How do you guys do it? (runners)



  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I second the running shoe advice and the Couch to 5K program!! When I first started, I went to Road Runner Sports and got fitted in shoes and inserts, but started getting shin splints. Road Runner is so great that if your shoes aren't working out, they will trade them in for up to 60 days, so it really gives you a chance to road test them. I started in Brooks, but they traded me into Nikes. Problem was solved immediately!! Everyone is different, so you really can't go by what my favorite is or someone elses. You need to get your feet analyzed and then find what works for you. I had to learn not to go by to cute ones or my favorite color, but by what works for my feet and my running form. I started with the Couch to 5K program last Feb. 2010, and could barely complete a 60 second running interval...ran my first 5K in May 2010, first 10K in Oct. 2010, and first half marathon in Jan. 2011. I have run an event every month in 2011 and am running my 4th half marathon for the year on Aug. 21. If an overweight 43 year old mom can do it, anyone can...and I lost 50 pounds along the way!! Good luck to you!!
  • I started with the Couch to 5K program last Feb. 2010, and could barely complete a 60 second running interval...ran my first 5K in May 2010, first 10K in Oct. 2010, and first half marathon in Jan. 2011. I have run an event every month in 2011 and am running my 4th half marathon for the year on Aug. 21. If an overweight 43 year old mom can do it, anyone can...and I lost 50 pounds along the way!! Good luck to you!!

    That's really awesome! Congrats on your success!
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    At a school? Do you have to get permission? I always wondered how people ran there. I also am very limited on when and where I can run, due to my limitations I ususally walk on my lunch break and have to exercise at 9pm at my home with a dvd. Running I'm hoping to start, but I'll have to wake up at 5am, drive 12 miles to run then drive back home to shower and get ready to drive 45 miles to work. :sad:

    No, you do not need permission. You just can't run during school hours so I would usually head over to the high school around 6pm and jog for 1 or 2 hours.
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    Recommend shoe type??? I have Saucony.

    Those are great shoes for running. I am currently running with Asics shoes. I love the gel in them.
  • I also just started running, like 3 weeks ago. I have spent YEARS claiming I hated running and it sucked and it just wasn't for me and secretly wishing I was better at it so I could go on runs with my step-dad. A couple weeks ago I decided to just go for it and see where I was at and jogged/walked almost 4 miles. And it was painful (and not a brilliant idea). Then I did some research and 2 things made all the difference in the world.

    1. New shoes. I splurged and went to a running boutique where the owner watched me walk, looked at my old gym shoes, even let me jog around the block in a few different models, and hooked me up with the perfect pair of shoes for my feet. And from my ankles down running feels glorious.

    2. The Couch 2 5K program. It gets a lot of praise, and I think it fully deserves it. I just started week 2, and I can already feel myself getting stronger and faster. I have to recommend Suz's podcasts on because the music is so much more fun and she's such a good motivator. I do way better with some kind of coach or teacher, and I love these podcasts. She's great!

    And whatever you do, don't let anyone make you feel self conscious. For going slow or for walking or whatever. That used to really trip me up. But all runners walk at some point. And everyone was a beginner at some point. And honestly, there is ALWAYS someone on the street that looks sillier than you possibly could.

    Good luck! And have fun!!! :)
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    Recommend shoe type??? I have Saucony.

    It's impossible for someone to recommend a shoe brand to someone else. Like, I swear by my Mizunos. My husband likes Brooks. It's really individual based on your feet (flat, normal, high arch) and your gait. I'll second or third or fourth the people who recommended you find a running shoe store and start there. They'll get you into shoes that are perfect for you. And it's possible that your Sauconys ARE those shoes already, but it's the first and best step to getting started with running.

    I never did the couch to 5K program, but I've heard good things. It seems like a great place to start. Runner's World online has some really excellent resources for new runners too, so you should check that out.

    I tend to find running outdoors way more fun than running indoors, and I also have found that I'm faster outside. I have no idea why, as that's not typical. But I think if you find a really beautiful place to run and take it slow, you may just find that you love it. It starts to become an obsession. But in a good way. :)
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Good shoes make all the difference, I carry a leg imbalance and suffer with my achilies, also used to get shin splints pre great shoes. Mine were fairly cheap, but I know I have really high arches and over pronate so knowing that I got shoes that give me stability, runners world have good walk to run programmes- google them
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Good shoes make all the difference, I carry a leg imbalance and suffer with my achilies, also used to get shin splints pre great shoes. Mine were fairly cheap, but I know I have really high arches and over pronate so knowing that I got shoes that give me stability, runners world have good walk to run programmes- google them
  • 1. Start low and slow
    2. Add 1 cup of stubbornness and willpower.
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    I was NEVER a runner until I started going to the gym about a year ago. Before joining, I had attempted to run outside, and it was not my thing at all! It was probably because I was 250 pounds but still. However I've realized now that running outside is amazing! Here's my 'tricks':

    -Don't act like it's exercise: take a look at the world around you, observe scenery, keep watch for cars, etc. Honestly, by the time I'm done I don't feel like I've done anything, that is until I noticed i'm covered in sweat.
    -Distract yourself with music: You probably listen to your iPod/mp3 at the gym, so do it while outdoors also. I search for songs that I love on, because it gives mile times based on beats per minute, so your pace never stops.
    -Wear great running shoes: I wear Asics, I honestly love them, they fit well to my feet and when running outside I don't feel like I'm slamming the ground with my feet (which is unusual for me, everyone in my family runs as if they are angry at the ground!)

    So those are some of my suggestions, also I hate to sound nagging, but stop or cut down on your smoking, the littlest adjustment will make a big difference
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    I hated running. I would rather stab sharp fiery needles into my eyes than run. I started the C25K program after seeing people discussing it on this site. I bought the app off itunes for 2.99, loaded up a smoking hot playlist of upbeat tunes and headed out the door one morning. I love this program! I did Week 2/Day 1 this morning and all is going well.

    Give it a shot and let us know how you did! Good luck!
  • Bentrain
    Bentrain Posts: 41 Member
    The one major thing you want to make sure you have is a an awesome pair of running shoes. Seriously running, or even not so serious runners, must have a great pair of shoes. A great pair of shoes isn't just based on the cost. You need to go to a running shoe store so they can fit you for a pair that is great for you. I used to get shin splints as well, until I found out I wasn't running in proper shoes. It made a huge different and now I've completed 2 Half Marathons. Thank God for a great pair of running shoes.

    Another thing that will help is finding a running group to train with. It was hard for me to run by myself initially. I hated it. I started with a group and then eventually broke off on my own. It's extremely helpful.

    I hope this helps!

    All true. first stop has to be the running shoe shop and get fitted.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I'm going to try out my Saucony shoes today. I downloaded a program for c25K and plan to try to start tonight. The heat will be the deciding factor, wish I could run in the mornings but I can't around my house because of mean dogs so I have to drive 15 minutes to get anywhere run-able. :) Thank you everyone!

    Question - Where do you go to get fitted? What store?
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    So glad for this thread! I haven't ran since my oldest daughter was born, she'll be 18 in January. :( I have c25k downloaded & am ready, but every time I start, some unrelated injury sets me back! Argh! Starting again this week! Fakeplastictree, please keep me updated on your progress. Inspire me! Haha! My shoes are Asics Gel Cumulus btw... which I love for serious walking too. They just make myfeet feel good!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    So glad for this thread! I haven't ran since my oldest daughter was born, she'll be 18 in January. :( I have c25k downloaded & am ready, but every time I start, some unrelated injury sets me back! Argh! Starting again this week! Fakeplastictree, please keep me updated on your progress. Inspire me! Haha! My shoes are Asics Gel Cumulus btw... which I love for serious walking too. They just make myfeet feel good!

    I will keep you updated to my progress or lack there of.. You too though, i want to hear how you do.
  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    Good shoes do make a huge difference. I'm sort of rare though, because I never recommend someone buy them before they start running. If you have a somewhat decent pair of shoes, those will do for a couple of weeks. I hate to see someone spend a ton of money on new running shoes and hate running. Try it for a few weeks first. If you hate it you haven't invested a lot of money. If you like it, definitely buy good shoes! Since I doubt you are going to head out for 25 miles a week in your first few weeks any pair of shoes should work for you.

    Also, moisture wicking fabrics are a must! I always read the quote "cotton is rotten." It is so true. Cotton will get wet and heavy and start rubbing. I really like nike dri-fit stuff, but have other brands as well.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Maybe change your incline when you run on the treadmill to help your running outside. I've always heard that if you put your incline to 1 instead of 0, it mimics the work you have to do when you run outside. Once you are used to that, it might making running outside easier.

    I'm the opposite....I have trouble running on the treadmill. I feel so restricted on it...and so free when I'm outside. I also noticed that I run faster on the track then I do on the road (thanks to hills lol).

    I use dri-fit clothes. Wal-mart sells danskin now dri-fit (or dri-more, I can't remember which) shorts (and shirts) for about $6-8 a pair...very cheap (and they are on sale right now because the season is closing). I love Danskin Now clothes for my workouts. And they fit well, too.

    I'm a Asics, gal, too. I love them! I really did my research before I bought my shoes (I'm an over-pronator, so I needed stability shoes - you can take a video of you running to see your stride) since there was no place around where I live to "go to a professional". Besides, I bought mine at a discount on ebay once I picked the right shoe. It was way cheaper than going to a specialty store (I bought my new shoes for $45...which were normally $120!!!!)

    My first pair of shoes were some New Balance that my husband picked up for me. They were cheap but they were running shoes and I loved them (I still do though I've worn them out lol). Once I got more serious about running (increasing my distance, racing, etc) I went for the more expensive shoe.

    *******C25K changed my life!!******* :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I ran my first I'm training for another one. My average runs are 3-4 miles, I run 6-8 miles on my long days. I love, love, love it! Good luck to you and happy running!!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Question - Where do you go to get fitted? What store?

    Road Runner Sports is a national chain store that specializes in running. They will have you run on a treadmill while they video your stride and watch your feet. They will then do an impression of your feet to determine your arch. All of this helps them determine if you have flat feet, high arches, overpronate, underpronate, etc. etc., which all helps them to know what type of shoe you need. I am not sure where you are, or if there is a Road Runner near you, but if there is, that is where I would go. If you do not have a Road Runner nearby, look in the phone book for your area (or do an online search for your area) to find a running specialty shop...some of them do the same thing. Road Runner is also online and has a few tests you can do yourself to help determine what type shoes you need, but it is much better to do it at the store, because they also know the structure of the different brands and what will work best for you, and also if you need different specialty insoles. There really is a science to it all.