Anyone on waiting list/losing weight for NHS IVF treatment?

Since 2015 I have lost just under 60lbs, bringing my BMI under 30 to meet the conditions to qualify for IVF treatment through NHS Scotland.
I have struggled since losing my job in October as I now have no routine which means I am home alone a lot more and I'm finding it hard to stay motivated.
Really worried about the weight creeping back on and ruining all my hard work.
Is there anyone else out there in the same situation who is looking for buddy? Thanks


  • Puerulus
    Puerulus Posts: 61 Member
    Not in the waiting list, but just finished my first round of ivf - unsuccessful unfortunately. But all the hormones, injections, pills, stress etc. made me put on a lot of weight, so now need to trim down before the next round (hopefully)! Infertility really is the gift that keeps on giving - in my case it keeps giving me calories.
  • kittyk158
    kittyk158 Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry it didn’t work out this time @Puerulus
    We are now top of the list and had our first appt on Tuesday and my BMI was 28 which was a relief!! But I have been totally reckless food wise since then so drawing a line tomorrow and I’ll get back to it. Next appt is in March so want to bring my weight down a little more before then. Hopefully will be back to work soon so will have a more defined routine.
    Infertility sucks
  • faithrainbow1
    faithrainbow1 Posts: 54 Member
    You've got this, Kittyk158! I lost weight before ttc-ing for our first, and we got pregnant first try. No such luck this last time around, unfortunately. My egg quality may be too low at this point; I'm 42.
  • jojo5267
    jojo5267 Posts: 2 Member
    We’ve had two unsuccessful rounds of ivf. Now about to start a donor cycle which I’m super anxious about.
    Really need to get fit again as I’ve been comfort eating since the last failed round. X