How does one "forget/not want to" eat?



  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 348 Member
    I've noticed when I switched to night shift for a week I have no appetite, so weird. Go back to days and hungry always haha.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,025 Member
    Mslmesq wrote: »
    I think when I’m stressed I lose my appetite. Same as when I’m upset. I had a bad break up once and couldn’t eat at all. I lost a lot of weight. Too much. But I literally felt like throwing up when I ate. I think some people eat when they are upset. I don’t. I do other weird stuff. Like clean my house.

    You've just described me too. :)

    I'm exactly the same way. The more I've got to do and the more stressed I am, the less I want to eat. And it gets to the point where I feel sick even thinking about food.

    And, like you, when I get upset, I need to be active. My house will shine and I'll fit in time to go for a long hard bicycle ride. But eating is just not appealing at all.

  • karacourtneyw1
    karacourtneyw1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm definitely a person who forgets to eat or doesn't have an appetite a lot of the time. I struggle with drinking water too. You know how some people are social drinkers? I'm a social eater. I love to eat and enjoy a big meal when I'm with someone but otherwise...I don't take a lot of pleasure out of it.

    Once I got on a solid meal/workout plan, I realized that I was going to have to eat way more to gain muscle, and it's honestly been a struggle. Sometimes I have to resort to smoothies because food is just grossing me out that day. My husband thinks I'm insane, but hey, we're all different!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    For me it's depression as well as busyness make it happen. It's really not that exciting and I can assure you that you don't want my depression. When my depression is especially bad it will make me not want to eat (because I don't want to get out of bed and eating requires leaving my bed to get food) and/or forget to do so. Being more busy than usual will result in either forgetting or not having time.
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    edited February 2018
    The only time I don't want to eat is when I don't feel well with IBS flare up.

    I plan my next meal while Im still eating one. First thing I do when I book a trip abroad is research local cuisine and if weekend away close by good pubs/restaurants.

    I eat when I'm stressed,when I'm happy,when I'm bored,when I'm excited ...I don't get how people forget to eat as it seems everything revolves around eating for me.

    That's why I'd be crap at intuitive eating lol and will have to count my calories forever.

    Example :going away with my partner this weekend as he booked us a night away and a spa as my birthday present .
    Guess who has already found a restaurant to get dinner at and another one for breakfast

    Sorry no tips just wanted to let you know you are definitely not alone in this.
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    I often have my lunch at work because it is "lunch-time", not because I'm hungry.

    Having said that, some days I am clock watching because I'm hungry and it's not "lunch-time" yet.

    I put it down to how busy I am and what I had for breakfast.
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    If I do something interesting I sometimes forget to eat ...for me that can be:
    -Gaming (but since I have kids I only rarely get to play more than an hour these days)...
    -If I get an interesting task at work
    -Being on a trip to an interesting place (had a trip last month with some friends where I had breakfast at 6 and lunch at 14)
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited February 2018
    I don't snack and mainly eat big, balanced meals. They keep me satisfied for a long time.

    If I get busy or time flies by it can be easy for me to forget to eat. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Other times I'm legitimately not hungry.

    After doing a bit of research early on, what probably helps me is that I'm "fat-adapted". I'm not sure.

    As someone who ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted most of my life, it is a strange thing to experience. Especially working from home with my home office right next to the kitchen! Food just doesn't have that power over me anymore.

    It's weird for me now being with others that need to eat every 2 hours and they think I'm weird seeing how I can go for a long time without eating. But when I eat, I eat. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I never forget to eat. If I'm busy, I'm still going to get hungry, and I might postpone my meal but I won't FORGET about it. Even when I'm stressed or depressed and don't want to eat, I'm still hungry.

    I have no idea what people mean when they say 'some days I'm not hungry'. I might be less hungry some days, but you bet I'm going to get hungry if I don't eat.

    Baffles me a bit.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited February 2018
    If you are very busy and stressed out you might forget to eat. Well I could. If I'm relaxed and I can never forget to eat.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My food choices seem to dictate my hunger. If my blood sugar is varying widely - due to higher carb foods, mainly low in fibre - then I am hungry every couple of hours. The fewer carbs I eat, the less frequently I need to eat.

    Boredom may make me feel like eating, but it isn't actually hunger and is pretty easy to ignore when I am eating low carb. When higher carb, it's a low harder to ignore.


    Ya, I'm not low carb, but reducing carbs also reduced the munchies for me.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    I have had jobs that were so busy/crazy that I wasn't able to eat (hospital jobs) but I never forgot to eat, I was aware of how hungry I was the whole time and ate as soon as I got home no matter how tired I was or that it was 3AM.
    I know some people really do forget to eat, but I believe a lot of people are just lying when they say they aren't hungry bc they don't want to admit that losing weight is a struggle for them just as it is for everyone else. After all, like other have said, they didn't get here by never eating...
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Yeah I don’t understand it either. My son is that way. Sometimes he just can’t be bothered to eat dinner and he’s just like meh whatever. Nbd. Huh??? You just didn’t eat dinner and you don’t feel like dying? So confused.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    As everyone else is saying, people are just different when it comes to this. I never forget to eat! The idea is laughable. However, I will say when I sleep late, let's say I sleep til 10 am - I could easily skip breakfast, go straight to lunch at 11 or 12 and then eat a normal dinner around 6. My husband is not that way. If we wake up at 10 on the weekend he eats breakfast and then is ready for lunch at noon like usual. He also needs a snack if we stay up later than usual and I don't. I used to be married to someone else and he ate about 3000 calories every day at 7 pm and no other eating or snacking...that was weird to me, I don't think I could do that!
  • czmiles926
    czmiles926 Posts: 130 Member
    Sometimes I'm hungry but just can't be bothered to eat, especially when I know I haven't got any good food in the house
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    I've been on both sides of the spectrum on this.

    This happens to me on occasion. Some days I'll be fine, but other days I'll get up, look in the fridge, and nothing looks appetizing. Basic biology: women's hormones spike and plummet monthly. For me, it affects my appetite big time. Usually it amps it up, but sometimes my appetite does a complete about-face.

    As for how it feels, it's like feeling really bored or super depressed. Nothing looks appetizing. Like, someone filled the fridge with all the foods you hate when your back was turned.

    Another way of putting it. Like when you're bored and you want to do something but nothing really appeals to you as something you want to do.

    It's one of the reasons I track. That way it doesn't matter if I feel like constantly stuffing my face and all I can think about is food or if I'm looking in the fridge, my stomach is growling and my brain is saying, "Food. Meh."

    OP, as for tips, I talk to my husband. I've gotten into the habit of telling him, "I want to eat, but I'm not hungry." He does the same to me. He'll open up the fridge and say to me, "I want to eat more food, but I just ate. I'm not actually hungry." Then he shuts the fridge without me having to say a word, picks up his latest book and chills on the couch with me as I get horribly lost in Xenoblade Chronicles X.

    As stupid as it sounds, it's really helpful just getting it out and saying it. Having someone to say it to gives accountability. We don't find it annoying hearing it everyday because we both know what it's like to want to eat when we're bored and the urge to snack is always there.
  • Ebony_Kitty
    Ebony_Kitty Posts: 41 Member
    I have Invisalign and find it very difficult to eat while I work (Flight Attendant) because it’s necessary to brush, floss, and clean the aligners. Doing that in an airplane bathroom is disgusting. So many times I go 12-15 hours without eating. It’s absolutely awful and I get cranky, especially when my breakfast isn’t a big as I hoped it would be- eating on the road is very hard sometimes. I could never imagine simply “forgetting” to eat; not having time to eat is understandable.