Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred - Support needed



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i did level 1 day 1 yesterday and wow am i feeling it today but gunna carry on coz im sure it is working :D

  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Did day 2 of level 1 this morning! Wow my face was like a tomato! But it will do us all good when we reach the end!
  • I did day 3 on Saturday and my body was aching so much I had to give it a miss yesterday, even today my quads are aching but determined to do it when I get in from work!

    Any tips on how to avoid this? My boyfriend did it with me at the weekend and said there isn't enough stretching, do any of you do additional stretching, if so, what do you do?

    Yeah the cool down is really short.. I always do extra stretching after. I do a full body stretch. But if your not sure how to stretch perhaps take a look on you tube for some tips.
  • Tried Level 2 yesterday, OMG. I thought I was ready but I was proved wrong! Going to go for it again today and hopefully I will have mastered the moves before Level 3!!!

    Hope you are all dong well! After a week, I lost 7lbs, 4inches off waist and 2 inches off hips! I <3 Jillian Michaels!!!

  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    I just have a question for anyone that has done it, or started to do it. I have a really hard time with work out dvds, classes at the gym, simmilar things on demand. I always feel as though I can't keep up, or I can't do the moves the same as they can, and then therefore, I don't have any gains. So my question is not whether or not the moves are easy, but is the technique easy? Does that make any sense?
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    :laugh: 2nd day done - with a bit of a hiccup this morning - arms were burning this morning and I gave up...then kicked myself up the butt (literally) and did it properly this evening - seemed shorter tonight doing the whole twenty odd minutes than it did this morning - guess I am just an evening person:smile:
    I am looking forward to being able to jump up and down as quick as the girls in the dvd to get from section to section!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I just have a question for anyone that has done it, or started to do it. I have a really hard time with work out dvds, classes at the gym, simmilar things on demand. I always feel as though I can't keep up, or I can't do the moves the same as they can, and then therefore, I don't have any gains. So my question is not whether or not the moves are easy, but is the technique easy? Does that make any sense?

    Yeah it's not too bad. I find I stop every now and then (mostly in between the cardio lol) for a quick catch of breath or water) but it's for about 5 seconds then continue. The pace is that so you do rest during strength and it's not so breath catching the whole way through.

    Got up this morning early to do day 8. Will do day 9 when I get home.

    Hope to see results soon :(
  • cecebri
    cecebri Posts: 4 Member
    My roommate and I have had this video for a year now and I've never gotten all the way to day thirty. lol. But I am on day 2 of level 1. Level 2 is tough but I don't stress out if I can't keep up with them. The important part is just to not quit! Sometimes I do half of the compound move (like leg extension with the arm press, I might do the legs but only do the arms half of the time). But everyday I find that I do more reps than the previous day. Here's hopin I actually make it to level 3 this time...
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    We can do it!!! I'm on D10. Either tonight or tomorrow (depends if I do kickboxing tonight)
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Better late than never.... I did L1D1 this morning. Woohoo!!
  • niknik141
    niknik141 Posts: 4 Member
    this is fab! im on day 6 of level 1! will be on day 7 in the morning before work. i can defo feel the benifits of it all over! In loving Jillian at the mo and am hoping that all the hard work and sweating will pay off!
    I also do alot of walking and have a excercise boke at home which i try and use daily (when time allows)

    we can all do this and get amazing results! look forward to hearing/seeing your results and views

  • Tried Level 2 yesterday, OMG. I thought I was ready but I was proved wrong! Going to go for it again today and hopefully I will have mastered the moves before Level 3!!!

    Hope you are all dong well! After a week, I lost 7lbs, 4inches off waist and 2 inches off hips! I <3 Jillian Michaels!!!


    Thats amazing well done.

    I have been rubbish on holiday for the past 3 days and skipped out just due to holiday lazyness. Back on it today did Workout 2 followed by zumba. Not sure what day I would call that now though, should I call it day 1 and start again (though I wont finish in time for my wedding) Day 11 even though I skipped a few or day 7 as thats how many times I have done this DVD.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'd call it day 7. I count it as many times as I have done it.

    I'm on D1L2 tomorrow! Not doing it tonight as it's girls night/break day.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Wowzer. Level 2. Panting and sweating! Did not like the double crunch, couldn't do it (how do you keep your legs together! lol I look like *kitten*). Otherwise, was okay!
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member

    So I have just ordered Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred so I am hoping I will have it with in a few days. I get married in September so I want to look and feel my best for that. But with a week away at Edinburgh festival and my hen weekend August is not going to be an easy month sooo... I was hoping some of you might join me and fingers crossed we can egg each other on to complete this together throughout the month of August.

    I will post again when I get my DVD hopefully in time to start on the first of August.

    Who is with me?

    Hey guys,

    Did you just get the DVD or did you get the book along with it? Is there any diet advice on the DVD? Would really like to tone up EVERYWHERE :P getting married in June 2012 :D
  • I just got the DVD to be honest not sure about the others on here.

    As I slacked off a few days when away I am a little behind but just completed Day 12 Level 2. Really enjoying. Some mornings when I wake up I feel tired and so cant be bothered but by the time I get to circuit 2 cardio I start thinking well I am half way there now and then I feel I can rev it up.

    Starting to see a change in my arms and abs too... although its only a little so perhaps others wont see it yet.

    Still making me feel good.

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I feel good that I've done it and doing it (D2 L2 done) but getting really disheartened that not seeing results. Even though it's probably water retention blah blah, hard not to feel down.
  • I know that feeling.. I craked and weighed in even though I was not going to till the end.. I had gained! So re thinking my food diary.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I know that feeling.. I craked and weighed in even though I was not going to till the end.. I had gained! So re thinking my food diary.

    Me too. I was staring at my scales yesterday and weighed in. Was the same. (I usually weigh in on Mondays).

    I've gone back to my starting weight for when I joined. Quite annoyed. Sure, I've had some over cals eating days, but not that awfully. Sigh. Please Jillian! Lizard face my fat away!
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    I am in .. I am going to start tomorrow ! Are we suppose to do it everyday ?