Lose 5lbs + in February 2018



  • robynloving
    robynloving Posts: 3 Member
    Original Starting Weight-210
    February Start Weight-165
    February Goal-160
    Ultimate Goal-135


  • abowmaster1971
    abowmaster1971 Posts: 5 Member
    Original start 215
    February start 1/29 219
    2/5 218.4
    2/12 219.2
    My goal is 214
  • skinnyroadmfp
    skinnyroadmfp Posts: 3 Member

    February starting weight - 152
    February goal - 146 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 115 lbs

    Feb 05 -151.2
    Feb 12 -150
    Feb19 -
    Feb 26 -
    Feb 28 -
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,746 Member
    Original starting weight - 150 lbs (192.2 heaviest)
    February starting weight - 146.0
    February goal - 144 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 135 lbs

    I weigh in on Mondays.

    02/01 - 146.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    02/05 - 147.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    02/12 - 146.0 at 6:00 a.m.

  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Starting Weight: 332.4
    February Starting Weight: 332.4
    February Goal: 324.4
    Ultimate Goal: 120ish
    Weight Loss for the Month: -9.4
    Weight Loss Total: -9.4

    Weigh Day Monday
    2/5/18 - 323.0 (-9.4)
    2/12/18 - 322.0 (-1.0)
  • quarterhorses
    quarterhorses Posts: 240 Member
    Original start weight 220 May 1st 2017
    February start weight 185.5
    February goal weight 180
    Weigh in day Monday
    February 1st 185.5
    February 5th 184
    February 12th 183
    February 19th
    February 26th

    Total February loss to date 2.5
  • tubsara
    tubsara Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Original starting weight - 93kg
    February starting weight - 92kg
    February goal - 85kg or less
    Ultimate goal - BMI under 32 so I can get the medical treatment I need
    I've been weighing in every day. Finding it super helpful to log what I'm eating in this site, and this morning was at 88.6kg
  • aquamarinex
    aquamarinex Posts: 42 Member
    edited February 2018
    In this month

    Original start weight 154lbs too long ago
    February start weight 142
    February goal 136
    Ultimate goal 123

    Weigh day Thursday 1/2 141
    Thursday 8th 140
    Thursday 15th
    Thursday 23rd
  • nineveh1947
    nineveh1947 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm in too:
    Original starting weight - 183
    February starting weight - 177
    February goal - 167
    Ultimate goal - 145
    [Dream weight - 135]

    I'll weigh in on Tuesdays:
    Feb 6: 177
    Feb 13: 176
    Feb 20:
    Feb 27
    Total loss for February :
  • badgershoff
    badgershoff Posts: 16 Member
    I have started the process, but haven’t done weekly weigh ins. joining this discussion/challenge late and will start weekly tracking.

    February start: 170
    February goal: 162
    Ultimate end goal: 135

    Weigh in day will be Fridays.
    February 16
    February 23
  • genchiyu
    genchiyu Posts: 244 Member
    Original starting weight - 160 lbs. (March 26, 2017)
    February starting weight - 152 lbs.
    February goal - 147 lbs.
    Ultimate goal - 120 lbs.

    Weigh in every Tuesday:
    02/06- 151.6 lbs.
    02/13- 155.2

    Total loss for February : gained 3.2 lbs.

    On my TOM, I hate to see that weight scale go up! Hopefully that's my only reason.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 126.8
    February Goal: 122 LBS

    Feb 6: 126.8
    Feb 13: 124.4
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Highest ever weight (July 2010) - 275ish
    Starting weight (July 2016) - 228.6 lbs
    Feb starting weight - 188.2 lbs (Jan 31)
    Feb goal - 183 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 145 lbs

    Feb 1st - 188.0 lbs
    Feb 7th - 187.4 lbs
    Feb 14th - 185.3 lbs
    Feb 21st -
    Feb 28th -

    Total loss for Feb - 2.9 / 5.2 lbs

    Lose 5+ pounds a month 2018 progress
    Jan: 196.2 lbs start, 188.2 lbs end = -8 lbs
    Feb: 188.2 lbs start,
  • jeschields
    jeschields Posts: 90 Member
    Highest weight - 280
    Mfp starting weight - 260
    February starting weight - 220.1
    February goal - 215
    Ultimate goal - 145

    2/7: 221.1
    2/14: 219.7

    Total loss in February: .4 I guess it’s better than a gain.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    Today's weigh is 213, I hope I lose some by March.
  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    Thanks for doing this Challenge. We can't do this alone, so a challenge makes it fun! I have about 15 pounds to lose. I will be posting my weight every Wednesday morning.

    February goal - 5lbs

    Ultimate goal - 170 lbs

    Starting Weight
    (Jan 31) - 181.5

    Feb 7 - 182.5.....not off to a very good start. Have been unemployed since Feb 1, so I'm trying to find my
    new routine. Should be a better week.

    Feb 14 - 182.5..... Made up an eating schedule, and stayed the same this week.

    Feb 21

    Feb 28

    Total loss for February: