maybe a silly question...

what do you actually do with 'friends' on here? i lost around 1.5 stone using my fitness pal last year but just doing the diary, not interacting with anyone on here...lost my motivation for various reasons after thr summer and have gained 2 stone


  • GymGirl565
    GymGirl565 Posts: 12 Member
    posted before i finished typing... do you get to look at each others food diaries for insiration or just generally chat and encourage each other along?

    thanks x
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Join a Group - or a Challenge that interests you. Others can't "give" you motivation, that comes from within. But making it more personal can help.

    There are various diary settings. Some people let anyone look, others let only friends look. I (personally) don't get inspiration from diaries.
  • GymGirl565
    GymGirl565 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, i meant ideas for healthy meal ideas rather than motivation from looking at food diaries . Il have a look at the challenges, am a bit reuctant to join things like that in case I fail - great attitude i know
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    GymGirl565 wrote: »
    Thanks, i meant ideas for healthy meal ideas rather than motivation from looking at food diaries . Il have a look at the challenges, am a bit reuctant to join things like that in case I fail - great attitude i know

    Pals with a similar calorie goal is a great idea