFP friends who are like me. I get that it's hard, particularly during holidays or get-togethers. What I'd like are some friends who get that as well.
  • bevhols
    bevhols Posts: 43 Member
    Been there done that many many times and you are SOOOO right!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Going to say that I have the motivation.
    I am still adapting to my new eating regime. But, it is going well and I am losing the weight and feeling better. Which in turn motivates me to continue.
    I have tripped up too many times in the past to make promises for the future. But, I am here now and I am working at it and I am seeing success.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I've got the motivation as well! Feel free to add me if you need some! :D
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    They all got sexy and fit and are too busy looking at themselves in the mirror now.
  • Monika135
    They all got sexy and fit and are too busy looking at themselves in the mirror now.
    I only wish this was the case! lol
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I understand not having the outside support or motivations when it comes to trying something that is this difficult. And for most of us that have tried and failed many times, that support really could have been what helped. Im happy that there are motivated people on this site that I can reach out to and they can help me thru it and Im sure the same is true for most of you.

    I have never been one to resond to FB status updates or anything like that, but I am finding that if I answer them here, it helps me too, even if it is only once in awhile.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    Like you it has been a lifelong challenge and its better when we can help each other. I am not always on here but I am trying everyday even on the days my calorie count does not reflect it :( But as one diet I was on said - I will diet 100% today!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Agreen -- Have you looked into joining Meetup.com? If there isn't a group in your area already that looks good, it might be worth paying and starting one. You can move it to Facebook or something after.

    I'm a member of a group on there that was started as just a way for women new to the area to meet and make new friends. It ended up that there are quite a few of us who work out and diet and stuff like that. We decided to start running 5Ks (we do one a month) and train together, so there's always someone there to push the rest of us and something to work towards.

    If you don't have people in your life already who help you, go out and find new people who will! :-)

    I've always been pretty good at self-motivation, and this website is nice, but it's really awesome having real life friends right there who have the same goals.
  • angelabelew
    angelabelew Posts: 9 Member
    I am so motivated to take care of myself. I know like anyone else I sometimes slack but for the most part I do try. I am trying to become more active in other things, running, biking, walking. It would be great to meet people with same interests.
  • angelabelew
    angelabelew Posts: 9 Member
    How do I find this group of ladies. I would love to meet up with you and train to run once a month. That would just be Awesome
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Agreen -- Have you looked into joining Meetup.com? If there isn't a group in your area already that looks good, it might be worth paying and starting one. You can move it to Facebook or something after.

    I'm a member of a group on there that was started as just a way for women new to the area to meet and make new friends. It ended up that there are quite a few of us who work out and diet and stuff like that. We decided to start running 5Ks (we do one a month) and train together, so there's always someone there to push the rest of us and something to work towards.

    If you don't have people in your life already who help you, go out and find new people who will! :-)

    I've always been pretty good at self-motivation, and this website is nice, but it's really awesome having real life friends right there who have the same goals.

    Never heard of meetup.com, I'll have to look into it! I agree that real-life motivation makes a huge difference. Most of my family is either very obese or super skinny - it's a strange group. My boyfriend can eat whatever he wants and stay thin as a pole. And then there's me, who practically goes up a size if I gain a pound :laugh: The last year has been a huge transition period for me, going from running around at college all day to now having a desk job back in my sleepy hometown.

    I joined a gym earlier this year and that really helped! I'm also a pretty good self-motivator, but I thrive off of friendly competition and social exercising such as spin classes. Thanks for the tip!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How do I find this group of ladies. I would love to meet up with you and train to run once a month. That would just be Awesome

    If you live anywhere near Tallahassee, we'd love to have you!

    Agreen -- I know what you mean about the boyfriend. It's frustrating! What's funny is he thinks he's too skinny and is frustrated by THAT, so we're two sides of a coin. I never had a weight problem until a few years ago, I used to be the person who could eat anything and not exercise and be very thin, but that obviously changed. :-)

    Meetup is an interesting site. Basically, you can start a group about anything you're interested in -- exercise, new friends, book clubs, you name it. The catch is there's a cost to be an organizer, but you can ask group members to contribute to that. You pay every six months and it's about $10 a month. But if there's already a group that you'd find helpful or interesting, there's no cost to just join.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    LOL I'm unfortunately nowhere near Tallahassee - my dad is in St. Pete though! Even that's gotta be at least a 6 hour drive away
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's four hours to Tampa, so probably closer to 4 1/2 or 5. :-)