General Weight Loss, Low Carb, and/or Primal Paleo Tips

samb Posts: 464 Member
Interested in going low carb &/or paleo/primal?

This is my experience. Everyone is different so don’t hold me to any of this as “fact” or that it is best for everyone. I have just done a lot of research, spoken with many many people who have had awesome results from this and altered my life and this is what seems to work for me and what my opinions are on it all. I truly wish I had known all of this my whole life, but you live and you learn and I wanted to spread the word in case it is something that changes your life as it has for me! If you are losing as is, then keep doing what you are doing! But if you are looking for a boost, it is worth a try. I was a vegetarian for about 4 years and at first I did lose weight and maintained it fairly well. But over time I was adding more and more carbs and didn’t realize it was a bad thing since I only really focused on calories. I started working out like crazy most days and was not losing really any fat or weight. I got beyond frustrated and did not understand what I was doing wrong. I finally became fed up from feeling bloated, lethargic, working extremely hard, and not seeing ANY results at all. After researching a lot and asking people what worked for them, etc, I decided to first go primal/paleo, then low carb. I already had a healthy diet, but it was high carb, low fat & pretty low protein. I started by cutting out grains completely, including corn, then began eating meat again (shockingly!!-truly felt this could change all of my frustrations though) and worked my net carbs down to 100g, then 75g, then 50g, now 35g which is where I will stay on my regular days until I get to my goal, which is only a few pounds away now. I eat mostly meat & veggies and some cheese (which is not in the paleo diet), with occasional fruit and potatoes. On my free days I eat literally whatever I want – though this is far different from when I started all of this! So here are some random tips/ideas/things that I do that you may want to consider:

This is what I do: 6 days on, 1 day off (Saturday): Usually only eat from 11am-7pm or so on the on days. About 1200 cals, >100g protein, and <35g net carbs. On my free day I consume about 2000 calories and about 150 net carbs, sometimes even more (though I don’t really gain much because my body is a fat burning machine still during that day!). When I crave something during my on days I usually tell myself I can handle waiting the couple days til the free day.

--6 days on, 1 day off --- or you could do it differently. Atkins doesn’t have days off. Research is varied so nothing is fact. I just worry that my body’s metabolism, etc will be changed if I am constantly low carb. But I also feel that maybe having more days on before the free day could help in the case of ketosis (see below). I also notice the day off helps to spike my weight loss significantly. I only gain about a pound and lose that within a day, but my weight goes significantly lower following that. Without the day off I seem to lose much much slower. One important thing is to make sure you don’t have more than 1 free day back to back. I have done this, and that is when significant weight gain can kick in – I have gained up to 5 lbs in just 2 days, but usually only 1 lb when its 1 day at a time).

--Net carbs are what is important, not total carbs really (which is carbs minus fiber basically).

---protein is very important not only for muscle recovery (I no longer get sore no matter how strenuous the workouts are!!) but also for fat burning and energy.

---lots of water is very important for fat loss among everything else for your body to function – please take my word for this, this is FACT and dehydration is nothing to mess around with. If you feel thirsty at all then you already are way too low on water.

---the big misconception: the idea is to find your maintenance level by starting low (to lose weight) and slowly work your way up – adding about 5g net carbs per week until you stop losing – then you know where to maintain --- so this is for life!

---work your way down to low carb, you don’t have to just jump right into it

---cutting grains while going low carb is the best bet (see – some disagree – but this has had a enormous impact on my life! I occasionally have them on my day off as I am now closer to my goals, but I still try to avoid them as much as possible as they make my body feel bloated and lethargic. I would much rather get the carbs from potatoes or a more natural source.

--paleo/primal is eating the way our long ago ancestors would have – meats, veggies, fruit, some nuts, etc – even if not followed strictly this helps significantly in the low carb diet as this and low carb help you to make better decisions by looking at what is in products & avoiding processed foods, etc.

--by eating paleo/primal & low carb, you likely do not even need to focus at all on calories. I notice it is hard to get in enough cals as I feel full, but not bloated, and I rarely ever go over, and when I do it does not seem to matter.

-ketosis – when your liver’s glycogen stores (from carbs) are depleted so your body resorts to burning fat stores as a source of energy: (Wikipedia: If the diet is changed from a highly glycemic diet to a diet that does not provide sufficient carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores, the body goes through a set of stages to enter ketosis. During the initial stages of this process, blood glucose levels are maintained through gluconeogenesis, and the adult brain does not burn ketones; however, the brain makes immediate use of ketones for lipid synthesis in the brain. After about 48 hours of this process, the brain starts burning ketones in order to more directly use the energy from the fat stores that are being depended upon, and to reserve the glucose only for its absolute needs, thus avoiding the depletion of the body's protein store in the muscles.)

Some resources that helped me along the way:
The Atkins diet --- even though I did not follow this it helped to teach me the main ideas of low carb
RECIPES: & just search low carb recipes on google – there are tons of sites


  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for sharing. Interesting info.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    bump for later thanks babe
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    :flowerforyou: Very interesting - thank you.

    I am what I call a semi-vegetarian because I don't like the taste or texture of most meats. So what would you recommend for non card proteins without too much meat?

    Sars :smile:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member

    I'm currently doing my own version (as in drinking one or two low-carb slim fast shakes everyday, which most people doing a stricter low-carb WOE wouldn't approve of, which is fine. It's working for me and it's sometimes difficult for me to eat solid foods first thing in the morning) of low-carb.. keeping it under 20 net carbs a day, but also around 1500 calories (give or take a few hundred.. I'm not too worried about my calorie intake, but have been trying a calorie cycling type deal). I'm also working on increasing my fat intake, by adding more nuts and the like to my daily diet.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Careful.. lots of carb lovers here on the forum.

    I do pretty much the same thing, but I do my carb ups every 2 weeks, and I save what little carbs I do take in per day an hour or so before my workouts.

    I tried doing the low fat/low calorie thing for years while training (weights/muay thai). I had results but it was a lot of work, and I was always hungry. Now I don't need to workout near as hard as I did, I don't have to give up eating the foods I like, and I'm satisfied when I eat.
  • michelle_d06
    bump...thank you
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Thanks for keeping me focused Sam!!!!
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for posting this info. =)
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Careful.. lots of carb lovers here on the forum.

    I do pretty much the same thing, but I do my carb ups every 2 weeks, and I save what little carbs I do take in per day an hour or so before my workouts.

    I tried doing the low fat/low calorie thing for years while training (weights/muay thai). I had results but it was a lot of work, and I was always hungry. Now I don't need to workout near as hard as I did, I don't have to give up eating the foods I like, and I'm satisfied when I eat.

    That's awesome! And I completely agree! Haha I know everyone has their own opinions and what works for some doesn't always work for everyone. I am not bashing anyone or any ideas here (not even grains because I know some people are fine with them, but I apparently am not for some reason, though I never even knew it til I cut them out then realized the effect they had on me this whole time!). Like I said, its just my true experience. Just wanted to share because it took me my whole life to find out this is what worked for ME :) I hope to help others to at least find what works for them!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I tried to dukan diet but this looks great and it would be nice to have 1 cheat day. I'll check it out for later.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    But carbs are so much fun!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    :flowerforyou: Very interesting - thank you.

    I am what I call a semi-vegetarian because I don't like the taste or texture of most meats. So what would you recommend for non card proteins without too much meat?

    Sars :smile:

    Being a full vegetarian I found it is VERY difficult to have below 75g carbs with high protein, only because the majority of protein sources are equivalent with the amount of carbs. For example, nuts have the same carbs as protein. Same with many veggies, if not more carbs. Fruit has quite a bit of carbs. And yogurt has more carbs than protein. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian I added in a lot of eggs and cheese before I decided it was way too difficult to get to the level I wanted to be at without eating meat. I know some can do it, which is awesome, but it wasn't working for me. And meat really really reallllly grossed me out to be honest, it was a huge step to do this, but it was truly worth it. I still try to stay mostly vegetarian though, but as time has gone on I have been adding more and more meat to my diet. And I am actually happy about it! :O

    *keep in mind going low carb should coincide with eating healthy - avoiding processed foods... there are a lot of manufacturers out there that say low carb on their products - yes this may help, but you should be trying to avoid processed foods if you are truly committed to weight loss

    Here are all of my suggestions off the top of my head for low carb foods (vegetarian and non-vegetarian):

    Zero or very little carbs:
    pork (though most pork does have some carbs)

    Low-Moderate Carbs:
    peanut butter
    La Tortilla Factory low carb whole wheat tortillas (I do use these for wraps and they don't have the effect bread/pasta has on me)

    Moderate Carbs:
    some fruits (mainly berries)
    legumes (beans, etc)

    High Carbs:
    most highly processed foods/junk foods
    some fruits (bananas, etc)

    *atkins is a really good source to compare foods and to see where they stand as far as carbs go
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I tried to dukan diet but this looks great and it would be nice to have 1 cheat day. I'll check it out for later.

    I have heard of people trying out the dukan diet, the only thing I don't like about it is that you are not allowed to even have veggies in the beginning. I suppose that means your carbs would be super low and cause rapid weight loss, but I like to go with a healthier more sustainable approach. I didn't cut anything besides grains totally out. And I try to consume lots of veggies along with the meat, and still allow the free day for other things. Veggies are good for your metabolism and provide you with fiber (so they are extremely low carb) unless you are adding stuff onto them. That is just my opinion though, and whatever works for you is great! I just am trying to be as healthy and practical as possible as well as losing weight. I don't like being overly strict as I have tried to do in the past because I find that it just does not work for me. I obsess over things I shouldn't be and let myself down too much. Doing this has been more rewarding than anything and I find it is pretty easy to follow. It may not always be perfect, there are days I reach 50g net (mainly when I consume potatoes), but if I am eating natural foods and do my best to stay as low as possible I feel that is really what counts. And going to 50 still does not cause me to gain weight at all, so I know my tolerance is above that. I just shoot for less than 35 for quicker fat loss. You can only do your best. And I truly believe if you are always doing your best then there is no reason for regret, etc.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    But carbs are so much fun!

    hahaha thats what i thought too....but now i actually cringe at the thought of eating high carbs cuz of how it makes me feel....literally i feel like a blimp!! when i am eating low carb it doesnt matter how much food i eat as far as calories or volume, i always feel thin and my body doesnt feel swollen, and i also have the next day to look forward to seeing a weight loss! IMO the weight loss and appearance results as well as the energy, etc greatly outweighs eating the carbs! :P
  • Mucky_Duck
    Saving. Been spending a lot of time reading up on the information at Marks Daily Apple and definitely coming to the conclusion going primal might be the best option for my health.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I think Paleo style + Anabolic Diet could be interesting.
  • chapagonzo