43 years old and navigating my way back to pre-baby weight range.

RebeccaH2011 Posts: 8 Member
edited February 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello My Fitness Pals,
Just got onto MFP and have been in the process of shedding the baby weight I put on 3 years ago. Finally ready to make real strides and am needing to loose 15-20 lbs to be squarely in a healthy range. Friend me if you are in a similar place and figuring it out with young kids and body changing in 40's.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator

    I think these two links are extremely helpful and can help you get the most out of MFP:



    The first covers accurate logging and some of the tools in MFP to help you make things easier. The second discusses caloric needs and setting goals. These two posts completely changed my MFP experience and helped me be much more successful, so I hope they do the same for you.

    ~Best wishes on your journey
  • Jwhde3
    Jwhde3 Posts: 3 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I'm also shedding baby weight but I'm 27. I don't know how much that matters tho. I have about 20-25 lbs to lose.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm 41. I'm just getting back to running and eating better after having two babies in two years. My youngest is now 8 months. I'm hoping to get back to my goal weight by summer. I'm not putting too much pressure on myself but I'm logging daily and exercising 3-5 times a week. Add me if you'd like.
  • hot_fiat
    hot_fiat Posts: 7 Member
    I’m doing the same just older. Not a lot of weight to lose but just need to get close to my pre kiddo weight. It’s hard when your kids have so much yummy but unhealthy foods they like and especially with Easter coming ( peeps are my weakness)
  • kiwisandcoconuts
    kiwisandcoconuts Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there! Mom of two hoping to shed the weight I've gained and maintained after both pregnancies and year of PPD. I'm in my mid-30s and have definitely noticed a significant change in my metabolism. Used to be so much easier to lose weight. Now I'm struggling to get going! I have a solid 48lbs to lose so I'll be on here often!
  • dha1127
    dha1127 Posts: 6 Member
    So I’m 44 and had 3 kids but they are 8, 15 and 17... so I don’t really have the excuse of baby weight. Working on losing 50lbs and so far MFP has been a huge help. Just remember to stick with it! Every little bit helps