5 weeks to go - can I do it?

Hi all

I'm a bridesmaid for my friend in 5 weeks time and I need to lose around 8 lbs for my dress to be comfortable. It is mostly around the waist/bust area that it is a little tight. Basicaly I'm looking for advice on how to get off the plateau I've been stuck on for the past few weeks.

I'm swinging between 141.5lbs - 144.5lbs and can't seem to get out of this. I'm willing to listen to any advie on diet/exercise or indeed - both!


  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    have you tried the 30 day shred dvd? i did day 1 level 1 yesterday and i can feel the affects already.

    Are you eating your recommended intake? what exercise do you do already?

  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I've done 5 days of the 30 day shred so far. I am on 1200 calories and I don't usually eat back my exercise calories. I am good at having a high water intake and can usually manage 5 a day during the week. My fall down is weekends and TOM. I'm really struggling with this. I've lost 14lbs so far but can't seem to get any lower.
  • Hernandezedw
    Just curious, have you tried the dress on lately?
  • skinnydaydreams
    Eat half of your exercise calories back: I've heard from a lot of people that it helps a lot
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I tried it on last week, I can fasten it at a push but it's a struggle :/
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    When it happens to me I do better when I change things up. Change your exercise routine, times you workout and think about adding an extra short walk a few times a week. If you tend to eat the same thing every day (i.e. Cereal & fruit for breakfast) try to eat other foods instead. Good luck!
  • kat2happy
    kat2happy Posts: 1 Member
    How about intermittent fasting?
    Here are some articles. I do it once a week, helps keep my weight even and it allows my body to detox properly. I usually fast with water, and add either lemon or ACV and a little stevia (so as not to spike my blood sugar). And I take chlorophyll a couple times during the day.. keeps my energy pretty even.. I manage to do my workout and normal life.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Well it appears I have gone up a few lbs! Gutted, I'm doing 30ds, drinking loads of water and trying to stick to 1200 calories. Are there specific foods I should be eating/avoiding or should I be attempting to jog more? Starting to panic!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I took a peak at your food diary and I'd suggest backing off the bread/starch carbs. For me too much bread/starches = water weight, which might be why you're up a little.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks for your input, I will try that, any advice on what I should replace them with? Should I swap pasta etc for salad? And should I be avoiding fruit that is high in carbs?