Home Workout Help?



    CHLOECALS86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I would try Youtube for sure, there are a lot of fitness people there who can break down what you can do depending on your goals and equipment and taking into account any injuries or restrictions you have. When you are starting a new routine it is so easy to hurt yourself with the wrong technique, at the gym people can point out to you when you are doing an exercise wrong, at home there is only you and you may not realize a problem until much later from doing it wrong over time. So do research on what you want gain muscle, lose fat in certain areas, increase strength to do a pull up, gain on your cardio ability etc. Sometimes experimenting with loud dance music and some funny 90's 2000's fitness videos when you have the house to yourself can get you in a the mood to get in shape in that environment relaxed to move around and get fit on your own motivation. When you are working out at home try to stay focused on the exercise time and keep heart rate up by turning phone to silent and doing all chores before you exercise, have water on hand and all the fitness equipment, bands, weights, stool etc out and ready so you can start and continue till your done.
  • chriscao1997
    chriscao1997 Posts: 4 Member
    Ahh that’s a good advice, I shall start looking on YouTube and try some home workouts and maybe even try some diet. I’m probably gonna research online to see what may be good routines and how much running should be enough. Sorry for late reply, I am busy with school/work and forgot that to turn on notification for phone.
  • chriscao1997
    chriscao1997 Posts: 4 Member
    Ooof, I forgot to turn on phone notifcation since school and work started. But I will look into fitness blender and some YouTube and google rountines. I am still getting used to all of this.
  • roseo13
    roseo13 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm late to the game, but I would like to go on record that when I first started out, I would use body weight exercises I found on ondemand, from prime and YouTube. Then eventually I threw in some cans of pineapples (I tried using water bottles but I would drink them before I was done). Now I got some cheapo ones from 5below. All in all, I spent less than $10, and got to eat some pineapple.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I got my workout out of a book. Over time, I've gone beyond the guidelines (the author doesn't use dumbbells beyond 12lb on most exercises; on some, they top out at 8 or 10. I'm using heavier as I feel up to it.) Main equipment are dumbbells, mat, ankle weights, medicine balls, and cardio step.