Last 10-7 pounds

I have lost over 4 and half stone over the last 2 years... I am happy with myself but I really want to lose the last 10-7 pounds to be 100% happy within myself! I am already eating very healthy and around 1200 calories a day with 3-4 gym sessions a week and I’m struggling to drop these last few pounds! Any advice??


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    The last 5-10lbs can be slow and frustrating, keep in mind water weight can mask progress, so try not to get too discouraged if your weight bounces around. You don't have as much wiggle room in your deficit as you used to and it can be easy to go over your goal. "Eating healthy" is great but you can still go over your goal eating that way.
    I would recommend you make sure you are more accurately measuring your intake (weighing all food), everyday, be consistent. Obviously it can be done without a food scale, but if you aren't seeing results, that would be the first thing I would start doing.
  • louisemallett241296
    It’s mainly fat around the stomach I am more determined to lose ( which I know is the slowest/hardest)
    Would you say I need to focus on more cardio than weight training?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    It’s mainly fat around the stomach I am more determined to lose ( which I know is the slowest/hardest)
    Would you say I need to focus on more cardio than weight training?

    This thread should help!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    How long have you trying to sustain 1200 calories? Have you taken any diet breaks during your weight loss? What is your current rate of loss per week set to now?

    Depending on details about your weight loss history and the fact that you have bottomed out at 1200 calories with no wiggle room to adjust intake, a diet break can d wonders. You most definitely want to keep up strength training, you can sprinkle in a tad cardio.

    The diet break/refeed will allow you work on reaching your maintenance calories and eat that for a short period and then reintroduce a calorie deficit to start losing again. You may find that losing the last 10-7 pounds is too hard to get there and when you do its hard to sustain that. You might consider recomping instead.

    Have you considered looking into a weight trending app, like Libra, etc? This is a handy tool. The up and down fluctuations us women get due to hormonal changes monthly, dietary changes, hydration, etc. can mask fat loss that can occurring but the scale is not reflecting that.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Is it possible that your portions and calories have creeped up a bit?
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Generally when people get this close to goal, their calorie deficits become very small. This means that you have to be as accurate as possible with your logging. Even small logging errors can add up to erase a small deficit. Weigh every bite as carefully as you can.

    You don’t have to change your workout routine unless you feel that it would help you create a more comfortable deficit. CICO works for the last 10 pounds exactly as it worked for the first 10.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I am clawing my way through the last few. I have just under 4 left to go (56 lost so far). It's slow; there is no getting around that if you want it to be mostly fat lost.
  • louisemallett241296
    i have been eating around 1200 calories for quite some time, not because i need to i just dont really eat much more?

    I get told i need to be eating more to lose these last few pounds but then i have been told i need to drop to around 900-1000 calories a day, but i dont want to starve myself as i dont want to go backwards when i have come so far!

    Also, im feeling a bit bored now in the gym which doesnt help! ive been doing HIIT/spinning classes for a while..
    i prefer to have a workout plan in the gym, if anyone has any suggestions..
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    i have been eating around 1200 calories for quite some time, not because i need to i just dont really eat much more?
    1200 calories is not much food. You'd be losing weight on 1200 real calories. You'd also be terribly hungry, unless you're really short, sedentary, elderly and smack in the middle of healthy BMI.
    I get told i need to be eating more to lose these last few pounds
    You've been told wrong, or misheard. Eat less to lose more. But you can only eat so much less before you start to get hungry, hangry, lethargic, and forget, cheat and lose control.
    but then i have been told i need to drop to around 900-1000 calories a day, but i dont want to starve myself as i dont want to go backwards when i have come so far!
    You've been told wrong. MFP gives you 1200 calories as a minimum to ensure basic nutrition is met.
    Also, im feeling a bit bored now in the gym which doesnt help! ive been doing HIIT/spinning classes for a while..
    i prefer to have a workout plan in the gym, if anyone has any suggestions..
    If you have a gym, is there a trainer? Ask him/her.
    Or go to the exercise/fitness forum in here.
    If you're bored of the gym, find other places to exercise.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    h1udd wrote: »
    Yeah I am on the last 4-5 atm ... it’s slow and I can’t help but think at this point why am I aiming for an arbitrary number on the scale ... for the sake of a tiny bit of chest and side fat I would probably be better off eating more and lifting more ... it’s only me that notices the fat ... becomes psychological for me at this point

    Mine is not arbitrary - I want to get by BMI under 25 and keep it there. I am less than 4# away from 24.9. I actually plan to go lower, losing maybe 5 more at a snail pace. I decided to go with BMI specifically because it is not arbitrary and I can't start rationalizing. It would be easy to do; I won't look different or wear smaller clothes from losing 4 more pounds. I am still going to do it.