Bad food, but under calories?

I'm on the go much of the day, and have begun visiting the gym daily (and plan on continuing) I've also joined a yoga class.
I'm often low on money and too busy or not at home enough to cook food. Ergo, I eat a ton of really unhealthy food. LOL Grilled chicken sandwhich from McDonalds for breakfast, 2 pieces of pizza hut pizza for lunch, Cosmic Brownie for dinner.....
But I still manage to stay under my calorie goal (for the most part) because I'm usually staying under my calorie goal, and excercize for at least 30-60 minutes every day (vigorous). Should I still expect to lose weight?


  • amart17
    amart17 Posts: 21
    You'll lose weight, but you won't have much tone to speak of, because your muscle will all be covered in fat
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Honestly, I think it just depends on your body. Obviously, it's preferable to eat healthier foods, but some people can lose weight just by watching calories. For me, I know even when I am within my calories, I don't lose weight if I eat too many carbs.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    in theory if you have a deficit you will lose no matter what you eat.
    but eating bad could mean you could lose muscle not body fat therefore getting skinny but flabby, and your body wont get enough nutrients and energy with can sabotage you and make you stop losing
  • misslyssx
    I believe you will still lose weight if you are under calories, but you will probably feel a lot worse than if you ate healthy.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    You will lose weight, but your energy levels and overall health will not improve.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    take a good multi-vitamin.
    You need nutrition. or it'll catch-up with you eventurally
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I'm no expert, but there are so many harmful chemicals in fast foods that aren't healthy for your body and can actually hinder weight loss. Whatever you've been doing has helped you reach your halfway mark (congrats!), but consider eating more fruits and vegetables to get the essential vitamins your body needs. Even if you're on the go, and this is something I'm working on myself, make better choices. Gas stations carry a good amount of healthy snacks such as apples, oranges, bananas, nuts, beef jerky, etc. For me, it was really difficult to start planning meals, but once you get the hang of what kinds of foods you like, it's easier to plan. My weekends are when I struggle most because I'm not in my routine. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    You will probably lose weight, but you don't know how it will affect your long term health (i.e. cholesterol, cancer risk, etc.) Check out this article about the Twinkie Diet for more info.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I think you can lose weight.

    However, I don't agree at all with it.

    You need fruits/vegetables/lean protien and good fats.

    Your body will respond to a restricted calorie diet for sure, but what do you get for 500 calories at burger king? (I really don't know cause I don't eat the crap) but I would imagine, a burger? Some deep fried french fries?

    So for 500 cals I can get the biggest bestus salad ever with some grilled chicken. Ok, get a "kit" from the store and cook up chicken on Sunday........use salsa or vinegar for dressing - maybe if you want to be *bad* crunch up some whole grain tortilla chips and make a taco salad.......

    I don't know - I just don't think eating fast food is good for you. JMO
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    You will probably lose weight, but you don't know how it will affect your long term health (i.e. cholesterol, cancer risk, etc.) Check out this article about the Twinkie Diet for more info.

    True, one major difference is that the twinkie diet didn't include meat, if I remember correctly. Sounds like the OP is including meat and so I don't think any of the health "benefits" of the twinkie diet would apply. But yes, you should loose weight.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    For the money you are spending at mcdonals and pizza hut daily, you could probably buy a head of lettuce, a loaf of bread and a pound of deli turkey and make sandwiches for the week. There are healthy options that are cheap as well, it just takes the dedication to do the prep work ahead of time. You can make a few servings of brown rice and store it in individual containers, and it will last for a week. same with chicken, grill or bake a bunch and portion it up, it will last a few days in the fridge. You are making the effort to be healthier, exercise and count your calories....why not make the calories you are eating count. Like everyone else said, you may lose weight, but isnt being heakthy just as important in the long run?
  • lisapickering
    You may stay under in calories but the sodium in restaurant food is very high. So you will likely retain water and be bloated. In addition you will be skinny fat -- you weight may go down but you still won't look good. If you plan well you can eat food that you prepare even with your busy schedule. For example I make 4 portions of steel cut oats, put it into portioned containers and every morning just take it out and heat it. It's easier than a drive thru. Cut up vegetables, hard boil eggs at the beginning of the week.
  • Warpfox
    Warpfox Posts: 4 Member
    Gordon Ramsay would be ashamed! He always says that no matter how busy you are, you can always find the time to have healthy home-prepared meals. While it may be difficult to break habits or to change your routine to make these adjustments possible, it'll be worth it for sure.

    That being said, I tend to agree with what most people are saying: You will lose net weight, but it most likely will not be fat loss.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    It's honestly cheaper and healthier if you take a few minutes the night before to pack a lunch. A simple whole wheat bread, deli turkey, cheese (optional) spinach or tomato sandwich is perfect. Some individual yogurts. String cheese. Fruit (apple or banana or grapes in a baggie). Fiber one bar for snack.

    If you must eat out, choose healthier options...grilled chicken salad, grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo and only half the bun, Wendy's chili and baked potato, 6" Subway sandwich...things like that..and try carrying around water to stay hydrated and flush out some sodium!
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    You will lose weight, if that is your only goal, that is fine; however, the hardest thing to do is to lose weight while being healthy. I used to eat cheescake to lose weight when I was young and that ish worked! It doesn't anymore and I had to start from square one learning my body. So, eating unhealthy might work for now; however, a couple of years down the road you might find yourself in a deeper hole that is harder to get out of.

    The diet you described isn't all bad; however, if you feel it can improve, I would suggest at least trying to incorporate some healthy habits.