Stopped drinking every night and started eating very healthy and GAINING weight :(



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Your weight is an output of you behavior - specifically your caloric intake and output. If you gain weight (bodyfat) then you are eating more calories than you need and your body converts this to fat - stored energy.

    Treat this as you would a financial budget - balancing your checkbook. Log EVERYTHING you eat. Weight everything in the beginning so you narrow down the possibility of error. Do this for a few weeks and see if that changes. Look to those who have been successful with this - most diaries are open.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    Probably too many dang seeds and crap.

    Made me think of this.


    Who eats that *kitten*? :D
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kaitlynb92 wrote: »
    angelsja wrote: »
    I notice you don't eat breakfast and your lunch is low calorie too. Your dinner I can't tell as you haven't put quantities and personally I don't think you are eating enough.

    At 112lbs on your typical height/weight chart you would be considered underweight at 5'7" in height.

    small frame 123-136
    medium frame 133-147
    large frame 143-163

    Obviously there are deviations from this where athletes and bodybuilders are concerned but maybe opening up your diary would make it clearer as there are people on here much more experienced at this than me who can probably help with a bit more info.

    OP is 147lbs now they were 112lbs that's the problem

    So OP is now a healthy weight. I don't see what the problem is.

    Except that she hasn't mentioned what her goal weight is. Or what her other goals are.

    Regardless... the imprecision in her tracking of her intake is going to be a major impediment in losing weight.

    I am not a healthy weight in the slightest, actually. 147lbs is not an unhealthy weight in general - BUT, I've gotten to that weight by drinking wine, eating fast food, and not working out enough. If I had gotten to this weight by eating right and exercising, you would be correct in saying that. My goal weight is to get back around 120 lbs or even just to lose the fat and tone up, regardless what the number weight may be.

    You may not be a healthy condition, shape, or fitness, but you are a healthy size.

    First, focus on your health. 120 is borderline underweight. Whereas even at 147 you have quite a bit of headroom before being overweight.

    You've mentioned just completing school, how old are you. If you're under 25, your perception of what a healthy body size/shape as an adult has not yet fully formed.

    This. You are a healthy weight. You might want to look into recomposition instead (there is a thread about it in the maintenance forum) to lose fat and gain muscle. Or do some cutting and bulking cycles. Either way, you're going to have to exercise if you're not happy with how you look at your weight (and by that I mean doing some strength training). What you ate to get where you are really has nothing to do with your body composition (although not eating enough protein isn't going to help you either).

    About you gaining weight - could be water retention, could be indeed eating too much oatmeal, rice, seeds etc (I never eat them - calories add up way too fast for something that doesn't even taste good).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited February 2018
    Your goals are worth re-examining.

    Being at the bottom of a healthy weight or below does not make you "unfat and toned"

    If you want to be "unfat and toned" you may want to start a thread stating your current condition and asking for advice on how to build additional muscle without necessarily losing weight or only losing a little bit of weight.. as opposed to aiming for minimum caloric intake and 2 pounds a week loss...
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    As others mentioned it seems you're possibly eating at maintenance if you're weight isn't increasing some more and it's staying the same. Invest in a food scale if you don't have it, and track your calories. I'd recommend you continue to eat at maintenance and focus not on losing weight but maintaining your current weight, and starting a progressive strength training workout. Body recomposition is what you need to do. Good luck!!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    Probably too many dang seeds and crap.

    Made me think of this.


    I could use that.