Endurance Athletes

goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
Any endurance athletes looking for support losing weight or with anything training-related? This could be a great place to connect.

There's so much that's unique to endurance sports, especially with nutrition. I never knew until I hired a nutritionist last year. Sometimes some support, or advice, would be nice.

What's your endurance sport?
What are some of your biggest nutritional issues?
How is your training going? Is there anything you need to work on?

I do triathlon. I struggle to fuel properly on my long days when I start late. I don't eat a big breakfast, and can't seem to "catch up" on the calorie consumption. Plus, a lot of calories are consumed around training that lasts over 90 minutes: ~100-150/hour for me, depending on if I'm swimming/biking/running. Recovery drink of 26grams (g) c, +/- 12g depending on intensity, with 1/4-1/3g protein.
I'm also tired all the time, even when I sleep 7-8 hours per night. And my cardio load is only around 13-14 hours/week, currently (plus a few hours of strength training per week).
And don't even get me started on injury management/prevention....

Would especially love to connect with any triathletes, marathoners, ultra runners, long distance swimmers, long distance cyclists, and other endurance athletes.


  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    Do you log your exercises? I a 45 time marathon runner working on my first IM 70.3. I’d be interested in seeing your training
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm EatSleepTri on TrainingPeaks. I need to be better about uploading my workouts (I'll log time, am better with miles, but need to be adding heart rate, watts, stress levels, etc.). I have a coach who sets my training schedule for me. I'm training my first full.

    I did my first 70.3 last March. What made you want to start it? How are you finding the bike and swim? Have you invested in a training plan? (There's a lot of information --things like not peaking too early, taking a recovery week once per month, etc., are really important)
  • mfpfreedomnow
    mfpfreedomnow Posts: 52 Member
    I used to be a more committed endurance athlete. I ran long distance in college and have kept on running and doing calisthenic exercises ever since. However, these days I run for overall fitness rather than competition. In many ways, I do still consider myself an endurance athlete. I sure as hell endure a lot to get through my workouts on some days.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    2x ironman here; there are several of us around - until I started working with Eat to Perform - I was significantly underfueling. Now i just use MFP for tracking and not calorie recommendations
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    What's your endurance sport?
    Road cycling - mostly non-competitive Audax (long distance) events. Now I'm retired I'm hoping to do more Century rides in new areas.

    What are some of your biggest nutritional issues?
    Eating too much in winter! :smiley:
    My mileage plummets - I can't cycle outdoors in cold weather (Raynaud's) and don't enjoy long hours indoors.
    Don't have any nutritional problems in the warmer months when my exercise balances my eating levels nicely. It is far easier to "fuel as you go" on a bike compared to other endurance sports though.

    How is your training going? Is there anything you need to work on?
    Just starting the transition from Winter to Spring, need to increase my hours on the bike, trying to train my neck and back to adapt to a lower (and more aero) riding position. I have the aero of a brick outhouse.....
    Hit a really good fitness level in December but a spell of illness in January knocked me back a bit.
    December was working on improving my FTP (successfully too, hit a new PR), January was just trying not to slip backwards, February is working on boosting my long distance cruising speed.

    And don't even get me started on injury management/prevention....
    That's a big issue I need to keep on top of - quite an extensive collection of old injuries plus at my age (58) recovery from injury takes a long time.

  • Reiki29
    Reiki29 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Currently I'm training for my first ultra marathon and at the same time I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight. I'm really struggling nutritionwise when it comes to rest days or easy days. I tend to overeat, not on unhealthy foods but still. Porridge and smoothies are my go-tos on these days. At least my training has gone pretty good so far. I also have a coach who creates my plans which makes it very easy for me to motivate myself. :p
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i found for me - that i tend to eat less on harder workout days and make up for it on rest days - think about it like replenishing the fuel in your body for the next hard workout - you can't do that at the same time you are draining your stores of energy
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    What's your endurance sport? Triathlon. Currently training for 70.3 #3 in June (Eagleman) and #4 in July (Ohio).

    What are some of your biggest nutritional issues? My husband. Seriously. He hates anything that is even remotely healthy (actual quote from him: "vegetables are bait for food"). But I have neither the time nor the money to make 2 dinners every day. And because he like to eat unhealthy, that's what he knows how to cook, so he doesn't....which means some days, we don't eat dinner until 9pm or later (usually swim and run days, because my swim window is currently 7:30-9pm on Thursdays, and I can't eat before I run). I do buy him some quick and easy things that he can just make for himself on days I'm going to be really late (ie Thursdays), but I usually end up just having like PBJ or cereal those days myself, because it's so late.

    How is your training going? So far, so good. I missed a week of training a couple of weeks ago because I was sick, but I got a few training days back this week (we're on vaca in the ADK, and my coach had scheduled this as a week off in her master plan for me, but I ended up being able to bring my roadie and my trainer, so she gave me 4 rides to do this week...can't run up here because of the ice, and no pool here). Currently training between 5-6 hours a week on average (still in base training...won't start my build phase until the end of march/early april).

    Is there anything you need to work on? Running. I was off running for 18 months (Feb 2016 to July 2017 with an overuse injury because of my former coach (overtraining...come to find out he hasn't been certified as a coach for years, plus a whole host of other awful things came to light)....plus I was off biking from Aug 2016 to March 2017 because of the same injury, with all biking from April to August being super easy, little to no resistance spins...so I pretty much just swam for almost a year. I started back running in July (5 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min walk)....my long runs are now up to 90 mins to 2 hours, depending on the rest of my week's schedule.....but I've lost all my speed...I'm slowly getting it back, but it seems like it's taking forever. I have complete faith in my current coach, though, so I know I'll get it back :smile:
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    I'm EatSleepTri on TrainingPeaks. I need to be better about uploading my workouts (I'll log time, am better with miles, but need to be adding heart rate, watts, stress levels, etc.). I have a coach who sets my training schedule for me. I'm training my first full.

    Do you not have your garmin directly connected to TP, so your workouts upload to TP as soon you upload your workout? Mine is instant (watch is connected to Garmin Connect via bluetooth, so my workout uploads to GC as soon as I hit save on my watch....the GC immediately syncs with TP, MFP, Strava, etc). I'm surprised your coach can properly set your training schedule without having all the data (HR, watts and such are pretty important when creating weekly training schedules).

    PS - which full are you doing?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    What's your endurance sport? Triathlon. Currently training for 70.3 #3 in June (Eagleman) and #4 in July (Ohio).

    What are some of your biggest nutritional issues? My husband. Seriously. He hates anything that is even remotely healthy (actual quote from him: "vegetables are bait for food"). But I have neither the time nor the money to make 2 dinners every day. And because he like to eat unhealthy, that's what he knows how to cook, so he doesn't....which means some days, we don't eat dinner until 9pm or later (usually swim and run days, because my swim window is currently 7:30-9pm on Thursdays, and I can't eat before I run). I do buy him some quick and easy things that he can just make for himself on days I'm going to be really late (ie Thursdays), but I usually end up just having like PBJ or cereal those days myself, because it's so late.

    How is your training going? So far, so good. I missed a week of training a couple of weeks ago because I was sick, but I got a few training days back this week (we're on vaca in the ADK, and my coach had scheduled this as a week off in her master plan for me, but I ended up being able to bring my roadie and my trainer, so she gave me 4 rides to do this week...can't run up here because of the ice, and no pool here). Currently training between 5-6 hours a week on average (still in base training...won't start my build phase until the end of march/early april).

    Is there anything you need to work on? Running. I was off running for 18 months (Feb 2016 to July 2017 with an overuse injury because of my former coach (overtraining...come to find out he hasn't been certified as a coach for years, plus a whole host of other awful things came to light)....plus I was off biking from Aug 2016 to March 2017 because of the same injury, with all biking from April to August being super easy, little to no resistance spins...so I pretty much just swam for almost a year. I started back running in July (5 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min walk)....my long runs are now up to 90 mins to 2 hours, depending on the rest of my week's schedule.....but I've lost all my speed...I'm slowly getting it back, but it seems like it's taking forever. I have complete faith in my current coach, though, so I know I'll get it back :smile:

    have you done Eagleman before? its like running on the surface of the sun - literally there is maybe 1/4 run shade on the entire run!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »

    have you done Eagleman before? its like running on the surface of the sun - literally there is maybe 1/4 run shade on the entire run!

    No, but I've done Syracuse....which also has NO shade, with obnoxious hills (they changed the course, so it is less hilly now than when I did it), and was like 90+ degrees the year I did it....plus the bike course was awful too (even more obnoxious hills than the run - 45mph to 4mph in 10 feet - and they had to reroute it the year after I did it, taking out the awesome downhill section, and adding in even more hills). :lol:

    I considered doing Syracuse again (makes the most sense, since it is my "local" race, and it is possible this year will be the last year for it)....but biking/running on the course adds an extra hour to my time (since I live on the complete opposite side of town), which did not go over well with the hubs when I did Syracuse before....so my training constraint is that I have to bike and run from my house - which is flat flat flat flat flat....I actually made a spreadsheet of all north american 70.3 races with bike/run elevation, and eliminated those that were too hilly to be able to properly train for (bike especially, since I could slog up hills, if need be), as well as those too far to drive, and too early in the season for me (I don't have the desire to do 3 hour rides on the trainer...plus most of those are too far to drive, anyway).
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    I'm EatSleepTri on TrainingPeaks. I need to be better about uploading my workouts (I'll log time, am better with miles, but need to be adding heart rate, watts, stress levels, etc.). I have a coach who sets my training schedule for me. I'm training my first full.

    I did my first 70.3 last March. What made you want to start it? How are you finding the bike and swim? Have you invested in a training plan? (There's a lot of information --things like not peaking too early, taking a recovery week once per month, etc., are really important)

    I just wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. Doing well on bike trainer, but not so well at swimming. I don’t have a plan, other that the content nice to increase time biking and swimming, and doing brick workouts.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited February 2018
    i've done Syracuse as well...it was my IM 68.5 - did it in 2015 when we got pulled off the run course because of torrential downpour...i was less than a mile from the turnaround on the second lap of the run!
  • Claire5520
    Claire5520 Posts: 113 Member
    Just wanted to mark this thread. Runner and ex-triathlete currently marathon training.. hello!
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    2x ironman here; there are several of us around - until I started working with Eat to Perform - I was significantly underfueling. Now i just use MFP for tracking and not calorie recommendations

    I hired a nutritionist last year from the Core program. She broke everything down for me. It was incredibly useful. I still have to do a sweat test, though (and I've definitely been noticing that I'm sweating a lot more, now (other variables constant).

    EtP. Cool. Will have to check it out.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    edited February 2018
    sijomial wrote: »
    What's your endurance sport?
    Road cycling - mostly non-competitive Audax (long distance) events. Now I'm retired I'm hoping to do more Century rides in new areas.

    What are some of your biggest nutritional issues?
    Eating too much in winter! :smiley:
    My mileage plummets - I can't cycle outdoors in cold weather (Raynaud's) and don't enjoy long hours indoors.
    Don't have any nutritional problems in the warmer months when my exercise balances my eating levels nicely. It is far easier to "fuel as you go" on a bike compared to other endurance sports though.

    How is your training going? Is there anything you need to work on?
    Just starting the transition from Winter to Spring, need to increase my hours on the bike, trying to train my neck and back to adapt to a lower (and more aero) riding position. I have the aero of a brick outhouse.....
    Hit a really good fitness level in December but a spell of illness in January knocked me back a bit.
    December was working on improving my FTP (successfully too, hit a new PR), January was just trying not to slip backwards, February is working on boosting my long distance cruising speed.

    And don't even get me started on injury management/prevention....
    That's a big issue I need to keep on top of - quite an extensive collection of old injuries plus at my age (58) recovery from injury takes a long time.

    Mannnnnn. You don't like indoor training?! I guess having a group around you helps. I indoor computrain with a group of people (although 4 hour rides inside get pretty lonely).

    I had never heard of Raynaud's. That's too bad! What's your low-end temp?

    I'm cycling through a hamstring pull currently. It's bad. But it seems to be okay on the bike. Injuries scare the hell out of me. I was training for what would have been my first full IM last summer when I re-tore my calf 7.5 weeks out. I was doing everything "by the book," too, except for one 5-day challenging cycling trip. I'm just praying my leg holds up (only hurts if I try to strength train/seriously stretch it).
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Reiki29 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!
    Currently I'm training for my first ultra marathon and at the same time I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight. I'm really struggling nutritionwise when it comes to rest days or easy days. I tend to overeat, not on unhealthy foods but still. Porridge and smoothies are my go-tos on these days. At least my training has gone pretty good so far. I also have a coach who creates my plans which makes it very easy for me to motivate myself. :p

    Hi! That's awesome! How long is it?

    I feel you with easy days.:/
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    edited February 2018
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    goatg wrote: »
    I'm EatSleepTri on TrainingPeaks. I need to be better about uploading my workouts (I'll log time, am better with miles, but need to be adding heart rate, watts, stress levels, etc.). I have a coach who sets my training schedule for me. I'm training my first full.

    Do you not have your garmin directly connected to TP, so your workouts upload to TP as soon you upload your workout? Mine is instant (watch is connected to Garmin Connect via bluetooth, so my workout uploads to GC as soon as I hit save on my watch....the GC immediately syncs with TP, MFP, Strava, etc). I'm surprised your coach can properly set your training schedule without having all the data (HR, watts and such are pretty important when creating weekly training schedules).

    PS - which full are you doing?

    No, I don't. I did for a while but I like to use my Garmin for non-training purposes (I walk around NYC a lot, and am curious about distance; I use it for strength, etc). I also often accidentally "save" it after pausing it, such as during a long run, so I find it better to just enter it manually.
    He's on my *kitten* all the time, but as long as I upload my dad (time, miles, heart, etc), he's fine.

    Lake Placid.
    This is my down week, thank god. Next Wednesday is back to my long ride, doing the computrainer loop. It's nuts.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Claire5520 wrote: »
    Just wanted to mark this thread. Runner and ex-triathlete currently marathon training.. hello!

    Hey there! Nice to connect : )
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    What's your endurance sport?
    Road cycling - mostly non-competitive Audax (long distance) events. Now I'm retired I'm hoping to do more Century rides in new areas.

    What are some of your biggest nutritional issues?
    Eating too much in winter! :smiley:
    My mileage plummets - I can't cycle outdoors in cold weather (Raynaud's) and don't enjoy long hours indoors.
    Don't have any nutritional problems in the warmer months when my exercise balances my eating levels nicely. It is far easier to "fuel as you go" on a bike compared to other endurance sports though.

    How is your training going? Is there anything you need to work on?
    Just starting the transition from Winter to Spring, need to increase my hours on the bike, trying to train my neck and back to adapt to a lower (and more aero) riding position. I have the aero of a brick outhouse.....
    Hit a really good fitness level in December but a spell of illness in January knocked me back a bit.
    December was working on improving my FTP (successfully too, hit a new PR), January was just trying not to slip backwards, February is working on boosting my long distance cruising speed.

    And don't even get me started on injury management/prevention....
    That's a big issue I need to keep on top of - quite an extensive collection of old injuries plus at my age (58) recovery from injury takes a long time.

    Mannnnnn. You don't like indoor training?! I guess having a group around you helps. I indoor computrain with a group of people (although 4 hour rides inside get pretty lonely).

    I had never heard of Raynaud's. That's too bad! What's your low-end temp?

    I'm cycling through a hamstring pull currently. It's bad. But it seems to be okay on the bike. Injuries scare the hell out of me. I was training for what would have been my first full IM last summer when I re-tore my calf 7.5 weeks out. I was doing everything "by the book," too, except for one 5-day challenging cycling trip. I'm just praying my leg holds up (only hurts if I try to strength train/seriously stretch it).

    I can tolerate 60 to 90 minutes of indoor cycling and then it just becomes tedious, the clock seems to run differently in a gym compared to cycling in beautiful countryside.
    It's certainly useful for more technical training due to the completely controlled environment and definitely leads to performance improvements but it's a chore instead of a pleasure.

    My Raynaud's has been getting worse year by year and the temperature at which my hands and feet switch off comes in earlier. 8C is about my limit for prolonged rides which really isn't that cold at all.
    I was doing some gardening yesterday in the cold and the first I knew about a cut on my thumb was wondering where all the blood had come from. Perhaps that's what my wife means when she says I'm insensitive? :smiley:

    Best of luck with your hammy.