Hello on the fitness journey

Hi there.
I haven't been using My Fitness Pal regularly but have moved up to Premium, which is much better.
I started this current fitness journey in earnest around Christmas and I want to keep it going. I have been going to the gym, jogging and watching what I eat. I have lost almost 6kgs in 3 months. I can jog 5kms with not too much trouble, and I have jogged 10kms 2x, which I haven't done in years. I'm amazed. But I want to make this a lifelong change, one day, one week, one month, one year at a time. To help I have enlisted the help of a trainer. I'm aiming to fine tune things more over the next month. Last month I had two migraines I think from pushing it too hard. So I want to make things realistic, enjoyable as sustainable. Thanks for having me:) Anaru


  • Anaru5020
    Anaru5020 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2018
    Sorry 6 kilograms lost in 2 months not 3. Looking forward to using My Fitness Pal to hone in on my eating regarding calories in and energy out. Cheers.
  • Anaru5020
    Anaru5020 Posts: 4 Member
    Also I have a habit of dropping off things so I am needing to stay accountable. Please get in touch with me and share your experience of sustaining your fitness journey. Anaru.
  • caberjus
    caberjus Posts: 2 Member
    I know when i push too hard, i tend to get migraines. Good job so far, sounds like you're definitely well on your way to making lasting changes!
  • Anaru5020
    Anaru5020 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2018
    Thanks caberjus. I've taken it easy last 2 weeks. It seems counterintuitive. But I want to enjoy things and stay in the game. Yesterday I wanted to push myself but was really tired. I rested then went for a gentle walk later in the day. Going to gym now and I'm going to do exercises I enjoy at moderate intensity.