Exasperation with meal planning...can someone tell me how to fit 3 meals into 1200 calories?



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I wouldn't do 1200 calories unless I have to. If I'm zigzagging my calories, my lower calorie days are at 1200 calories. In that case I simply cut out snacks and make sure the meals are nice on volume. Nibbling is a no-go for me as well. Here is an example of a 1200 calorie day I had a few days ago. I'm not usually hungry for breakfast so I make it lighter.

  • Finkelstien
    Finkelstien Posts: 55 Member
    edited February 2018
    just as MrsPinterest34 i rather loose a little more slowly and eat a bit more. On days where i don't work out i eat around 1450 kcal. Now i am small so i need a little less then most.

    B: Banana + proteinyoghurt = 253
    L; Three pieces of bread with hummus and jalapeno and some veggies = 417
    D : Halloumi and (vegetarian)sausage bake = 523

    1200 kcal. So i have 300 left. I usually fill this with some tangerines, a salad or a hand of nuts. Sometimes i go over. Sometimes i stay under. Sometimes i add an egg to my lunch. Sometimes i don't.
    On fridaynight i like a glass of wine so i eat two pieces of bread at lunch, drink two glasses of wine and sometimes nibble on a crisp.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've never done 1200 calories. Lost everything eating 1700 (using TDEE so not eating back exercise calories).

    I'd be hangry on 1200.

    You are supposed to eat back your exercise calories though.
  • Bannakafalatta
    Bannakafalatta Posts: 3 Member
    Lots of vegetables with some lean protein like chicken or fish. You can eat a large volume of vegetables with that calorie count.
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    I don't eat 1200 because I like snacks, but my main meals are generally there or thereabouts. I save most of my calories for my main meal in the evening because that's how I like it, and it's easy to keep the other meals smaller.

    Breakfast - Porridge/oatmeal made with water & 50g oats - 188 cal
    Lunch - Depending on season either soup or salad. I make them myself and they range from 120-250 calories.
    Dinner - Changes a lot, but generally around 500-600 calories.
    Snacks - couple of cups of coffee with semi skimmed milk and a bag of lentil crisps ~200 calories

    That takes me very slightly over your goal, but it's pretty easy for me to do. I normally eat around 1500 calories but I often find myself hunting around for something to get up to that number. The trick is making everything yourself to include loads of veggies - plenty of bulk without the extra calories.

    That said, like a lot of other people have said, if you don't *have* to stick to 1200 then don't! Especially if you're finding it hard. Better to be sustainable and slow than burn out!
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    MFP says I should be eating 1200 to lose 2lb a week, yet I'm eating 1400 a day, more when I exercise and am losing 2lb a week, so I wouldn't put too much stock in to how many calories MFP recommends to eat to lose a certain amount a week.
  • whodeany1
    whodeany1 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with the sentiment that one should not plan for 1200 calories, it puts you into an area of having to think way too much, and dwell on it mentally...probably defeating the whole purpose that you really want. My suggestion is to set a realistic goal...try 1900 calories, track it every day and when you see yourself piling up on something that you can skip every once in a while, skip it and you will lose that many calories. My best advice is to surround yourself with healthy food that you enjoy and if you go off the deep end, the worst crime is that you gave yourself probably a lot of extra water. I also suggest that your first goal before heading to work is to get in around 1500 to 2000 steps, and while you are working your way around the neighborhood, you will not be eating. Walk and eat, and if you eat too much, you always have a little bit of your walking to help you.
  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    I think 1200 calories would make anyone cranky and not really a sustainable amount of calories to keep you going. I don’t even track calories as diligently as other people on here do. I eat maybe 1600-1800 calories but I concentrate more on macros than anything. I do more cardio than probably most people do because I’m a stay-at-home mom which means other than household chores and errands, I don’t move much. Cardio helps make up for the lack of burned calories. I do 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the exercise bike 6 days a week and strength training 3 days a week. I’ve tried the 1200 calorie thing and I hated it. I didn’t even have the energy to do my workouts as effectively as I should. I wasn’t getting anywhere with weight loss with a 1200 calorie diet. Now that I eat more and concentrate more on macros, I can pump out my exercises with no problems. I found that even though the scale doesn’t move much with my current diet and exercise program, I am able to slim down a lot faster than I could with eating very little.
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    I just made an awesome very filling protein shake, only 341 calories, 36g carbs, 40g proten, 6g fat.

    Also, you can make fish like Tilapia and others, a 4 oz fillet is only 120 calories with 26g protein. Mix that with a huge amount of broccoli or similar, and you will still be under 300 calories and very filled. Just a few ideas.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Is 1200 the right calorie goal for you? What are your stats, activity level and how much did you tell MFP to lose a week?

    The thing with choosing 1200 calories there is no wiggle room for adjustments through your weight loss. So I encourage you to rethink this goal but definitely eat back exercise cals this is a the best thing about MFP's method. If you move more, say get in a moderate amounts of steps in the day or exercise you get more than 1200. So you are not locked into this goal. Use exercise to your advantage.

    But to answer a 1200 goal, maybe break up the meals into 2-500 calorie meals with a 200 calorie snack.. if you eat back exercise calories makes these larger or add in another meal, etc etc.

    Find the foods that provide you the most satiety. For me protein is super filling and if I add in fibrous foods I am quite full much longer than say eating a carby meal or more calorie dense meal.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I cut out a meal. 1300-1350 calories, two largish meals, limited snacking. Lunch is around 500 calories, Dinner is anywhere between 550-850 calories. A snack or something if it fits.
    Not for everyone, but I'm satisfied eating this way. And I can usually play around with lunch if I'm hungry early for some reason and eat some eggs.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Assuming 1200 net cals per day is a reasonable deficit for your weight and height...

    Check out http://www.reddit.com/r/1200isplenty for meal ideas.

    Basically: lots of low-calorie foods like vegetables, fruit, lean proteins. Fewer calorie-dense foods like fats and nuts.

    I average 1200-1300 cals per day and feel fine. Intermittent fasting certainly helps, I usually have 2 meals a day with a couple low-calorie snacks in-between.

    A normal day for me would look like:

    11am: Fiber One bar (90 cals)
    1pm: Lunch (meal-prep leftovers, 400 cals)
    3pm: Snack like a piece of fruit, some Popchips, another Fiber One bar, instant oatmeal
    6pm: Dinner (meal-prep leftovers, 600 cals)
    8pm: Snack like a piece of fruit, egg, cheese slices
  • BitofaState
    BitofaState Posts: 75 Member
    about 100g of a protein in a meal,

    1g of protein is 4Kcal, so 100g of protein is 400Kcal.

    Don't mix up macros with sources, perhaps you mean 100g of a lean protein source such as chicken (around 100Kcal).

    1200 means a shift to vegetables if you want to feel full. 100g of
    Lettuce, cos or romaine is 17Kcal of
    rutabaga is 37Kcal,
    carrot is 41Kcal,
    potato is 76Kcal

    You can eat quite a lot of greens and veg within a 400Kcal meal along with a smaller amount of an animal protein, feel full and get a decent quality of nutrition.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,509 Member
    If I were to eat 1200kcal (I am not because it's too low for me and my loss would be too fast) I would eat:

    Breakfast: 3 slices of wholegrain bread with chickenbreast or ham, thin slice - 342kcal
    Lunch: 2 slices of the same - 228kcal
    Dinner: whatever I cook, around 550kcal
    leaves 80kcal for a big bowl of cucumber, bell pepper and cherry tomato on which I'd snack during daytime in-between meals.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    breakfast for me is usually scrambled eggs I will put salsa on it. I spray the pan with pam, 3 egg whites and one egg and salsa is under 200 calories.

    Lunch I keep around 300 calories...salad with tuna, leftovers from dinner, if I am lazy a healthy frozen dinner.

    I usually have a snack midafternoon...apple, protein shake or chocolate.

    Dinner I can go up to 500 so usually chicken or fish with veges. I saw a magazine at checkout with one sheet meals for less than 400 calories. I like one sheet meals. Potatoes (small with olive oil), chicken with balsmic vinegar and asparagus with olive oil. Simple and you can make enough for several days.

    If I worked out I will add another snack.