Starting my commitment. Starting my new life. Today. Looking for friends.

sirricelik Posts: 17 Member
edited February 2018 in Motivation and Support
Hey all,

I've been a MFP user for about a year now. I've registered to MFP in the first place because I saw on YouTube how effective it can be. I've used it, yes... only for a few weeks during last summer. I didn't commit to using it regularly. The app was on my smartphone, the website was among my browser bookmarks, but... I guess I procrastinated for almost an entire year now.

I had done my research, I knew what dietary habits to form, what to consume and what not to, I knew what workouts to do, I had designed my entire daily schedule based on the new, active, fit life I wanted to have. But I was lazy. I was stressed. I was expecting a sudden finger snap that would put everything instantly in order. And as we all know, that's not how it works.

I'm sure some of you guys know that trigger moment that makes you realize some things in life. Well, mine just happened. My most serious relationship to date has just ended. Only a few days before Valentine's Day. She was the girl I wanted to marry someday. She was the girl whom I wanted to be the mother of my children. She was my only girlfriend that my parents actually liked. She was beautiful and perfect. But... she left me. She was unhappy. And she was so damn right. Who'd wanna be the girlfriend of a lazy couch potato?

That made me realize, it's time for some things to change. Starting today.

To make things clear, I have no intention of winning her back. What I want is, to improve the overall quality of my life, by making some changes yes, but most importantly by losing weight. I feel like a big heavy truck that can't go faster and gets past by every single car and motorcycle on the highway because it's way too heavy and bulky. I have about 27 kgs (60 lbs) to lose.

I know that I respond well to social pressure. And for that reason, I need your help. I need friends to poke me, to motivate me, to support me.

Feel free to add me and/or comment below.


  • Vonny198334
    Vonny198334 Posts: 178 Member
    edited February 2018
    So sorry to hear about your breakup, it must all be very raw for you just now. I admire that you're using this experience to improve yourself in a way that will make YOU happy though.

    It can feel like there's a huge chasm between knowing what to do & implementing it all in the beginning, hey? Bit overwhelming to say the least! Sounds as if you know this all too well but if I were to offer any type of advice, it'd be to changing things at a pace that suits you. Even the wee changes all add up to something big & tangible - usually before you know it....time doesn't half fly!!

    Be kind to yourself, celebrate the small wins & enjoy the journey as best as you can. I'm a big believer in this being the key to losing & then maintaining your weight loss in the long term.
    If you eat what you log & log what you eat within the calorie allowance MFP gives you, it will totally happen for you!

    Best luck & cheering you on from the sidelines :smile:
  • sirricelik
    sirricelik Posts: 17 Member
    Well, zero people have added me so far, and one person has replied to my thread.

    It's been two days since I've started my commitment. I stand motivated. I stand strong. 25.2 km (17.5 miles) on the treadmill in the past two days. More is yet to come.
  • trojan2000
    trojan2000 Posts: 4 Member
    Great job! The road ahead will not be easy but you can do it!!
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    It's always hard to stay motivated. I deal with compulsive over eating so I will do really well for a week and then have a terrible day. I aim to just get back on the saddle the next day and leave the day before behind. Feel free to add me back! Motivation comes from within and I hope to see you continue in a positive direction!
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    sirricelik wrote: »
    Well, zero people have added me so far, and one person has replied to my thread.

    It's been two days since I've started my commitment. I stand motivated. I stand strong. 25.2 km (17.5 miles) on the treadmill in the past two days. More is yet to come.

    I haven’t figured out how to add friends yet, but feel free to add me if you want. You sound focused and I know you can do this. I’m rooting for you!
  • funtastichealth
    funtastichealth Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! I am starting my challenge as well! I have been sick with a knee injury so did not make progress over the last three months. Time to turn that around