Couch to 5K

Ok, so I just joined this site, thanks to a coworker who told me about it. I am thinking of doing a couch to 5k challenge, which I was able to load an app on my iPhone. I really need to get my butt in shape now that I'm 40. It's not getting any easier to lose this extra weight I've been wanting to get rid of. Anyone else out there want to do this with me and motivate each other? I am thinking of starting on Monday.

Anyone? :flowerforyou:


  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I'm in this C25K challenge now. See link below. You're welcome to join us!
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    congrats on committing to the c25k!! i am 41 and did my first 5k - with thanks to the c25k - last October!! (see profile pic :happy: ) i am now 'trying' the EI210k (ease into 10k), which i didn't even know existed, and start w2 tomorrow.

    YOU. CAN. DO. IT. i'd be happy to keep follow along with you - especially if you start TODAY!

    BIGGEST advice - do NOT run 2 days in a row, go slooooooooooooooow and steady. it actually took me almost 3 years, 3 'stop and start overs' due to life AND injuries. but i finally got it done!
  • I'd love to follow along with you! Unfortunately, I won't be able to start today. :-( However, I can start tomorrow morning!

    That's fantastic about completing your first 5K. It gives me hope!!
  • I am in- downloaded a podcast to help- however two of my 60 second runs I quit about halfway through but I did finish.
  • Been there done that!! Yup!! I have done a C5K like twice. I have run in about 8 over the last 2-3 years. It is really great!! I really wish that I had started running b-fore 40 I might have become a marathin runner but I still can. I just take it slow. Thumbs up for you!! You can do it!!!
  • Danie122
    Danie122 Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to start couch to 5K. Wish I had an iphone because I hear great things about the app, but I don't =( I am trying to download podcasts for my nano but having a hard time. I went to itunes to download Robert Ullery's podcasts, but it's not working. Are there other podcasts for this program that someone can recommend? I'd like to start today!
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    Danie122 - yes! there ARE different podcasts - search "c25k" or "couch to 5k" (can't remember which one) in itunes and there should be a few. I personally didn't like Robert Ullery's music but I have heard a lot of great things about his podcast. I ended up choosing ........... well, for the life of me, I can't recall her name!! ugh! it's driving me nuts - i will search some more and come back and post.

    I did find this while searching though:
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member

    I like these ones, more up to date music of the type I like, also free to download to my MP3
  • Ok ladies, let's start this thing! I downloaded Get Running, which runs in the background of your ipod/phone and will tell you when to start running or walking (while you are listening to whatever music you wish!). Who's ready to start from week one? We can push each other and motivate each other.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I'll join. I finished Week 1, Day 2 yesterday.

    This is my second time doing the program and trust me when I say IT WORKS. I went from being a running hater to loving and craving running. I ran in the rain, I ran on vacation. I even got my husband (another running-hater) to run with me. Then we fell off the wagon and I am just now trying to get back on.
  • That's what I'm looking forward to the most...loving running! Right now, I'm trying to pretend I'm loving it. Haha!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    My new slogan is 'fake it til you make it'. :laugh: