Hi, I'm new!

Hi there! Been doing this for about 3 months now on my own, and initially went really well. Lost just over a stone, sticking to calorie targets, exercising 3 to 4 times a week, but now hit a plateau and nothing changed for just over 3 weeks. Any ideas or suggestions folks, cause it's getting to the point where I'm really wondering if it's worth it. Take care!


  • Hi, welcome to the forum. Of course weight loss is worth it, and anything worth doing/having takes work and dedication. Try changing up your calories consumed. I have been on here since February. I haven't lost weight fast, but the way I am eating will be a way I can maintain once I've hit my goal weight. I believe it has also allowed me to avoid the dreaded plateau. If I don't record a loss one week (I only weigh in once a week) I usually can attribute it to lack of exercise or bad food choices for the whole week. I usually have one day where I go over by 500-1000 cals, but stay under the rest of the week (Although, the last 6 weeks I veered away from that while grandson was visiting) That seemed to work for me real well. Could try that if you wanted. Good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome, you'll love it.
  • Hi all! Quick question -- is there a way to make my week start on the Sunday instead of the Monday for weekly reporting?
  • It is worth it! And you will continue to lose. It just isn't necessarily on our time schedule :) At least that is what I keep telling myself!

    Glad you are here :)
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hey Man, it's totally worth it...you're worth it! You've already seen some great success, so it stands to reason that you will see more! As someone else stated, try switching up your food intake (if you open up your diary to make it public then people can give you specific suggestions...if that's what you are wanting). If you are consuming too few calories you may actually need to eat more in order to get back on track. Try adding a little more protein (like having a hard boild egg at breakfast) and see what happens. Good luck!