Instagram Diets and Workouts?

I follow a lot of different people on Instagram. But I noticed a few gym junkies like the girls from gymshark tend to have their own diet and workout plans that you would pay money for and follow their program. I see their before and after and afters and wow they look great and it makes me want to purchase. But has anyone had any experience with Instagram programs or similar programs?


  • Buff_Man
    Buff_Man Posts: 623 Member
    It might be a good idea to pay a reasonable amount for one plan just to give you enough ideas to develop your own. Having said that, there's so much online you should be able to build your own too
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I personally would not purchase and follow those programs unless it was from a reputable source, you really have to do your research. To lose weight it is all about being in a calorie deficit and getting adequate macros for satiety and body composition. There are great free sources for online recipes too.
  • 911Doughboy
    911Doughboy Posts: 80 Member
    it definately more about colrie deficit than anything else. try the free stuff first. coming up with a workout plan is a good idea, but plenty of free stuff out there...if you want, i have a circuit training workout that i follow that has helped out alot the past month and a half. down about 10-15 pounds (together with eating right)
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    I follow a few Instagram fitness people- and i just write down exercises they share in a notebook and do those.

    I mix it up with FitnessBlender and other YouTube workouts.

    Keeps me from getting bored, but I'm not paying for it!
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    paniz_s wrote: »
    I follow a lot of different people on Instagram. But I noticed a few gym junkies like the girls from gymshark tend to have their own diet and workout plans that you would pay money for and follow their program. I see their before and after and afters and wow they look great and it makes me want to purchase. But has anyone had any experience with Instagram programs or similar programs?

    There are plenty of good weight training programs out there for free that will give you some really good muscle definition if you follow them (as in the basic 1 leg + 1 push + 1 pull + 1 glute type programming to so 2-3x/week - Stronglifts/Starting Strength/ Strong Curves/'AWorkoutPlan'/...).

    For diet, it's a matter of consuming the correct amount of calories to lose/maintain/gain weight and making sure you are getting enough protein/fat/fiber/micronutrients (with recommended amounts freely available online/in forums here).
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    ..and ditto on not trusting the before/after images.... Lighting, angles, posing makes a ginormous difference in appearance in photos.
  • paniz_s
    paniz_s Posts: 44 Member
    OP, you've asked tons of questions on the threads lately. I'm glad you're interested in your health and fitness. But pretty much everything you'll find on IG, or Google, or FB, or wherever, is woo (woo is bad, not good).

    Eat within your calorie allowance. Do some exercise that you enjoy. Heavy (to you) weight lifting will give you the body you're likely looking for.

    Put on your patient pants and do the work. Nothing worth having comes easy.

    Haha, is it bad to ask a lot of questions? I’m sorry, I recently just found this outlet and these are questions that are always on my mind that I feel silly asking personal trainers at the gym.
  • paniz_s
    paniz_s Posts: 44 Member
    paniz_s wrote: »
    OP, you've asked tons of questions on the threads lately. I'm glad you're interested in your health and fitness. But pretty much everything you'll find on IG, or Google, or FB, or wherever, is woo (woo is bad, not good).

    Eat within your calorie allowance. Do some exercise that you enjoy. Heavy (to you) weight lifting will give you the body you're likely looking for.

    Put on your patient pants and do the work. Nothing worth having comes easy.

    Haha, is it bad to ask a lot of questions? I’m sorry, I recently just found this outlet and these are questions that are always on my mind that I feel silly asking personal trainers at the gym.

    Nope. It's totally fine, especially when you're willing to listen to the answers you get.

    But the answer is nearly always "Eat within your calorie allowance. Do some exercise that you enjoy. Heavy (to you) weight lifting will give you the body you're likely looking for." (Disclaimer: barring medical issues)

    Thank you! :)
  • diroka
    diroka Posts: 48 Member
    I've followed ToneItUp for a few years now, and always like their challenges. They're ig-based technically, but they started on youtube and have their own website where they post all kinds of workouts.They have a meal plan, which I've never purchased, and they recently created a paid app, but still post their daily workouts on their website for free. And they have a ton of videos on youtube for free. I like it because they're convenient workouts I can do at home, so if I miss the gym I can grab hand weights and still get a workout in.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ritzvin wrote: »
    ..and ditto on not trusting the before/after images.... Lighting, angles, posing makes a ginormous difference in appearance in photos.

    Also...well, not so sure about Instagram, but I know the models for before and after pictures on things like P90X and 30Ds, etc are actually fit individuals who fatten up a bit for the before and then cut for the after...but they were already fit before, they didn't get to looking like that in 30 days...

    Several years ago someone on my friends list said something that has always stuck with me, and I'm paraphrasing now... people who are selling something never got to look the way they look by using what they're selling.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ritzvin wrote: »
    ..and ditto on not trusting the before/after images.... Lighting, angles, posing makes a ginormous difference in appearance in photos.

    Also...well, not so sure about Instagram, but I know the models for before and after pictures on things like P90X and 30Ds, etc are actually fit individuals who fatten up a bit for the before and then cut for the after...but they were already fit before, they didn't get to looking like that in 30 days...

    Like this?!? ;) I love this video.

    That's friggin' awesome!!!!
  • raeshellewilson
    raeshellewilson Posts: 4 Member
    I have actually found many of the workouts posted on Instagram by Gymshark athletes and others to be super helpful.
    In the end I think a workout is a workout - if you’re trying to build a certain muscle group do your research and find someone that has got what you want and follow them!
    I have no issue purchasing a plan online - if you’ve got the correct form and good eating, the results will be what you make of it :)