Ive been drastically gaining weight since I started working out



  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @Colorscheme Yeah, I read my phone pacing up and down my hall, and my Fitbit will say I burned 5 cals a minute instead of 2.5. Big difference, especially since I do it several times a day!
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    I've lost 37 pounds and it's in part to several things. Drinking half of your body weight in water per day. Use MFP to determine your total fat and look at the total fat on the food labels. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Walk every day and shoot for an active lifestyle of 10,000 steps per day. I hope this helps.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    When you are hitting a wall especially (and in theory always) you need to: weigh your foods, accurately log and track all the foods, evaluate what burns you are being told you get exercising honestly (300 cals is probably a large amount of activity for a girl, not as much for a large male for example), realize that weight doesn't come off as quickly once you start weight training on average, and then give it a month.

    Eyeballing has huge inaccuracies involved unless you have been training yourself for a long time, and then its just relatively large inaccuracies. If you are thinking you are eating say 1.5k cals with foods that you "ate before" when you were gaining...well firstly you've proven eating those foods you tend to gain, and I'd guess an eyeballed total could easily be more like 2k cals, which may not be a great loss range for you (depends on size/activity, big loss range for me and you dont give data on your height, weight or muscle mass).

    Next you note hiking on the weekend for a couple hrs, you are counting as 500-1000 calories. Lets compare here to check if its probable: I'm going to guess that I am larger, heavier and more muscled as a taller male semi regular strength training lifter, and when I do a two hour hike, I tend to go up and down a good amount of incline with at least 15lbs pack before I'll log about 1,000 calories on my Garmin. I also got about 330 some calories added credit to eat for about 16,000 steps the other day. I also tend to only get about 300-500 calories credit on my lifting sessions, but in most cases I'm moving between 250-900+lbs during lifts. So looking at what I can know from what you've posted, I'm going to guess your burns are over estimated, unless you are close to my body size/composition/activity intensity. I also am not losing at the rate I'd like, so my rates are probably pretty close or possibly over estimated.