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Fast or Slow Weight Loss?

alazio Posts: 44 Member
So I've heard it said many times that slow and steady is the way to go with weight loss. Reasons cited being that
gradual changes in habit stick better,
you retain more muscle mass,
metabolism remains higher,
more realistic to stick to than more extreme calorie restriction.

I've always bought into that approach and have only aimed to lose ~1 pound/wk at most. But lately I've seen a lot of pushback to this way of thinking, especially from the body building community, and am curious what others think. One pro fast loss article I read posed the question (I'm paraphrasing), "do you actually know anyone who has lost noticeable weight by 1 pound a week for, say, 30 weeks? I don't." He continued, "The few people I know who dropped significant weight and kept it off did it fast, and made big changes. And they look great!" At first this struck me as simply bad advice and made me mad. BUT I couldn't shake the thought that the three people I can think of in my life who have transformed their bodies did lose quickly upon making radical changes and becoming a borderline obsessive about their diet and fitness routines.

So what do you guys think? Different strokes for different folks? Or are you firmly on Team Fast or Team Slow?


  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I'm also an it-depends-er.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    It depends.. but for the most part slow and steady is typically the way to go for more sustainable habits. If you have a lot of weight to lose you can start off faster, but as someone gets to goal the general recommendation is to slow things down to prevent excess muscle loss, fatigue, burn out, binging etc. I've seen many people drop weight quick using aggressive/ fad diets and gain it all back and then some because they haven't made a lifestyle change.

    There are exceptions obviously. I am not a pro bodybuilder but I run bulk/cut cycles and bodybuild recreationally.. some do fast aggressive cuts to drop some weight, they do lose some lean mass but it's usually temporary. If I wanted to drop some weight fast I could do it because I already have good habits and I know what I'm getting myself into. However being already lean I wouldn't go more than 1% bodyweight per week since I'd like to minimize muscle loss.

    In general though for me personally, I am team slow. When I cut down after a bulk I lose 0.5lb per week or less, I don't have much to lose (usually 8lbs or less) and I usually see physique results fairly quickly.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Different strokes for different folks.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    I'd say depends on how much you've got to lose. Trying to lose 5 lbs when you're already in an acceptable BMI range is a lot more difficult than going from say 300 to 250 (which is what I'm doing). I've lost 25+ lbs in less than 2 months but I'm not doing anything extreme, just going from 296 lbs and eating as terrible as I was means I've had weeks of 4 lbs+ even with keeping my intake above 1800 cals or more on exercise days. Plus I'd say the fact that I used to body-build and run, etc. means I had a bit of a head start, I just got really complacent and lazy in life.
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    It's all about the person. Drastic, obsessive, weight loss is not my style. That doesn't mean it's wrong - it just means for me I've tried it, the weight came back on as fast as it came off. I need a lifestyle approach - not an all or nothing. It took me just over a year to lose 100 lbs. and I've kept it off for over 5 years. Now, I'm working on getting the final pounds off - slow and steady. My best advice - do whatever is right for you.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I lost my first 120 pounds in 12 months, which is fairly fast. I was also morbidly obese and needed for health reasons to lose weight immediately. It took me about 2 months to lose another 7 pounds as I gradually increased calories.

    I maintained fine for ~3 years or so and then packed on 20 pounds last year. I'm taking them off very slowly.

    So I'm in the "it depends" camp.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I'm in the 'it depends' camp also.

    I started at the top of my normal and went to close to the bottom, and I'm old and short.
    My calories were low as it was, going any faster than a year for 30lbs would have been unhealthy.

    If I had been 330, instead of 130, it would have been a different story. That first 100lbs I would have wanted to come off in less time than it took to lose the 30 I did lose. Then I would have done a graduated loss.

    I also think those that work seriously at body composition can, and often do, manipulate their calories for fast brief losses. But they usually have good knowledge and an effective plan.

    Cheers, h.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    The ones I know who have been most successful took a good couple of years to reach thier goals. Most of the ones I knoe whonhave lost quickly also regained quickly. I know everytime I've personally tried to lose quicly I failed. This time I'm going slowly, and though I haven't been 100% successfull atcyhis point, I have been losing fairly steadily since June, and have only had minor relapses, where before, I could never last 2 months.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Weight lifters are also, by definition, lifting weights during their cut, which helps to limit the lean mass lost during the cut. I feel that not lifting was my bigger mistake during my cut, not the speed of the cut.
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    Don't go be the weight number but the body fat percent I'd rather be 225 and 12-15% then 225 and 35-40%. Could I drop 10 lbs in a week absolutely would it be miserable and unhealthy absolutely. How long do you think I could maintain that? I started at 389 and did lose 11 lbs first 2 weeks was all water and just starting exercising and walking, but now at 280 much slower process.
  • fitforeternity493
    fitforeternity493 Posts: 37 Member
    I’m in the camp of it depends as I can only speak for myself. I’m currently in the 160’s as of now and have been maintaining for awhile... For me it took awhile to lose the weight because of my mind set.. I wanted results fast and instant gratification, and it absolutely was not a good thing.. I lacked discipline and proper habits... I think for me sloww and steady and not focusing on a aesthetic was the key to put me on the right path..

    Nowadays I think of my aesthetic goal of looking long and lean for the summer time and it’s absolutely possible to achieve within the next three months, which is somewhat fast in my mind.. But I have the right discipline and tools that I need to achieve my goal.

    1. You need the right tools at your grip
    2. You need to have the right motivation and discipline
    3. Lose the weight that is most sustainable for you.
    4. Results differ from person to person focus on being the best version of yourself.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    alazio wrote: »
    So I've heard it said many times that slow and steady is the way to go with weight loss. Reasons cited being that
    gradual changes in habit stick better,
    you retain more muscle mass,
    metabolism remains higher,
    more realistic to stick to than more extreme calorie restriction.

    I've always bought into that approach and have only aimed to lose ~1 pound/wk at most. But lately I've seen a lot of pushback to this way of thinking, especially from the body building community, and am curious what others think. One pro fast loss article I read posed the question (I'm paraphrasing), "do you actually know anyone who has lost noticeable weight by 1 pound a week for, say, 30 weeks? I don't." He continued, "The few people I know who dropped significant weight and kept it off did it fast, and made big changes. And they look great!" At first this struck me as simply bad advice and made me mad. BUT I couldn't shake the thought that the three people I can think of in my life who have transformed their bodies did lose quickly upon making radical changes and becoming a borderline obsessive about their diet and fitness routines.

    So what do you guys think? Different strokes for different folks? Or are you firmly on Team Fast or Team Slow?

    I've dropped 100 lbs in 16 months. I've still got a bit to lose, so I'm not ready for maintenance yet, but closing in. I just fit into a size 6 skirt today (and really fit, not 'managed to zip it up but look like a sausage in a casing in it'). I did it more slowly than necessary, i.e. never set MFP for more than 1lb/week even when I could safely lose 2. And the only 'big' changes I made were cutting back on bakery treats that I didn't feel I could ballpark the calories, or that I knew the calories and decided weren't worth it.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    It depends how much you have to loose from what I have read.

    An aggressive cut, low calorie, intense workouts can and does shred fat fast, you are not doing it long enough to damage your body, muscle loss is no more than a drawn out deficit all is good.

    If you are going to be in a deficit for a while though ... go slow so you don’t deprive your body of the nutrients it needs

    Body builders favour the 1st approach as generally they are not trying to loose 160lbs ... but 10lbs and going from 15% back down to 9%