Eating 1000 calories a day?


I’m a 23 year old pre-t ftm who’s roughly somewhere between 5’1 and 5’3, and my SW is roughly 200lbs (my scale broke a few months ago). MFP gave me a calorie goal of 1500 to lose 1 lb a week. So far, my lowest day was 893 calories (I️ ate a banana after I️ finished my diary to bring it up to just over 1000), and my highest is 1065. I’m not purposely trying to eat so little, but I️ eat mostly fresh fruits, veggies, and plant based foods (I’m 100% vegan), so I️ guess they aren’t that high in calories. Is this sustainable? Or should I️ try and eat more food to lose weight?


  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Cook up a pot of quinoa or rice, and throw in a can of beans (whichever you like)
    rice and beans , or rice and peas, etc, makes a complete protein, google other variations!!

    my fave is chickpeas, pinto and black beans . rinse then well first though to remove the gassy stuff!

    im vegan ans struggle to stay under 2000 cals, yesterday i had 4000

    Holy crap! 4k and you dont gain?? Lucky!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Eating under 1200 cals is not enough even with you being 5ft. Your body will not be getting all the nutrients it needs on those calories. Add more calories to your day by way of nut butters/nuts/avocado etc all which are more calorie dense and will make it easier to reach 1200.
  • slossia
    slossia Posts: 138 Member
    Everything everyone told you is true, you need to eat more. I’m vegan and know that you need to eat that avacado, if you don’t get enough good fats in your diet, your going to feel lousy!!