To all those no junk fooders



  • I've done it both ways...white knucking it (went the whole month of January with no sugar, no alcohol and nothing "white (flour, potatos, rice, etc) just ot detox from the holiday season. And I've done the eat whatever I want but make it fit into my calorie count for the day (there has been several evenings when I worked out late at night to have a snack!).

    I have to say the second way is easier on my psyche. The minute I can't have anything, I want it. If I say I'm not going to have sugar for a month, I start craving it NOW. However, if I say I can have sugar, but only 1 serving or I can only have 1 drink with alcohol, it feels less stressful to me. I just need to plan for it or all my hard work goes out the window.

    I also think the idea of understanding what the junk food is that you are eating is a good idea. I read Michael Pollan's book, Food Rules, and it really helped put alot of my cravings in perspective. And it pissed me off that I ate all the "fake food" in the 80s just to be thin and I did more damage to myself and created more cravings, than if I had eaten the REAL food, junk food or not!

    Eat real, eat healthy and eat for energy vs. cravings and it will get easier as time goes on, I promise you!

    Good luck!

    PS - Keep the junk food out of the house so that when you have these debates in your head, at least you have to go out and get the crap you are craving vs. having it readily available :>)
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    Two strategies for me:

    1. Keep it out of the house. Stop buying it. If it isn't around to tempt you, you will eat far less of it.
    2. Portion control. My big downfall is ice cream, so I went out and bought some teeny tiny bowls. 2 oz. bowls. I can stuff that bowl as much as I want to, and I'm still never going to get over 4 oz. at most. These days all I usually want is one little spoonful, so I'm more in the 1 oz. range. I can make a pint of icecream last weeks. :D
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I personally just don't have the cravings anymore and every once in a while when i think i want a candy bar or something i just think to myself "is it really worth eating when it will mess up what i am trying to achieve?" in the back of my mind i have a picture of the body i want and having that keeps me on track
  • The key is not to deprive yourself, because when you do, you end up bingeing and eating more than you normally would have. Give yourself a small treat like Weight Watchers English Toffee Bar Ice Cream (100 calories) or some dark chocolate, etc, etc. Give yourself a little space so you don't go overboard.
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    For me it is all about vanilla ice cream! I have ONE tablespoon a day (at night before I brush my teeth and go to bed) so I never feel like I am deprived of it/"can't" have it. Other than that I just don't buy the crap anymore. I go to farmer's markets to get produce, eggs, etc, and then the grocery store for anything else but stick to the OUTside of the store and don't go down the isles!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Just commit to recording everything. When you see the calories add up, it has an effect. You will look for ways to get more "mileage" out of your calorie allowance. As others have said, eating healthy and exercising really does cause your body to crave healthier foods. That will happen naturally. Also, get creative with healthy alternatives - one of my favorite desserts is cottage cheese with a tbsp of strawberry preserves in it. It is creamy and sweet and filling. But not crazy high calories.
  • zadrii
    zadrii Posts: 21
    My two strategies are to just not have in the house, and also before I eat anything I think about how I will feel about logging it here... if I will be ashamed to see it in my diary then I don't eat it... Also it helps to think about my goal. a cookie is not worth it :p
  • if i crave a cookie then its a cookie i eat...BUT, I don't over eat them and I will only do a half of the cookie instead of the whole thing...after having my lap band thing that made clear to deprive yourself from anything because if you do....then when u do eat it you are more likely to pig out on I keep it to a oz or half a oz..
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Self control.

    Practice it.

    Use it.
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    Have you watched the documentary Super Size me? Its based on McDonalds, but that was my go to place before watching. I'm not a huge fan of other food places. If I need to do fast food I try to make healthier choices. I agree with those saying to educate yourself. If you can't say no to fast food places learn what is healthy and what isn't on the menu. Last night I watched Hubs bring home a super sized double quarter pounder with cheese. I love burgers, but looking at the meal in front of him made me sick. I had never realized before how greasy and non-burger like their burgers were.

    As far as the cookies and ice cream go I try not to keep them in the house. If I want them, then I have to make a special trip, and after thinking about it, I don't always want to make that trip. I do keep 100 calorie snack packs in my cupboard though so if I get a crazy craving and nothing cuts it, I have a healthier resort. I like the chocolate covered pretzels and chips ahoy crisps.