c25k starting 1st August - support group?



  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Eeeek I skipped W1D3 was out of town since thursday until today! So going to do W2D1 tomorrow and see how I go from there!
  • Did Week 2 Day 1 today & survived! I ran 6 times last week though, the first 3 as scheduled and the last 3 for 1:15 each time to ease me into week 2. It worked. I had a bit of a stitch in my side but it went away after a bit. I no longer take water with me when I go because I drink it and get pains in my side.

    I'm going to try to run 6 days again this week but it could be tricky as I've got a friend coming to stay with me for a couple of days. I guess that will be a good test of how committed I am - if I can take a half hour out of our visit to stick with my plan that will be a good sign! There's also likely to be a hangover involved in there somewhere, so that one will be even trickier to work around ;0)

    My hubby has been running with me and instead of shuffling along at my (snails) pace, today he ran ahead and WOW, it made it really obvious just how slow and lumbering my "running" really is. But I guess I'm doing it and that's all that matters right! I'll work on pace and form later - much, much later.
  • marjen002
    marjen002 Posts: 112
    W3D1 yesterday was not too bad. I went at a slower pace to ensure I had enough stamina to endure it...and I did! (Completed approx 2.71 mi.) Tomorrow I am going at a faster pace, I'm going for the 5K. :devil:
  • sheabutt
    sheabutt Posts: 24
    W3D1 done! I was huffing & puffing & shuffling nearing the end of the 2nd 3min run. Didn't know 3min can feel soooo damn long!

    And so I'm done for the day. My thighs are aching (damn the hill) and I'm enjoying resting my legs on the CPU yet again.

    Oh Monday blues please change colour....
  • sheabutt
    sheabutt Posts: 24
    I ran 6 times last week though, the first 3 as scheduled and the last 3 for 1:15 each time to ease me into week 2.

    Don't you & your knees get tired for running 6 times per week? I'm assuming that it's consecutive days. I want to try jogging Mon-Fri but am afraid that my knees will juz buckle after a while and I'll be out for a few days and then I will have to start over.

    I've been considering doing week 1's workout alternately. Say if I'm doing the scheduled runs on Mon, Wed & Fri, I run week 1 on Tue & Thurs. Is there anyone doing this? I'm only free in the mornings, and the gyms & pools are not yet open when I'm off to work. I mean, I'm glad to have the free days, but I also feel like I'm losing out a bit by not doing anything on those free days.

    I suppose I'll figure something out. Any suggestions from you guys?
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Hey. How is everyone going?

    - are you sticking strictly to the c25k schedule?
    - have you repeated any days/weeks?
    - have you booked a 5k race to push yourself to?
    - what is holding you back?
    - what is helping you forward?
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    - are you sticking strictly to the c25k schedule?
    yes, so far
    - have you repeated any days/weeks?
    not yet although I think I might have to later on
    - have you booked a 5k race to push yourself to?
    yes! on the 30th October. If I can actually run the whole thing without walking I'll be happy
    - what is holding you back?
    My feet/shoes situation
    - what is helping you forward?
    Reading about everyone who has completed c25k and how they sound just like me and never thought they'd be able to do it. :)
  • ydeemar
    ydeemar Posts: 44
    hi guys! why is it that i only got to know of this thread now? i started c25k 1st of august as well and repeated W1D1 yesterday, i felt i was not yet ready for week 2. but as i read through your post i feel that i can, so i'll continue with w1d2 today and hope to finish the whole program with you.. :happy:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I started about a week ago, and just did W2D1. Always welcome to friends. :smile:

    Answer your questions on here-

    - are you sticking strictly to the c25k schedule?
    By the book. =)
    - have you repeated any days/weeks? Not as of yet.
    - have you booked a 5k race to push yourself to? I have one sometime in Oct 2011
    - what is holding you back? Nothing. I love this program.
    - what is helping you forward? Pushing myself. :bigsmile:
  • Hey guys glad to see everyone is doing so well. I planned to satrt week 3 this week but its been peeing down with rain so havnt went (I have to go back to work afterwards) But I really wanna do it! I think aafter my holiday Im going to join a gym and do it on the treadmill so it doesnt matter re weather but I will see :) xxx
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I did c25k w2r1 last night and IT WAS GREAT. Woohoo
  • I did c25k w2r1 last night and IT WAS GREAT. Woohoo

    Wooo hooo thats awesome great work!!! :) xxx
  • marjen002
    marjen002 Posts: 112
    W3D2 done yesterday in the afternoon heat. Needless to say, my pace was way slower than my last jog/walk, which was early am on Saturday. (For days like yesterday I sure wish I had access to a treadmill.)

    For Week 3 I've also decided to squeeze in a D4 to be better prepared for Week 4. Any advice from those already in Week 4 would be awesome!
  • keep it up just doing it at all is better than where you started! even if you repeat the week over your movin!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    I did Week 2 Day 1 yesterday!
    Anyone currently around that stage and taking about 30 minutes (including warm up and cool off walks), looking for a C25K buddy? Hit me up as a friend!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I started this week. I did Week1, day 2 yesterday.

    This is my second time doing C25k. I completed the program last year and loved it. It made me a runner. Then I fell off the wagon so I am starting over.
  • sheabutt
    sheabutt Posts: 24
    Hey. How is everyone going?

    - are you sticking strictly to the c25k schedule?
    - have you repeated any days/weeks?
    - have you booked a 5k race to push yourself to?
    - what is holding you back?
    - what is helping you forward?

    Hi! I'm doing ok, I supposed. Completed W3D2 today and I'm feeling abit tired. The 2nd 3min run really is a drag. I'm afraid just reading abt W4. *shudders*

    Anyway, here's to answering your questions.

    - are you sticking strictly to the c25k schedule?
    Ans: Kind of. Sometimes there is a lapse of 2 days in between my 1st & 2nd runs. Hehe.

    - have you repeated any days/weeks?
    Ans: So far not yet. I'm thinking maybe Week 3 might be the one to begin with.

    - have you booked a 5k race to push yourself to?
    Ans: Yes, but the only available race is in December! Well, I'll take what I get.

    - what is holding you back?
    Ans: My brain? I suck at pushing & motivating myself. Help!

    - what is helping you forward?
    Ans: Reading abt all of you who are doing this program at the same time with me. You guys ROCK!
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Tomorrow I should be doing W2D3, but I am another one having major foot pain. My right foot as well, right above where the arch of the foot is. I bought a pretty expensive pair of Nike Free Run shoes, but I guess they aren't the right shoe for me. I'm going to hit a running store tomorrow, and get my gait checked, and get recommendations for better shoes.
    In the meantime, I will give D3 a try, and see if I can get through it. I ran on the treadmill at the gym today, and did ok, but if my foot didn't hurt, I could do so much better.

    Way to go everyone, who is sticking to the program!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I started week 1 day 1 on the 6th. So far I've only completed week 1 day 2. I plan on doing day 3 this upcoming Thursday morning when I get off a 12 hour overnight shift.

    I'm not really having the same results as everyone else. I've avoided running my entire life due to health problems and also because I've never liked it. W1D1 was extremely difficult and my entire body hurt. It became abundantly apparent that running is just not my thing. W1D2 was also difficult, but not as completely horrible as day 1. My right hip really hurts when running and it takes a couple days to recover. I'm going to give it a few more tries. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to repeat week 1 in it's entirety.

    It's really kinda shocking to me, I thought I was in better shape than this. I've been exercising for a year. I've been walking for miles at a time and I do a minimum of 45 minutes on the elliptical and the stair climber. I completely fail at running. But like I said I'm going to keep trying.

    I also do not have access to a treadmill and the weather in Philadelphia is not so co-operative most of the time.
  • I really wanna fdo W3D1 today but its peeing down with rain AGAIN!! Should I just do it? Please bear in mind I have to come back to work without a shower and sit at my desk all afternoon hehe! In a change of clothes of course! :) xxx
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