babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member

just yesterday i was at my mums, and she was making strawberry muffins from a packet. as she was eating one she said 'bethany(me) wouldnt eat one of these' and im like, 'no i wouldnt, i dont like to put anything in my body that doesnt benefit it' THEN she said 'but it would benefit it, what doesnt benefit your body is worrying about everything you put in your mouth' WHAT! then i said 'but i dont WORRY, i enjoy it'


i have 6 meals a day and always make sure i have them on time, there she was chowing down on a muffin at 4pm after not eating ALL DAY. how healthy is that?

ALSO once she said that 30 mins+ 6-7 days exercise a week is TOO MUCH?

sorry it makes me veryy mad.....


  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Your mom is hatin'.
  • It's sad. I've noticed the more weight you lose, the healthier lifestyle you decide to live, someone always has issues. It's your too fat or you look sick, you are too thin. Some people have no clue what so ever. My mom is the exact same way. I take it with a grain of salt and thank God that I'm an adult and get to do my own meals. :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    same has happened to me and my best defense is a great offense..........

    the more confidence you develop in who you are and why you live your life the way you do, the less bothered you will be by the folks who need to put you down..

    Develop confidence (you already haved developed self respect!) and don't look back!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    It seems like sometimes the people who are closest to us are the ones who are least supportive when we make changes to live a healthier life. I don't know why: maybe it's b/c they are jealous or insecure, maybe it's that they got so used to the way things used to be; I would like to believe that, in part at least, it comes from genuine concern for our well-being. Regardless of the reasons, we can't change them, we can only change our own behavior.

    I know all of the support here on MFP has gotten me through some of these encounters w/ family and friends itrw.

    You know you are doing what's best for you and what makes you happy. Stick w/ it and eventually your mom will come to realize that you AREN'T worrying--this is just how you eat now, and that all that exercise is doing your body good.

  • Shepink
    Shepink Posts: 39 Member
    I take it with a grain of salt and thank God that I'm an adult and get to do my own meals. :)

  • I remember a few years ago a pal of mine was like yourself , would only eat healthy food and would work out 5 - 6 days a week.
    At the time i was saying kinda the same things your mom said to you.........
    Looking back now and been fully truthful with ya, I think I felt a bit jealous that she felt and acted the way I wanted to be, but i was too lazy to change my ways at the time

    If you dont at least try to help yourself , it wont happen but support of Family and Friends is important too.
  • Sounds like she is trying to justify her bad habits by putting down your healthy habits. Maybe she needs some guidance from you, I mean maybe you just have to take charge and be the parent in this situation and help her realize that her ways are very unhealthy and how concerned you are with her health.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    You are doing great and right thing!!!
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    Wow, that's really rough. It sounds like she doesn't know very much about diet and exercise.

    Maybe you could explain to her that if you can't monitor what you put into your food yourself, there's no guarantee its good for you. This is my main problem with making desserts from a package. If you make it yourself, you know exactly how much sugar, salt and what kind of flour go into it - what you see is what you get. From a package, who knows? Maybe you could explain this to her, or suggest a recipe?

    Anyways, good job on sticking to your guns!!
  • casie05
    casie05 Posts: 48 Member
    It's sad. I've noticed the more weight you lose, the healthier lifestyle you decide to live, someone always has issues. It's your too fat or you look sick, you are too thin. Some people have no clue what so ever. My mom is the exact same way. I take it with a grain of salt and thank God that I'm an adult and get to do my own meals. :)

    Yes!!! But not so much my mom as my dad and other ppl!
  • tyrownp
    tyrownp Posts: 13
    Funny thing my Grandmother, I noticed a trend and it didn't occur to me until I gained weight that when I am thin she would say, "geez are you eating?, You stressed baby?" but when I gained weight "Look at that big ole belly, hey son you so round hehehe", It really made me like wow when I was thin you think im starving now that im floating over your head like good year you have jokes....sometimes you just have stay focused, because we enter into these journey's for good get healthy and stay that way to the best of our ability.
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Sounds like you have been on her *kitten* a little about eating stuff like that? Similar to GIGO, it often is also "attitude in, attitude out".

    I apologize if I am way off and you may not want to hear it, but sometimes it is really what goes around comes around.
    I know from myself that I can get a little "preachy" when I see my obese friend drink a big gulp of sugar cola. Check yourself, have you been hard on your Mom about things like this? Maybe scolding her for eating strawberry muffins made from a pack and the like? Maybe going on and on about her eating things that don't "benefit her body"?

    I believe if you don't want to get snide remarks about your (new-)found passion for healthy eating you may have to lay off the snide remarks about their old ways of unhealthy eating, even if you are just trying to help. You instant reaction looks like that's what's going on in your relationship.

    On a different note, just ignore it. It will make your life easier and her life too.
  • Don't let anyone get inside your head. If their comments are too hurtful then limit the amount of time you spend with that person. I try to keep the toxic people in my life at bay. Unfortunately sometimes family members fall in the "toxic" category. You can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. Find people who will support you.