Turbo Ninja Turtles Group for Slow Winners :)



  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Sounds like several of us are in the same boat.

    J - happy for you that the scale has moved. It has yet to move for me, and I'm going on week 7 or 8 now!

    lauraneva15 & stc15 - my measurements have been all over the place too! For ME, a lot of that has to do with the amount of sodium I'm eating.....when I "feel" bloated.....I AM bloated and it shows up on the scale and the tape measure too! So....I'm going to measure only once a month.....and am going to try to stay off the scale for a while too. I am also taking a week's break from logging cals too. I was just becoming completely obsessive and unhappy because nothing seemed to be working. This does not mean I'm quitting.....I am NOT quitting.....but I'm trying to focus on exercise and eating healthy without measuring and recording everything for a week and we'll see what happens.

    Its been 8 weeks now. scale only 1 pound less than starting. grrrrrrr! I'm not quitting, I gotta fit into my clothes!!! Soon! School starts next week. I'm going to get tired of wearing the stretchy stuff. I had to wear pants 2 sizes too big today because I found a pair in a box. I REFUSE to buy new stuff!!! I 've gotta lose this.

    Gotta admit its made my summer miserable trying so hard and getting no where. :(

    Stayed off scale for a week and it still didn't go down. It was SO HARD staying off it too.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    hahaha. I like it!
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Best Group Name Ever.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    stc74 - I feel your pain! It is extremely frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything "right" and it's not working....at least on the scale. And yes, I know the scale is just a number.....but it is STILL frustrating! :grumble:

    So now I'm trying the C25K program....and I will probably periodically pop in the 30DS video....and I love to ride my bike, so that will be done.....and I don't know what else. I just know that I need to keep mixing it up exercise-wise, and continue to watch what I eat. I have decided that I WILL start tracking my cals again starting next Monday. I have found that I actually MISS logging. Weird, huh? Yeah....that's me in a nutshell! :laugh:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hey turtles! i haven't checked in for awhile, so i thought i'd pop my head out of my shell and say hi! i'm still trudging along. my dad just tuned up my mountain bike for me, so i'm eager to get back out on that. it's been six years since i've ridden! i don't think my 9 year old and my 11 year old will fit in the burley bike trailer anymore! i imagine i'll stay off the mountain bike trails for awhile, but it'll be nice to have something else to mix things up with! you know, keep your body guessing....my bike has "clip" style pedals, so i can really get a good leg work out when i ride. :-) running has started to thin out my thunder thighs a little already, so i don't want to do too much... those babies don't need to do any growing! ;-)

    the bad thing is i've lost about three pounds, probably one and a half from each boob! argh! where'd my girls go? lol. i'm starting to think i may have a pear shape! (never thought that before!) at any rate i may have lost about .1 pound in the last few weeks, so even a little progress is good. the weight loss can't compare to how i FEEL about myself. not only am i toning up and firming the jell-o, but i am also proud that i've actually been able to stick with it this time. :-) i think a lot of that has to do with all of you! thanks so much for your encouragement and support! you're the best! :-)

    several days ago i asked my hubby if i could buy zumba for the wii. normally he would have told me no, because i'd use it for a week and then it'd sit on the shelf for the rest of its life, but he said sure, go ahead! i think he's noticed a difference in my commitment too. i can't wait to give it a go! they have zumba classes at the local gyms, but they are always packed full and i'm pretty much like a cow on ice when it comes to dancing! it'll be nice to do it in the semi-privacy of my own home, where i can hoof along without hurting anyone! lol.

    have a fabulous day turtles (and cows).
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    J - a "cow on ice"? You crack me up! :laugh: You just described me too....so I understand what you mean about preferring to do that sort of thing in the privacy of your own home! Please let me know what you think of the Wii Zumba. I have a Wii too....and it's been gathering dust....but zumba definitely intrigues me. I was going to try to find a DVD last weekend, but never made it to the store! Oh yeah....it's bye bye boobies for me too! I haven't measured for a while....I don't think I want to know how much I've lost in THAT region! :ohwell:

    I actually have some good news to share.....I took 1 1/2 weeks off from logging because I was driving myself INSANE (and hubby too).....feeling like I'm doing everything right, but rather than losing weight I was actually GAINING....okay yo-yoing too, but the trend was NOT down and it seemed that the more I exercised the more I GAINED! So.....yesterday I weighed myself and I was back down to my low weight once again....which was a loss of 2 pounds in 1 1/2 weeks of NOT LOGGING, exercising, but not as strenuously, and definitely not being extremely strict with my diet! IT IS SO WEIRD!!!! So everything that I've read here is true....when you're on a plateau, you need to make a change to confuse your body. I'd tried changing my exercising even MORE, and that didn't work for me (at least this time)....so I did the opposite and relaxed and I went back down. I'm now back to tracking once again.....and we'll see if I can actually get the scale to continue to move in a downward direction! I would LOVE to be able to actually log a lower weight....even if it's .1 of a pound!

    Keep trucking turles!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne!!!!! that's fantastic! way to go!
  • laureneva15
    you guys totally rock!!!

    nothing much has happened on my end, been a bit run over with uni stuff for the moment, but still managing my 3-4 gym sessions a week
    been trying to eat better.
    other than that, no news really, sorry guys!

    oh wait!!! I'm now jogging on the treadmill, only for a few minutes here an there during my workouts but hey, way better than what i was doing!
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    My week has been busy with school starting and eating at related functions for a few days, but I'm back to eating what I pack each day. It should improve again. I did see a dip in weight finally that slid back up from poor eating a couple days, I hope to report a drop again soon. My exercise is really falling behind, I've been to exhausted to even think about it.

    I plan a good workout to start my day tomorrow.

    Here's to the slow losing!!!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Well.....I am still bouncing around the same 2 pounds. Just call me the human Yo-Yo! Okay - make that the Turbo Ninja Turtle Yo Yo!

    Actually, I know that part of the issue this week for me is my sodium! I love my hubby, but he does most of the cooking (YAY) and he still tends to use too much salt.....and he'll throw HAM or BACON into most anything! :sad:

    I asked him again this morning......PLEASE don't add any salt when you're cooking.....and leave out the ham & bacon! And he will....for a while anyway!

    I know sodium doesn't affect everyone the same, but I have figured out that I REALLY have to watch it and keep it well under 2000 mgs. If I don't I will gain weight no matter HOW much water I drink. And that water weight will hang around for DAYS!

    Last night we had a community club dinner meeting to attend - - what were they serving? HAM, and potato salad, and dinner rolls, and a strawberry pretzel "salad" (which was very sweet and dessert-like) and brownies and ice cream for dessert! Oh yeah - they DID have some tiny little relish trays with some carrots, cauliflower, and cucumber slices with dip on the table. I took as much of the raw veggies as I dared without looking "piggish"....but the ham sent me way over on sodium and it sure enough I was up 2 pounds this morning! So, the remainder of this week I REALLY need to watch the sodium....and I also need to kick up the exercise a notch too!

    Okay - I guess that was a bit of a rant. I feel better now! :happy: Thanks for "listening"!
  • wf0439
    wf0439 Posts: 16 Member
    I am glad I am not the only "turtle"! I have been feeling like logging and exercising is not working fo me. The weight is so slow to come off. I keep thinking if I go back on a high protein diet I can lose the weight so much more quickly, but I just feel so tired and awful when I am on it....but I would lose weight!!

    I would like to want to lose about 25 lbs or so and have only lost 5 in 6 months or so. I know I should exercise more...

    Any advice? Words of wisdom?
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Hi Turtles! I followed the thread over from the last one. I've been even slower than a turtle lately...I've gained back some weight. But things are finally calming down at my house and I feel like I focus on my slow self again. Going to head back to the gym, get the running shoes back on and begin tracking again. And if the scale doesn't move, I'm not going to stress...I just want to feel more energetic again. Let's go Turtles!!!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    wf0439 - what are yo doing for exercise now? There's a group of us who have started Couch to 5K - I'm on week 3, but others are just starting. Ler me know if you're interested and I'll provide the link. Are you doing any strength training? When I started here, I had a hard time getting into doing any strength training....but I have figured out that it is REALLY important and a necessary thing to do. I would rather be heavier, but strong than to be ligher but flabbier!

    I have an NSV to share with my fellow turtles - Yesterday I went to my chiropracter - I was there a month ago. When I walked in he said "You are obviously still losing weight. You look great!". I told him, will actually I have been on a 2 month plateau and haven't lost any more weight. He said - well, you're definitely smaller, so you're doing something right! We chatted afterwards and I told him I've started c25k, and that I completed the shred. Again, he said that the shred (which is circuit training) has definitely built up muscle and made me more "compact". I've gone to the same chiro for almost 30 years so he's seen me go up and down over the years....and he's always willing to listen and offer advice if I ask for it. He DID give my some ideas for breaking the plateau. He told me to continue with the c25k, but to "sprint" for even 15 or 20 seconds, rather than jog before I slow to a walk. He also gave me some ideas to alter the strength training too. So, I'll be trying that....probably later today....or maybe tomorrow!

    My hubby & I went to a CCR concert last night....and we had a BLAST! The "healthy" lifestyle went out the window, but I figured the dancing and jumping around at least burned off SOME of the beer calories! We were up very late....and I will confess to not feeling real great today. So that's why c25k may have to wait until tomorrow! We'll see.

    Go TURTLES GO!!!! :drinker:
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Well, I lost 3 pounds and still sitting here. Haven't worked out much week and at least haven't gained. I am more active during the day, lapping the halls to make copies instead of just standing there. No one has asked what I'm doing, but since there are cameras in the halls, someone will ask eventually. LOL!! Guess I'll find out how much attention they pay to the hall cams. :)
    I can at least say this lifestyle change has made me more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. Had the first "food day" at school today--all desserts and I only ate my salad & sandwich. That is huge for me!

    I'm hoping to slowly crawl off another pound soon!!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    stc- congrats on the loss!

    toadie- nice to see you back in the swing of things again!

    brendalyne- i've already congratulated you on your nsv somewhere, but GREAT JOB! it also sounds like your chiropractor gave you some great advice... that's fairly similar to the peak 8 exercises i keep telling everyone about.... let us know how it goes for you! :-)

    i, myself, am excited about weighing in for the first time since i finished the 30 day shred... we'll see how it goes tomorrow!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    .8 pounds down! yeah, i'm a turtle and it's taken me close to a month to do that, but that's almost 4 sticks of butter i don't have to carry around on my body anymore! :-)
  • wf0439
    wf0439 Posts: 16 Member
    wf0439 - what are yo doing for exercise now? There's a group of us who have started Couch to 5K - I'm on week 3, but others are just starting. Ler me know if you're interested and I'll provide the link. Are you doing any strength training? When I started here, I had a hard time getting into doing any strength training....but I have figured out that it is REALLY important and a necessary thing to do. I would rather be heavier, but strong than to be ligher but flabbier!

    Thanks Brendalyne.... I walk, do stairs, and use an ellipitical. I don't do much strength training now, but I have done in the past. I need to make time to add weights to my exercise schedule. It seems to be the thing that I drop when life becomes hectic. How did you motivate yourself to get going on the strenght type exercise? Do you replace your cardio with an strength day? I think I am in need of swift kick in the butt!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    wf0439 - what are yo doing for exercise now? There's a group of us who have started Couch to 5K - I'm on week 3, but others are just starting. Ler me know if you're interested and I'll provide the link. Are you doing any strength training? When I started here, I had a hard time getting into doing any strength training....but I have figured out that it is REALLY important and a necessary thing to do. I would rather be heavier, but strong than to be ligher but flabbier!

    Thanks Brendalyne.... I walk, do stairs, and use an ellipitical. I don't do much strength training now, but I have done in the past. I need to make time to add weights to my exercise schedule. It seems to be the thing that I drop when life becomes hectic. How did you motivate yourself to get going on the strenght type exercise? Do you replace your cardio with an strength day? I think I am in need of swift kick in the butt!

    Yes, I am now doing cardio (C25K) on M, W & F, and I do some sort of strength training on Tuesday & & Thursdays....Saturday's and Sundays tend to be more cardio like a bike ride or just a brisk walk. What REALLY got me going on the strength training was doing the 30 Day Shred...which is really circut training...strength, cardio & abs. I found out doing the shred that even though I was not losing pounds I was really toning up and losing inches. Seeing muscles "appear" really is rather motivating in itself! But it does take longer to actually SEE.....unlike stepping on a scale which gives you instant "feed back". Now I kind of get a kick out seeing if I can do more pushups than I did last time....or situps or lunges, etc. And since I haven't lost any weight in oh so long.....it's motivating to get compliments......people are noticing that I am "smaller".....even though I'm not any "lighter". Hey....I'll take smaller and stronger any day! But the 30 Day Shred definitely "kick started" me into realizing how important the "strength" part of the circuit training was....and how it really can transform you!

    I'm sure there are other lots of videos besides the 30 Day Shred.....that just happened to be the one that made it "click" for me!
  • wf0439
    wf0439 Posts: 16 Member

    Yes, I am now doing cardio (C25K) on M, W & F, and I do some sort of strength training on Tuesday & & Thursdays....Saturday's and Sundays tend to be more cardio like a bike ride or just a brisk walk. What REALLY got me going on the strength training was doing the 30 Day Shred...which is really circut training...strength, cardio & abs. I found out doing the shred that even though I was not losing pounds I was really toning up and losing inches. Seeing muscles "appear" really is rather motivating in itself! But it does take longer to actually SEE.....unlike stepping on a scale which gives you instant "feed back". Now I kind of get a kick out seeing if I can do more pushups than I did last time....or situps or lunges, etc. And since I haven't lost any weight in oh so long.....it's motivating to get compliments......people are noticing that I am "smaller".....even though I'm not any "lighter". Hey....I'll take smaller and stronger any day! But the 30 Day Shred definitely "kick started" me into realizing how important the "strength" part of the circuit training was....and how it really can transform you!

    I'm sure there are other lots of videos besides the 30 Day Shred.....that just happened to be the one that made it "click" for me!

    Thanks...I actually bought the 30 days shred and have tried it once, but gave up. I am going to give it another try. Thanks for sharing your experience...I will let you know how it works for me! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply...I really needed to feel like I wasn't alone in this slow weightloss. I want to do it right this time and for good...so changing things is a must.:smile:
  • nickieylaw
    Sooo I have only been doing this about a week and a half. Is it normal that I am seeing NO results? I am even getting a slight gain of a couple pounds here and there....anybody else experience this in the beginning???