Keto Diet - Yay or nay?

I’ve been looking at different changes to make in my food choices. My biggest problem is fast food so if I cut that out, I know that’s a great first step. But I feel like I need to still do something different at home to keep it exciting and easy to follow at the same time.

I’ve had several friends suggest the keto diet but I want to hear if anyone has actually had success with it and if it’s something that can be easily shipped for and prepared.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    The quest for excitement was what made me fat/struggle with weight and relationship with food, for over twenty years. I wanted food to be exciting, I wanted to lose weight in a fashionable style. Sciency sounding revealing of "secrets" - oooh, sign me up!

    As I have become older, and learnt to ask questions, observe and use my rational mind, on this area too, I prefer easy, and I don't mind simple. I don't think that is boring. I have boundaries, but they are sensible and flexible. This means that I get to choose any foods I want, I just have to not routinely eat too much. Of course I want to eat more sometimes, and sometimes I eat more than planned, but not all the time. It's not something I would call "hard" or "battle" anymore. It boils down to just making a small ongoing effort, and then living a happy, everyday, life.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited February 2018
    Answer is simple if you're doing it for non-medical reasons: yay if you find it easier to sustain than other macro distributions, nay if you don't.

    Edit: Oh, forgot to add how it went for me. Nope, it hindered my success because I didn't like it, was hungry on it, and had unwanted side effects. So it's definitely a nay for me, but your mileage may vary.
  • scribblemoma
    scribblemoma Posts: 115 Member
    edited February 2018
    I gave it an honest shot for a solid month, with 20g net daily on carbs, and it was ok. Great weight dropper but the restrictions just weren’t my style. I’m just doing CICO and I’m losing at the same pace with no restrictions on my carbs (but I do eat well regardless). I didn’t struggle too much on it but I wouldn’t do it again.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I tried keto for a year, lost weight, missed carbs too much, went back to a standard diet, regained the weight. That's the TLDR version anyway.

    Now I'm losing weight again in a much more sustainable way for me. I'm almost down to my lowest adult weight EVER, and I'm doing it solely by counting calories. I still enjoy fast food, desserts, pasta dishes, rice, etc. I just make sure to log everything accurately and stick to a calorie deficit.

    It's that simple.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I wouldn't find any restricting diet to be exciting OR easy to follow.

    Instead, I walk through the grocery store, find whole foods that look interesting (along with a variety of spices) and put them together into my meals that week.

    Learning to use spice and a variety of preparation methods keeps food exciting for me. Trying new things or new ways of making old things is exciting. Variety is the spice of life!

    I do NOT spend a lot of time in the kitchen - I don't have a ton of time available to be making intricate recipes, so I keep it simple and make good use of spices and the like.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    toxikon wrote: »
    kimcalica wrote: »
    Has anyone here actually done Keto? I’ve been doing it about a week and I’m shocked at how amazing I feel and how my food control has changed. I do t see how t as a sustainable diet for life, but I definitely see it as a great way to Get a good education on how food works for us and get a whole new mind frame about portions and it could possibly change the binge mentality. I’m very excited with the changes I’m seeing and plan to keep practicing this for awhile!

    I did it for a year, as mentioned above. When I stopped doing it, I regained all the weight because I went on crazy carb binges after missing them for so long.

    I also felt pretty good on keto, I enjoy the satiety of fat and the reduced bloating. But a life without bagels, pizza, french fries, pasta, rice and desserts was a life I didn't wish to live.

    You forgot about beer...

    Hah, I'm actually not a beer or wine drinker. Diet coke and dark rum all the way! So at least that aspect of keto was easy to follow.
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    I've done it imperfectly for over six months. When I'm doing it right, it's awesome because I seem to be able to control my portions better, and don't get insanely hungry in-between meals. This was a big problem for me prior to starting keto - I could eat A LOT and OFTEN :blush:

    I sometimes miss the starches, but there are lots of workarounds that do the trick once you get used to them.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    For me personally it wouldn't work. I've found through experience that if I cut certain foods out then I'll end up binging on them at some point. But others have done great adhering to their deficit on it.