Pregnancy – August 2011



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Real Name: Julia
    Age: 33
    Location: Murray, Utah (suburb of Salt Lake City)
    How far along in pregnancy: 31 weeks 6 days
    # of Children you have: 3 (this will be #4)
    # of Children you want: this is our last
    Education (if applicable): BS in Human Development and Family Studies, emphasis on Early Childhood Education; currently working on BS in math with plans to continue to PhD (I have 1 year left in undergrad)
    Current Occupation: student and mom
    Dream Occupation: I have two :blushing: 1) Working for national security (NSA, FBI, something) as a code breaker, using number theory/cryptology. 2) Author of YA/Adult fantasy/sci-fi novels
    Marital Status: Married
    How you met your baby daddy: He was my brother's best friend starting in Jr High; we hooked up in high school and got married soon after. 16th anniversary this month :happy:
    What brought you to MFP? Husband's brother was having good success and everybody in the family decided to give it a try; I joined up for the support, but seems like I'm the only one who is still sticking with it.
    How tall are you? 5'4" if I'm wearing 4" heals :laugh: (So I'm 5 feet nothin')
    What was your highest weight? 155 lbs, right before baby #3 was born
    What was your lowest weight? Since graduating high school - 118 lb
    What is your goal weight? 120 lb
    What is your goal size? 4
    Anything else you would like to share? I'm something of an internet junkie - FB, boards here, MMO, etc. I play flute in a community orchestra and sing in the church choir.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Great idea Rachel!

    Real Name: Ronya

    Age: 28

    Location: Macungie, Pa

    How far along in pregnancy: 31 weeks 6 days

    # of Children you have: 0

    # of Children you want: the factory shuts down after 2! :laugh:

    Education (if applicable): BS in Elementary Education, MS in Reading Education

    Current Occupation: Welfare Caseworker

    Dream Occupation: I have two; my realistic one is to be a Reading Specialist, my secret wish is to be an author

    Marital Status: Married since June 13, 2009

    How you met your baby daddy: we worked at the same office. We hung out as friends for about 4 months until he finally worked up the nerve to kiss me. 9 months later we were engaged and got married a little less than a year after.

    What brought you to MFP? I was looking for something to keep track of my weight loss

    How tall are you? 5’4”

    What was your highest weight? 204

    What was your lowest weight? 151 (the day I found out I was pregnant)

    What is your goal weight? 145

    What is your goal size? 10 but I won’t complain if I can get lower

    Anything else you would like to share? My favorite thing to do is hang out at home with my husband or spend time with our families. I’m a homebody who would much rather spend my night on the sofa than go out.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I want to be a part of this group (as best as I can keep up) and I thought this was a good way of introducing myself.
    Real Name: Kay
    Location: Peshtigo, WI
    How far along in pregnancy: 24 wks I am due November 28th
    # of Children you have: 3
    # of Children you want:Thought we were done after our 3rd
    Education (if applicable):I have taken some courses in childcare.
    Current Occupation:Stay at home mom
    Dream Occupation:Something where I would make good money
    Marital Status:married for 11 1/2 years
    How you met your baby daddy:I met my hubby on my 18th birthday at our favorite restaurant and ended up getting married a day after my 19th birthday.
    What brought you to MFP?I had a TON of weight to lose and needed the support
    How tall are you? 5' 4"
    What was your highest weight? 286 Very ashamed of this number but when I look at how far I have come I am very proud of all my hard work.
    What was your lowest weight?My lowest weight ever is 150 but my most recent lowest weight is 196
    What is your goal weight? 145
    What is your goal size?12 or under but not lower than 6
    Anything else you would like to share? My husband is gone a lot (for work) so I have a lot of up and down days right now. We are also working on an addition on our house because we ran out of bedrooms and I am stressing a little because I don't think it will be done before November.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    I just ate like 10 chocolate chip cookies,

    Barf! I feel gross now. But at the time they tasted so good!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Real Name: Maggie
    Age: 37
    Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
    How far along in pregnancy: 31 weeks 3 days
    # of Children you have: 1
    # of Children you want: only wanted 1 but ... surprise!!
    Education (if applicable): high school
    Current Occupation: stay at home mom / domestic goddess
    Dream Occupation: cop
    Marital Status: married (today is our 13th anniversary)
    How you met your baby daddy: blind date
    What brought you to MFP? weight loss
    How tall are you? 5'5"
    What was your highest weight? 238
    What was your lowest weight? 150
    What is your goal weight? 160
    What is your goal size? 12
    Anything else you would like to share? I have PCOS. Needed big doses of fertility meds to conceive my daughter in 2005. Lost weight last year (close to 40 lbs) and that's how this little surprise happened .. !!!
    I can't wait to get back on the MFP weight loss wagon in a few months :)
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Real Name: Lindsey

    Age: 27

    Location: Palm Harbor, Fl. (Near Tampa)

    How far along in pregnancy: 35 weeks, 5 days

    # of Children you have: 1

    # of Children you want: 1 more after this lil one!

    Education (if applicable): No further education after High School, stayed home and raised my daughter during the day, and worked at night :-)

    Current Occupation: Account Auditor for Macy's Credit

    Dream Occupation: I would love to teach someday

    Marital Status: Married since February 20, 2010 <3

    How you met your baby daddy: We met in high school..I had my daughter young (senior year) and was trying to make things work with her dad. But couldn't help having a crush on this sweet, funny guy! We found each other again over the years twice..3rd time was a charm in 2008, been very happy together ever since!

    What brought you to MFP? I was looking for something to help me stay on track while pregnant. I gained a lot of weight during the wedding planning process and was so upset to be at my highest weight ever before getting pregnant. I only intended on gaining the recommended 15 lbs during this pregnancy...but that hasn't worked out so well for me!

    How tall are you? 5'0

    What was your highest weight? 165 before pregnancy, 190 currently at almost 36 weeks :-(

    What was your lowest weight? 115 when my hubby and I got together (sorry babe, lol!)

    What is your goal weight? 120

    What is your goal size? 7-9

    Anything else you would like to share? The closer I get to delivery, the more I am getting stressed over losing this weight after. 25 lbs so far during the pregnancy, plus the original 45 I was already over is very overwhelming for a short girl like me with a slow metabolism, who has never been good at working out! I will definitely be in need of some tips and tricks with diet and exercise, and some emotional support! I am hoping I am in the right place for all of the above!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Kay - Welcome! Jump right in to the conversations!

    Maggie - happy anniversary!

    Rachel - oh, now I want chocolate chip cookies! :wink:

    AFM - got the invitations for the shower filled out, addressed, and stamped. Hubby will drop them off at the post office on the way to work. Glad that job is done :laugh:
    I went swimming again this afternoon. I would have liked to do laps, but the pool was so crowded with kids whose parents apparently never taught them to be aware of what or who is around them, so it was more like dodge-kid than swimming. What makes it worse is when the adults are rough-housing and throwing each other in the pool without watching where they're going. So I mostly just hung out in the pool making sure my kids stayed out of the way and moving around so I got some exercise. And for some reason, that exhausted me.

    Darn it, now I really want some Chip's Ahoy! :laugh:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I met my new OB this afternoon. He's fabulous but the wait time is a killer. Why bother telling people to be there at a certain time if there's going to be a 2-hour delay? Crazy ... and I have to do it again in 2 weeks!!
    Anyway ... He looked at my blood glucose log book and was satisfied with the numbers, then he took me to the exam room and measured my belly and was impressed that the baby wasn't big considering I have gestational diabetes. My daughter was born weighing 5 lbs 15 oz and was 18 inches long so he said this is going to be a smaller baby as well. Suite me just fine .. LOL
    She is now head down and her heart rate is 150.
    I'm just waiting for the hospital to call me with an appointment for an ultrasound. He wants to get better measurements. The machine is his office is only for quick peeks because it wasn't very clear.

    My blood pressure was higher than it's been in the past but I don't do well in official hospital environments .. plus it was my first time there, didn't know what to expect, never met the doctor before AND the nurse weighed me BEFORE taking my pressure. Yeah, bad idea .. LOL
    I hope my pressure is more in the usual range at my next appointment. It wasn't off the charts (142/82) .. but I was nervous and anxious so I'm sure that had to affect it a bit.

    Baby shower is coming up in 3 weeks so I'm looking forward to baby girl getting spoiled before she gets here. After the shower we'll go shopping for the essentials we didn't get. LOVE baby gear shopping :)

    I hope everyone else is doing well.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So, I keep bouncing back and forth between thinking this guy is going to come early and that he's going to be irritatingly late. I'm measuring big (33 at my 31 week) but I also have a lot of fluid. Both fundal measurement and fluid are on the high side of normal, so it's no concern. At the last u/s it projected the due date a week earlier than my dates put it. But sometimes I think he's just been such a stinker already, he's going to make things hard by coming late.
    I can't go off my others, either. #1 was 6 days late, #2 4 days early, and #3 on his due date. The first 2 were born on the day the U/S suggested and the 3rd was a day before it, but with them I only had the one at 20 weeks. This guy we've had 3 so far, at 17, 21, and 25 weeks, and I get another at the end of the month at about 34 weeks. So who knows what to pay attention to...

    I just have to trust that he'll come when he's ready. And hope he doesn't wait all the way until my birthday!!!
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Real Name: Katrina
    Age:38 (damn, when did I get old?)
    Location: Woodbridge, VA
    How far along in pregnancy: 21 weeks
    # of Children you have: 4 - G-11, B - 8.11, B - 6 and G - 4
    # of Children you want: We had a plan of 3 with an option for 4, this baby was unexpected but welcome!
    Education (if applicable): B.S. Biology and Chemistry, B.S. Psychology
    Current Occupation: Stay-at-Home Parent, PTA Treasurer, Girl Scout Leader, Cub Scout Committee
    Dream Occupation: Community Education for Safe Kids
    Marital Status: Married 6/1996
    How you met your baby daddy: In college, he was the friend of a friend who helped me set up email. When I got an electric charge from his knee brushing mine, I asked him out.
    What brought you to MFP? A friend's amazing weight loss he credits largely to the site.
    How tall are you? 5'9"
    What was your highest weight? 297
    What was your lowest weight? 236 (when I found out I was pregnant)
    What is your goal weight? 170
    What is your goal size? under 12 - I'd like to be able to shop anywhere for clothes!
    Anything else you would like to share? I'm a CPST - Child Passenger Safety Technician. I have a passion for keeping kids safe in and around cars. My kids aren't overscheduled, but I surely am!

    Maggie - I hate doctors that overschedule! It drives me insane, which is one of the reasons I love my midwife - we get 30 minute appointments so rarely are we over time. I also have PCOS and my weight loss is likely responsible for this pregnancy as well.

    Julie - I dealt with it by having it in my head that I was going to go 10 days overdue. Then when they came earlier, it was a pleasant surprise. The earliest ultrasound is generally the most reliable for due date because of different growth rates. My baby is measuring a week ahead as well according to the 20 week.

    Welcome Kay and A. We've gotten a little quiet here since six or seven of our mommas gave birth in the last couple of months. I know since getting off of easy rest that I haven't been here as much as I was before.

    AFM: DH and I tried to get to the gym this morning. Instead, I ended up sitting with our van, dead on the side of the road. He took the kids home and I got to ride with the tow truck driver to the dealership. Last year this happened and we replaced Cam Sensor 2 and this year it was Cam Sensor 1. Frustrating to have to spend $400 on the van right before our cruise. But, dh's parents handed us $$$ to go on the Dolphin excursion which we had decided not to do because it was so expensive for our family of 6, Right now, it looks like this cruise that my parents are paying for should cost us around $1800. I've tried to save up for it, but life keeps chipping away at our savings. Car repairs, basement flood, dental fillings, - sometimes I hate having to be the grownup.

    I really want to get to the gym this week, but tomorrow and Thursday I am watching my neices and nephew for my MIL during the morning and they don't offer childcare in the afternoon. It looks like it may be Wednesday, Friday and Saturday if I can get motivated. I need to get back into the grove. And we're working hard on breaking the fast food habit. Anybody got any dairy free, soy free ideas for what to do with chicken breast for dinner tonight? I hate having to figure out what to cook and then cooking it!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Real Name: Jenna
    Age: 25
    Location: Fort Wayne, IN
    How far along in pregnancy: 26 wks 3 days. Having a girl!!
    # of Children you have: 0
    # of Children you want: 4, but hubby only wants we'll see :)
    Education (if applicable): BS in Organizational Management and I am 4 classes away from having an MBA (will take 2 classes in the spring and 2 classes in the fall and I will be DONE!). I do not ever plan to get a PHD, but I may go back to school someday, for something...I'm a lifelong learner :) Plus, working in higher ed typically pays for the classes.
    Current Occupation: Assistant Registrar at a local university.
    Dream Occupation: Stay at home mom while kids are young, then either a Registrar or a full time academic advisor once the kids are in school. I would love to devote my time to charity and mission trips, especially to Haiti. I've been there twice on mission trips.
    Marital Status: I married the most amazing guy on June 20, 2009!
    How you met your baby daddy: We met at the university where we both did our undergraduate work.
    What brought you to MFP? My sister thought it would be good to do it together with another friend to keep each other accountable with exercise.
    How tall are you? 5' 6''ish
    What was your highest weight? I am at my highest weight right now at 165ish. Before pregnancy my highest was 150.
    What was your lowest weight? Around 130. I don't own a scale and never have, but I remember when I felt my best and went to the Dr they said it was 132.
    What is your goal weight? 135-140 I suppose. But I just really want to be fit and healthy.
    What is your goal size? I would love to be able to fit back in my 7's and 8's.
    Anything else you would like to share? I am soo excited that I get to have another ultrasound next week (one week from tomorrow)! We're praying that the placenta moved up so that I don't have to have a c-section. I'm also a little nervous about stepping on a scale!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend! We got a few things done on our "To do before Avery is Here" list. Still so much to do and time is just flying by! And call me crazy but I have a suspicion that we're going to have an earlybird on our hands... watch because I say that he will be late now :wink: I have an appointment today so we'll probably find out more then but at my last appointment, 2 weeks ago, the doctor was very surprised that he was already locked, loaded and ready to go ie dropped into my pelvis. This usually happens 3 weeks before delivery.... that was 2 weeks ago! I'm not saying he'll be here tomorrow or next week by any means but I don't think we'll be making it to our due date.

    Happy Monday :flowerforyou:

    Fair warning -- Going past my due date was pure torture after I set myself up for thinking she was going to come early! Between the sh*ts and the prodromol labor and the OB telling me I could go any day at 36 weeks and telling me I wouldn't make it past 38 weeks at 37 weeks I REALLY thought she was coming a week or 2 early. Yet there I sat nearly fully effaced and 3cm dilated and having contractions every 5-10 minutes for 4 weeks. I'd probably still be pregnant if I hadn't been induced. :laugh: I hope you're right! :wink:

    I'm taking it with a grain of salt- I'm just telling myself that he'll be here next month either way because even if I go at say 38 weeks or am induced at 41 he'll be a September baby!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Real Name: Danielle

    Age: 23

    Location: Dexter, Maine

    How far along in pregnancy: 33 weeks 4 Days

    # of Children you have: 0

    # of Children you want: 2, Hubby says 3 but as of right now I'm sticking with 2!

    Education (if applicable): Degree in Early Childhood Edu.

    Current Occupation: Photographer

    Dream Occupation: Photographer/SAHM

    Marital Status: Married since June 17, 2006

    How you met your baby daddy: Through mutual friends. Funny thing is we didn't even give each other the time of day the first time we met... we couldn't have cared less! Our best friends were dating though so we were the tag-alongs :wink:

    What brought you to MFP?: I used sparkpeople for awhile but wasn't feeling it after sometime. A friend suggest MFP instead, thank God!

    How tall are you?: 5'8"

    What was your highest weight?: Somewhere between 320-340.... not a typo either

    What was your lowest weight?: 187

    What is your goal weight?: 190

    What is your goal size?: 10/12

    Anything else you would like to share?: I am looking forward to giving birth to our first born and then continuing my weightloss journey after he's here. I was so close around the time I got pregnant. But that's okay, we waited long enough for Mama to lose and to have a baby :smile: My interests include photography, scrapbooking, baking, hunting w/my hubby, and football!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Jenna- My SIL had a very low placenta at her first ultrasound, and it moved up so her baby was born vaginally. From what she was saying, that is the most common thing. Hope it works that way for you, too!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Took my daughter to register for Jr High today. Yikes! I think I'm more excited/nervous than she is. We got her schedule and walked around the school to find her locker and all her classrooms. She starts in less than 2 weeks! And then 6 weeks later (or so) we're bringing home a new baby. Wow.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member

    Real Name: Jen
    Age: 32
    Location: Random Lake, WI
    How far along in pregnancy: 30 weeks
    # of Children you have: 1 DS
    # of Children you want: 2( so done after having 2 high risk pregnancies!)
    Education (if applicable): 2 degree's. First is Chiro Assitant. Second is Neurodiagnostics
    Current Occupation: Supervisor of Polysomnography Services
    Dream Occupation: Doing it! YAY!
    Marital Status: Married, 4 years
    How you met your baby daddy: through a friend's cousin
    What brought you to MFP? trying to loose the weight after ds and now just keeping tabs on it for my second pregnancy
    How tall are you? 5'6
    What was your highest weight? 170, but that was like over 10 years ago. When I got pregnant with DS I was 130
    What was your lowest weight? 119 when Matt and I got married (4 years ago)
    What is your goal weight? 125
    What is your goal size? 4-6. I refuse to throw out those jeans!
    Anything else you would like to share? I LOVE having this board to chat with all you ladies! It's so helpful! :flowerforyou:
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I met my new OB this afternoon. He's fabulous but the wait time is a killer. Why bother telling people to be there at a certain time if there's going to be a 2-hour delay? Crazy ... and I have to do it again in 2 weeks!!
    Anyway ... He looked at my blood glucose log book and was satisfied with the numbers, then he took me to the exam room and measured my belly and was impressed that the baby wasn't big considering I have gestational diabetes. My daughter was born weighing 5 lbs 15 oz and was 18 inches long so he said this is going to be a smaller baby as well. Suite me just fine .. LOL
    She is now head down and her heart rate is 150.
    I'm just waiting for the hospital to call me with an appointment for an ultrasound. He wants to get better measurements. The machine is his office is only for quick peeks because it wasn't very clear.

    My blood pressure was higher than it's been in the past but I don't do well in official hospital environments .. plus it was my first time there, didn't know what to expect, never met the doctor before AND the nurse weighed me BEFORE taking my pressure. Yeah, bad idea .. LOL
    I hope my pressure is more in the usual range at my next appointment. It wasn't off the charts (142/82) .. but I was nervous and anxious so I'm sure that had to affect it a bit.

    Baby shower is coming up in 3 weeks so I'm looking forward to baby girl getting spoiled before she gets here. After the shower we'll go shopping for the essentials we didn't get. LOVE baby gear shopping :)

    I hope everyone else is doing well.

    I had GD to. How are you doing with it? Did you have it with your 1st? I did not have it with DS, BUT had pregnancy induced hypertension which turned into pre e. So far my BP has been good, but they are watching me close to. Your numbers aren't to bad. Do you have a cuff at home? I got one when I was expecting DS and I use it now because my reading are always higher at the office than at home. When I'm home I'm getting like 110/60. When I see the OB I'm at 125/80. So BIG difference. Have you been still gaining weight with your diet and GD? I've been about the same weight for the last 4 weeks. My OB said that she thinks that I won't gain much more in the next 9-10 weeks. But they are also going to order another US to check the size of the baby. Do you have any trouble with your numbers? I'm always under, but my fasting numbers seem to always be high 80's to low 90's. Do you have trouble with fasting numbers? Sorry for all the questions! :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hey ladies, Just popping in to update! I have been reading but it is too hard to respond to many threads :) I hope you are all doing well.

    Elise had her 2 week apt today. She was born at 5 lbs 10 ounces, at her 4 day check up she was 5 lbs 1.5 ounches, today she was 6 lbs 6.5 ounches. I am so happy because now i feel so confident in my breast feeding. I thought it was going well but it was confirmed by her gain. She is sleeping so-so. She wakes up about every 3 hours to eat and at least one night feeding she wants to be awake for awhile. Usually she is up about an hour but sometimes it turns in to like 3 :( She is not a fussy baby (she barely cries) but she makes SO much noise while sleeping. It is crazy.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Took my daughter to register for Jr High today. Yikes! I think I'm more excited/nervous than she is. We got her schedule and walked around the school to find her locker and all her classrooms. She starts in less than 2 weeks! And then 6 weeks later (or so) we're bringing home a new baby. Wow.

    Yea for jr. high! What a big deal. I remember being so excited and nervous about starting middle school.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    AFM: DH and I tried to get to the gym this morning. Instead, I ended up sitting with our van, dead on the side of the road. He took the kids home and I got to ride with the tow truck driver to the dealership. Last year this happened and we replaced Cam Sensor 2 and this year it was Cam Sensor 1. Frustrating to have to spend $400 on the van right before our cruise. But, dh's parents handed us $$$ to go on the Dolphin excursion which we had decided not to do because it was so expensive for our family of 6, Right now, it looks like this cruise that my parents are paying for should cost us around $1800. I've tried to save up for it, but life keeps chipping away at our savings. Car repairs, basement flood, dental fillings, - sometimes I hate having to be the grownup.

    I hate car repairs. They are so frustrating! I am glad you are getting to go on the cruise, what fun!