I learned the difference between good idea and bad idea exercise

Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
edited February 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Like walking home a few miles is a good idea. However, walking home a mile while carrying 75lbs of groceries (which you can not lift more than letting your arms hang because you're not in that kind of shape), in a snowstorm in the city... to the point your hands are shaking horribly when you get home is a BAD idea. I forgot our grocery cart and figured, why go back? No big deal. Until I spent over $100. lol. Now my upper and lower back hurt this morning/afternoon and my leg above my knee is badly bruised from being hit in the leg by groceries. I didn't go out to do it for exercise technically but, still, it is reminding me to not push myself too far. Lol. So, let's be careful with our bodies because most of us only get one.


  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Now that was rather silly of you!

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    If you walk, go with a list and stick to it! I only live two blocks from my main grocer, and actually live behind my secondary (Sprouts, y u so expensive). I still have this issue occasionally.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    can't do it! I have tried. But also I have 2 kids with autism and one other child. My fiance eats meat and I dont and I needed food for all of us. 5 separate diets. I'm a full time college student too and my fiance works full time plus no car so I rarely get to go to the store (1-2 times per month). Once I was there I figured I couldnt waste the trip lol

    Well, you can, but you aren't doing it on the premise of a 'wasted trip' if not.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    I'm sorry you're so sore! That'll probably be the last time you forget your cart, though. Rest as much as you can for a few days. We've all of us gone a little overboard with exercise from time to time -- but that sounds like a really hard slog for you. Hope you feel better soon!
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I know that pain! I hope you recover soon
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Hope you're feeling better soon. At least that's the shopping done!

    I'm feeling a bit worse for wear today too after a bit of exercise - my DH and son are of on a tramp next week, but DS has recently been sick so we weren't too sure how he was going to go with the tramp.
    So we went to a local (much smaller) hill walk to see how he coped before sending him off up a mountain. But I forgot that I have NOT been training to climb a mountain myself... Not really too sore, but definitely feeling a few under-used muscles.
    The dogs are still sleeping it off today!

    DS coped fine, so we're feeling a bit happier about next week's adventures.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    If you're in the city, wasn't there a bus? I assume u didn't want to pay for a taxi...
  • MrsLMKing
    MrsLMKing Posts: 50 Member
    Ouch! I hope you feel better soon!

    A better plan would be to walk to the store more frequently but to only get a couple of bags each time. I don't know about the snowstorm part, though. I'm a wuss when it comes to cold weather. I'm glad it only snows a couple of times a year here. :#
  • MrsLMKing
    MrsLMKing Posts: 50 Member
    Also, could you walk to the store but maybe take an Uber or something home? Do Uber drivers let you stash tons of groceries in their trunk? I don't see why not, they let people put luggage in their trunks, right?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    Like walking home a few miles is a good idea. However, walking home a mile while carrying 75lbs of groceries (which you can not lift more than letting your arms hang because you're not in that kind of shape), in a snowstorm in the city... to the point your hands are shaking horribly when you get home is a BAD idea. I forgot our grocery cart and figured, why go back? No big deal. Until I spent over $100. lol. Now my upper and lower back hurt this morning/afternoon and my leg above my knee is badly bruised from being hit in the leg by groceries. I didn't go out to do it for exercise technically but, still, it is reminding me to not push myself too far. Lol. So, let's be careful with our bodies because most of us only get one.

    You are right. I make mistakes like that sometimes too.
    In future knowing you are always going to be buying food for 5 people for 2 weeks go back for the cart or do not buy more than you can comfortably carry. Lesson learned.

  • Eelkov
    Eelkov Posts: 88 Member
    I made a similar mistake twice of the weekend..

    Bad Idea #1. Climb a mountain (its a walking path that rises 300 metres over a 2 km) with 4 kids under 10.... The 3yo wanted to be picked up by the time we had gone up 10 steps... So I carried her up about 200 metres . And then carried her back down again. (no, we didnt make it to the top...)

    Bad Idea #2. Go and buy dog food. Its about 2km from my house to the shop (if I take the scenic route, which I did) bought 25KG of dog food... and put it in my backpack. Then walked home (stupidly taking the scenic route). it was halfway through the return trip that my legs started to hurt.....
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    Like walking home a few miles is a good idea. However, walking home a mile while carrying 75lbs of groceries (which you can not lift more than letting your arms hang because you're not in that kind of shape), in a snowstorm in the city... to the point your hands are shaking horribly when you get home is a BAD idea. I forgot our grocery cart and figured, why go back? No big deal. Until I spent over $100. lol. Now my upper and lower back hurt this morning/afternoon and my leg above my knee is badly bruised from being hit in the leg by groceries. I didn't go out to do it for exercise technically but, still, it is reminding me to not push myself too far. Lol. So, let's be careful with our bodies because most of us only get one.

    I do this a lot. Walk to store and end up buying way to much. Always. I thought I was the only one in America who walked to go grocery shopping.lol
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    I used to walk to get groceries. When I was in the store, I carried one of those baskets they've got at the door around and once it got heavy, that's where my shopping would end.

    I had 3 cats so I had to get litter and cat food first. Didn't leave a lot of room for me to get stuff, so I had to be extremely selective.

    I was very slender and fit in those days!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Next time if you want to walk from the store lifting something, take your cart, take a backpack, put some of the stuff in your backpack and the rest in your cart. You'd get the best of both worlds. I'm sorry you're sore. I made the same mistake before and the begs were the plastic kind that digs into your hands when you carry them. Had sore hands for a week.