What's the craziest thing you would do to make someone stop dating you?

Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
What lengths would you go to in order to get dumped or not asked out in the first place?


  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Dance through a public fountain. If they can't handle that, they can't handle me
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Pretend we are being followed and need to lose our tail
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Argue with HQ on an imaginary ear piece about mission objectives
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Sadly I haven’t gone through any real lengths, it just turns out that way. :(
  • Armymedic2018
    Armymedic2018 Posts: 120 Member
    pretend l was gay
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Haha! I love it!

    Except @Just_J_Now That sucks. I'm sorry
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    The best way is to set them up with somebody.

    Anyone trying to get rid of me? I have fun plans for a date :naughty:
    TEQWAR Posts: 1,616 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Show them my naked breasts.

    Hey! That's my technique! :wink:
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Show them my naked breasts.

    Not sure that would work...
  • Armymedic2018
    Armymedic2018 Posts: 120 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Show them my naked breasts.

    Not sure that would work...

    Depends on the breasts lol
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    I once laughed at a guy when he put on a tuxedo thong for me. It was hilarious though and I couldn't stop myself. Plus I was not about to just hand over my virginity for a novelty (and ridiculous) under garment. The relationship didn't last much longer after that
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    That's Ace :lol:
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    The best way is to set them up with somebody.

    Anyone trying to get rid of me? I have fun plans for a date :naughty:

    Lol I meant somebody else...I was dating this Indian girl, who was trying to get rid of me and suggested one night that I go talk to this woman who ended up being my wife.

    She got furious when I started dating her :D

    Haha!! Some people's children :tongue:
  • agerke752
    agerke752 Posts: 3 Member
    Tell them you already have someone in your life.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited February 2018
    Married 18 years, not dated for a long time. Never really had to get rid of anyone that wouldn't take the truth.

    When I was younger it seemed if you talked about love, marriage, children it would scare people off. Is this no longer the case?

    Say you are in massive debt and ask to use their credit card?
    If they have a phobia of spiders or something let that be your new hobby.
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Start dressing like Peter Pan

    Listen to gospel metal in the car

    Drink 40's around her parents

    Build a Saturday Night Fever John Travolta shrine in the living room and surprise her when she gets home from work

    Start asking her every single day around 6pm, "wanna go Sizzler?"

    Walk around the apartment with a cheeseburger on my head

    Get 4 barb wire tattoos around each limb, wash them off after the breakup