How does one "forget/not want to" eat?

Only once in my life have I not felt the constant urge to eat at least once every 2-3 hours, and that's when I was in the hospital practically dying and crying my eyes out, and my stomach couldn't fit any food in it even if I wanted to.

For the most part, I eat like clockwork. And ever since I counted every calorie that entered my mouth, it's been significantly more difficult staying under my limit than just "watching out for bad foods."

Then I read stories of people that forget to eat or can't be bothered preparing a meal, so they just skip it, and for the most part it doesn't even disturb them.

Since I started using MFP, not a day has passed since my eating was dictated by the clock, every couple of hours without fail.

Seriously, if I could just "forget to eat" between breakfast and suppertime and then stuff my face with all my day's calories at once, I'd totally do that, but I get too hungry too often to ever pull it off :/

Tips, tricks? Most of my day is spent at home studying, nothing physically strenuous beyond walking around the house cooking, cleaning, and ~20 minutes of jumping rope.

I feel like most of the eating I do isn't so much because I'm hungry... but bored.


  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    I might be posting twice because of an error in the app but hopefully not

    I also feel like I constantly eat food and look forward to the next snack. The only time I can't think about food is a very stressful day/half day at work. Usually once I sit down to eat I am surprised on how easily I finish my meal when I thought I didn't feel hungry.

    I have pondered if others perhaps operate at a higher stress level where food isn't important.

    Also I love cooking and batch make homemade lunches and dinners for the week so I am always looking forward to the meals. I have friends who subsist on yogurt a protein bar and chips for lunch.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    My husband often forgets to eat at work, but he usually makes up for it in the PM. There's nothing wrong with eating frequently, but I hear you on the dangers of bored eating when you're stuck at home. Have you tried meal-prepping as if you were going to be out of the house for the day? Make the kitchen off-limits other than what you've prepped in advance. Or if you can afford it, try studying at a coffee shop and planning what you'll eat/drink there in advance. Maybe look at your macro balance too - I get filled up quickly by fats, other people find protein more filling. Good luck!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I lose interest in food when I'm sick or injured, so I can relate to that.

    Now that it's just me I can get pretty lazy in the evening when it comes to cooking something and then having to clean up afterwards. I try to cook things that last several meals because of that but if I don't have something I'd much rather skip dinner than go out and get something.

    Boredom eating is a different subject. I don't eat out of boredom because I either 1) find something to keep myself busy (I can't sit still for very long anyway) or 2) know that the calories are not necessary.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    I was overweight at a certain time. However, every now and then I was so absorbed into my work that I simply forgot to eat. I felt rubbish at a certain time, but if you're able to hyperfocus on something then yes, it's very well possible even though I'm usually eating small things within fairly short intervals. Btw, I did gain weight because I was snacking too much. Not because of hunger, but because I liked the snacks.
  • jaxsmama123
    jaxsmama123 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I love to eat, I eat out of boredom, I eat cause its supper time or breakfast or whatever. However, my sister in law's (both stick thin) can just not eat all day. They "forget" to eat or just weren't hungry for like 10 hours and by 7pm they decide to eat. like WTF!? The one works a 8-5 job like me and the other is a stay at home mom/studying for school. I honestly do not understand how they can do this EVERY day..
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    My husband will get focused on what he's doing and forget to eat. It irritates me because if I'm out of the house, he'll skip meals so I feel bad if I'm not there to feed him. He'll also eat junk when he does realize he's hungry because it's too much trouble to fix something healthy.

    I don't hyper-focus on food unless I'm doing a strict diet, which I prefer not to do because I hate the obsession with food that comes with that. I tend to eat to a schedule, which means I'm not always in touch with whether or not I'm actually hungry. If I want something to eat outside of regular meal times, I've learned to ask myself whether I'm actually hungry, or just in the mood to eat. If I'm not hungry I'll find something else to do. If I am hungry, I'll ask myself what is the least I can eat that will satisfy the hunger. Usually a slice of cheese will take care of it. I get a lot of exercise and am currently maintaining so I have a lot of flexibility in what and when I eat.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    For the most part, I'm like you in that I feel the constant need to eat. I consider myself a 6-small meals a day kind of person...even if in reality those "meals" seem to run into each other and really there's barely a moment that goes by where there isn't a bite of food going into my mouth.

    But, on rare occasion, if I get caught up in a personal project at home, something that really interests me and I really focus in on -- I'll think only an hour or two has gone by until I look at a clock and realize it's been 6 hours instead. It always shocks me when this happens, because like I said, it's very rare for me. But I suppose it helps me to understand how other people get caught up in things and forget to eat.

    I guess I just don't have that level of interest in things on a more regular basis like they do. My focus is more often on food!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    ^ This! I'm a boredom eater. I don't get hungry. Staying very busy and/or hyper focused on something is the key to me not constantly snacking. If I was sitting at home all day doing nothing but studying, I'd be HUGE!

    BTW OP, if that's you in your profile pic, I don't think you have too much to worry about.
  • kep308
    kep308 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be VERY much that way, for years, but whoa is me, not anymore.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Nope I never forget to eat.... my belly tells me when it's time :smiley:
  • PeteTheGamer18
    PeteTheGamer18 Posts: 11 Member
    I work days and nights. If i am super tired after my final night shift i have to make myself eat. If i left it to natural rhythm i could go 24 hours forgetting food